Individual Rulings (D-E)
Netrep Rulings:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Netrep Q&As:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Card Errata:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Netrep Q&As:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Netrep Q&As:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Q&As:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Card Errata:
Netrep Rulings:
Netrep Q&As:
Netrep Rulings:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Q&As:
Individual Card FAQs:
Card Errata:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Q&As:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Netrep Q&As:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Netrep Q&As:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Q&As:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Netrep Rulings:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Netrep Rulings:
Netrep Q&As:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Q&As:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Netrep Rulings:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Netrep Q&As:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Netrep Q&As:
Individual Card FAQs:
Netrep Rulings:
Netrep Rulings:
- The effect of “D.D. Borderline” refers to all Spell Cards: Normal, Equip, Field, Continuous, Ritual, and Quick-play.
Netrep Rulings:
- “D.D. Crazy Beast” must remain face-up on the field to remove a monster from the field due to an attack. Monsters that destroy “D.D. Crazy Beast” or return “D.D. Crazy Beast” to the hand as a result of being attacked or destroyed will not be removed from play as a result of “D.D. Crazy Beast.”
Individual Card FAQs:
- You can't activate "D. D. Designator" if you have no cards in your hand, or if "D. D. Designator" is the only card in your hand.
- If you have your opponent's card in your hand because of "Exchange", you can remove it from play if you name a card your opponent doesn't have in his hand.
- You declare the card name when you activate "D. D. Designator".
- If your opponent has no cards in his hand when "D. D. Designator" resolves, the effect of "D. D. Designator" is negated.
- You can't activate "D. D. Designator" when your opponent has no cards in his hand.
- If you activate "D. D. Designator" and your opponent has 2 copies of the same card in hand, you (the player who activated "D. D. Designator") select which of the 2 cards is removed from play (this can be important if your opponent holds your card because of "Exchange").
Netrep Rulings:
- You MUST have another card in your hand besides “D. D. Designator” in order to activate this card.
- If you no longer have an additional card in your hand when “D. D. Designator” resolves (for example, if you activate “Type Zero Magic Crusher’s” effect in a chain), then “D. D. Designator’s” effect disappears.
- If “Reload” is chained to the activation of “D.D. Designator,” “Reload” must resolve first before the hand is revealed for the effect of “D.D. Designator.”
Individual Card FAQs:
- Count the number of cards removed from play when “D. D. Dynamite” resolves, not when it is activated.
Individual Card FAQs:
- It is the OWNER of "D. D. Scout Plane" that Special Summons it. Even if your opponent controls your "D. D. Scout Plane", if it is removed from play, you get to Special Summon it.
- If you don't have a vacant Monster Card Zone when "D. D. Scout Plane" would be Special Summoned, "D. D. Scout Plane" is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard.
- "D. D. Scout Plane"'s effect activates whether it is removed from your hand, Deck, Graveyard, or the field.
- If "D. D. Scout Plane" is removed from play and is face-down while out of play, such as with "Lightforce Sword" or "Different Dimension Capsule", "D. D. Scout Plane"'s effect does not activate. But if "D. D. Scout Plane" was face-down on the field, and was removed by "Nobleman of Crossout", it is placed face-up while out of play and its effect does activate.
- If "D. D. Scout Plane" is face-down on the field while "Banisher of the Light" is in play, and "D. D. Scout Plane" is destroyed by "Raigeki Break", it is removed from play and its effect activates because it is placed face-up out of play.
- If "D. D. Scout Plane" is destroyed by "Dark Ruler Ha Des" and then removed from play to Special Summon "Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End", "D. D. Scout Plane"'s effect activates and it will be Special Summoned.
- If "D. D. Scout Plane" is destroyed by "Lesser Fiend", "D. D. Scout Plane"'s effect activates and it is Special Summoned even if "Dark Ruler Ha Des" was also in play when it was destroyed.
- If "D. D. Scout Plane" is removed during an End Phase, it is Special Summoned with its effect during that same End Phase.
- "D. D. Scout Plane"'s effect can only activate once during the same End Phase, so if a combo of "Banisher of the Light" and "King Tiger Wanghu" is set up, "D. D. Scout Plane" will only be Special Summoned once.
