GFC 3vs3 will be taking place February 27th 2021. (10:00 am Eastern)
Preregistration is now open, YOU MUST PREREGISTER TO PLAY IN THIS EVENT. ONLY THE TEAM CAPTAIN SHOULD FILL OUT THE PREREGISTRATION FORM The team captain will be responsible for filling out the form and for reporting all wins on the discord during the event, only the team captain will be able to post the tournament discord during the event. CLICK HERE TO PREREGISTER What does 3vs3 mean? You form a team of 3 players and enter into the double elimination bracket. Find two friends to form a team (create a team name) or join our Discord or Facebook Group and find partners. If you do not have a team and still wish to play we will be accepting people into a pool of players to form random teams when the event gets closer. All members of the winning team will receive invites to the Goat Format World Championships.(Does NOT include your substitute player, the substitute player can only be subbed in before round 1 of the tournament, if they are subbed in before round one they will no longer be considered the substitute player, they will be a main player. The Winning team will only receive invites for the three players who played in the event.) 3v3 Rules: All members of your team each round play a 1v1 match against another team, if 2 out 3 of members on your team win their match, then your team advances to the next round. Players will each have a label of A,B, or C and those players will play the opposite teams matching letter. Entry for this event is Free, however you must preregister. We will be begin taking registration for this event UNTIL FEBRUARY 26 website, so check back here at for more information.
0 Comments was featured on the Gate Expectations Podcast earlier this month. It is a high quality podcast featuring Yu-Gi-Oh! stars from the past and present. We were privleged to have GateGuardian44 himself on for commentary for GFC 11, be sure to check it out! The Clash of The Champions Invitational is open anyone who has won a YCS, SJC, GFC, ARG, LCS, or FLC.(or National/World Championship) The year which the tournament was won does not matter, the tournament does NOT have to be won during Goat Format.
Clash of The Champions will be a double elimination tournament held on Sunday April 25th 2021 at 10:00 AM Eastern, the first place prize will be an invitation to the 2021 Goat Format World Championships. Please post in the comments section what champions you want to see come out for this event! (To enter this event those qualified must message Nick Palermo (Skully) via either E-mail ([email protected]), Facebook, or Discord with your name, the tournament you won, and proof of ID.) Check out the hall of 1st place deck list from the most prestigious goat format tournaments in modern history.
Skully and Goat Format World Championship runner up Dale Bellido discuss what they believe to the 2021 Tier List for Goat Format.
YOOO WTF IS GOIN ON!?!? ITS YA BOI, RRAAANNDAAAGE!! I'm BACK from hiatus and what better way to celebrate this MONUMENTAL return, than to renew the most critically acclaimed and restrictive tournament series in Goat Format history known as... SLEEPER META!? Yes! This will be the 5th installment of Sleeper Meta, focusing around EXODIA. One of the most FORBIDDEN brick deck and legendary mascots of Yugioh. You'd better stock up on Reloads, here's everything you need to know about SLEEPER META 5: THE FORBIDDEN ONE.
GFC 3vs3 will be taking place February 27th 2021. (10:00 am Eastern)
What does 3vs3 mean? You form a team of 3 players and enter into the double elimination bracket. Find two friends to form a team (create a team name) or join our Discord or Facebook Group and find partners. If you do not have a team and still wish to play we will be accepting people into a pool of players to form random teams when the event gets closer. All members of the winning team will receive invites to the Goat Format World Championships. 3v3 Rules: All members of your team each round play a 1v1 match against another team, if 2 out 3 of members on your team win their match, then your team advances to the next round. Players will each have a label of A,B, or C and those players will play the opposite teams matching letter. Entry for this event is Free, however you must pre-register. We will be begin taking registration for this event mid February on the website, so check back here at for more information. With 139 duelists in participation, Goat Format Championship 11 was the largest online Goat Format tournament of all time! All top four competitors will be competing in this year's Goat Format World Championships. What type of person do you have to be in order to reach such heights? Read more to find out!
Congratulations to Phillip Rospenda (TwistedFate/Bakura1994), who defeated 138 other duelists to win the largest live online Goat Format Tournament of all time and becoming a Goat Format Champion! All top four competitors have qualified for this year's Goat Format World Championships. Check out the top 8 Deck Lists below!
Combo decks have had their share of the limelight from time to time. Library FTK and Empty Jar have both had top placements in recent events, including MMF's tied 5th place finish in our world championship event with the latter. Thanks to their complexity, though, these decks can be tiring to pilot. User Woawa decided to enter the tournament with something a little more straight-forward, while still sticking to the combo spirit. His deck of choice? Last Turn!
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