- If "D. D. Scout Plane" is removed from play and then returned to the Graveyard with "Miracle Dig" the same turn, its effect is reset and it remains in the Graveyard and is not Special Summoned.
- If "Prohibition" was used and "D. D. Scout Plane" is prohibited, "D. D. Scout Plane" cannot be Special Summoned and remains removed from play.
- If "D. D. Scout Plane" is removed from play with "Different Dimension Gate", "D. D. Scout Plane"'s effect activates and "D. D. Scout Plane" is Special Summoned. If "Different Dimension Gate" is later destroyed, the other removed monster is returned to the field at that time.
Individual Card FAQs:
- You don't have to activate "D. D. Warrior Lady"'s effect if you don't want to.
- When your “D. D. Warrior Lady” attacks your opponent's “Fiber Jar”, if you activate her effect then “Fiber Jar” is Step 1 of the chain, because it is mandatory, and “D. D. Warrior Lady” is Step 2 of the chain because it is an optional effect. "D. D. Warrior Lady” removes from play both monsters, and then resolve the effect of “Fiber Jar”. “D. D. Warrior Lady” and “Fiber Jar” are not shuffled into the Deck.
- When your “D. D. Warrior Lady” attacks “Wall of Illusion”, if you activate her effect then “Wall of Illusion” is Step 1 of the chain, because it is mandatory, and “D. D. Warrior Lady” is Step 2 of the chain because it is an optional effect. The effect of “D. D. Warrior Lady” removes from play both monsters, then the effect of “Wall of Illusion” disappears, since the attacking monster is no longer on the field.
- If your "D. D. Warrior Lady" attacks your opponent's "D. D. Warrior Lady", your "D. D. Warrior Lady" is Step 1 of the chain and your opponent's is Step 2, and when Step 2 resolves, both "D. D. Warrior Lady" cards are removed from play and your "D. D. Warrior Lady"'s effect disappears.
Netrep Rulings:
- Any time “D.D. Warrior Lady” is involved in battle, the controller of “D.D. Warrior Lady” may use its effect, regardless of if it inflicts damage.
- If “D.D. Warrior Lady” is destroyed by “Dark Ruler Ha Des”, “Dark Balter the Terrible,” or a monster equipped with “Wicked Breaking Flamberge – Baou,” “D.D. Warrior Lady” will not receive its effect.
- “D.D. Warrior Lady’s” effect is not targeting.
- If “Skill Drain” is active when “D.D. Warrior Lady’s” effect resolves, the effect of “D.D. Warrior Lady” is negated.
Individual Card FAQs:
- The effect of “D. D. Survivor” activates during the End Phase if “D. D. Survivor” is currently removed from play. It does NOT activate at the moment he is removed from play. You can chain to this effect.
- You can activate “Divine Wrath” against the effect of “D. D. Survivor” when it activates during the End Phase. In this case, “D. D. Survivor” is not actually Special Summoned. “D. D. Survivor” remains removed from play (its effect doesn’t activate again).
- If “Skill Drain” is active when “D. D. Survivor” is removed from play, it is still Special Summoned because its effect activates during the End Phase while it is removed from play.
- If you have no open Monster Card Zones during your End Phase, and “D. D. Survivor” is currently removed from play, he is not Special Summoned.
- If “D. D. Survivor” is removed from play, then placed in the Graveyard with “Miracle Dig”, he is not Special Summoned.
- If “D. D. Survivor” is removed from play with “Dimensionhole”, and “D. D. Survivor” is Special Summoned by its effect, the effect of “Dimensionhole” ends (freeing up the “occupied” Monster Card Zone) even though the effect of “Dimensionhole” did not return “D. D. Survivor” to the field.
- If “D. D. Survivor” or “D. D. Scout Plane” is removed from play with “Interdimensional Matter Transporter”, you can choose whether it is Special Summoned (with its effect) or returned to the field (with “Interdimensional Matter Transporter”).
Individual Card FAQs:
- “Set”, as a verb (as in the first sentence of “D.D. Trap Hole”), means placing a monster face-down. So you can activate “D.D. Trap Hole” when your opponent Sets a monster from the hand, or Special Summons a monster face-down with “The Shallow Grave”, or flips his monster face-down with a card effect.
- “Set”, as an adjective (as in the second sentence of “D.D. Trap Hole”), means a face-down monster. So if “Ceasefire” is chained to “D.D. Trap Hole”, the effect of “D.D. Trap Hole” disappears because the opponent’s monster is no longer Set.
- If either targeted monster is removed from play before “D.D. Trap Hole” resolves, then the effect of “D.D. Trap Hole” disappears.
- You cannot activate “D.D. Trap Hole” during the damage step.
- If your opponent Sets more than 1 monster simultaneously, as with “Cyber Jar”, you cannot activate “D.D. Trap Hole”. You can only activate it when your opponent Sets 1 (and only 1) monster. (In the case of “The Shallow Grave” your opponent is only Setting 1 monster, even though you are Setting 1 too. So you can activate “D.D. Trap Hole”.)
- You can select a Token as your monster to destroy and remove from play from your side of the field for “D.D. Trap Hole”.
- “D.D. Trap Hole” is an effect that targets. It targets 1 of your monsters and your opponent’s monster that was just Set.
- If you select your monster equipped with “Heavy Mech Support Platform” for your monster to destroy with “D.D. Trap Hole”, then “Heavy Mech Support Platform” is destroyed instead and is sent to the Graveyard. Your opponent’s monster is destroyed and removed from play.
Individual Card FAQs:
- Discarding a Spell Card is a cost. The effect of this monster targets a face-up monster that is removed from play. If “D.D.M. – Different Dimension Master” is flipped face-down or removed from the field, its effect resets and you can use it again that same turn if you can get him face-up on the field again.
- If the opponent chains “Book of Moon” to his effect and flips “D.D.M. – Different Dimension Master” face-down, you still resolve his effect.
- You cannot Special Summon a monster that was removed from play face-down using “Lightforce Sword” or “Different Dimension Capsule”.
- “D.D.M. – Different Dimension Master” can Special Summon monsters in the “removed zone” of its controller. If your opponent controls your monster because of “Creature Swap” and it is removed from play, you can Special Summon it with “D.D.M. – Different Dimension Master” because it is in your removed zone. When the effect of “D.D.M. – Different Dimension Master” is used, the target monster is Special Summoned to the field of the player who controls “D.D.M. – Different Dimension Master”.
Individual Card FAQs:
- When this card and "DNA Surgery" are both active on the field, whichever one resolved last will dominate.
Netrep Rulings:
- If “Dancing Fairy” is changed to Defense Position by the effect of “Zero Gravity” in the Standby Phase, the controller of “Dancing Fairy” will gain 1000 Life Points.
Individual Card FAQs:
- The first sentence of this card’s text means that monsters such as "Beastking of the Swamps" cannot be used as a substitute for one of the required Fusion Material Monsters. You CAN use the effect of "Magical Scientist" or "Summoner of Illusions" to Special Summon this card like any other Fusion Monster.
- You can only use this card’s effect to negate Normal Spell Cards, not Quick-Play, Equip, Continuous, Field, or Ritual Spell Cards. This effect is a Multi-Trigger Effect, so it is Spell Speed 2 and may be activated during the opponent’s turn.
- This card’s effect only negates the effect of a Spell Card when it is activated, not the activation. So if your opponent activates "Swords of Revealing Light" and you activate the effect of this card to negate it, it will remain meaninglessly on the field for 3 turns. Its effect will remain negated for all 3 turns even if "Dark Balter the Terrible" is later destroyed.
- This card’s effect to negate the effect of Effect Monsters that it destroys as a result of battle is a separate effect from the other one; you do not pay Life Points to activate it. This effect works the same as the effect of "Dark Ruler Ha Des"; see that card’s rulings for more details.
Netrep Rulings:
- “Dark Balter the Terrible” must destroy a monster to negate that monster’s effect.
- Monsters that were destroyed by “Dark Balter the Terrible” and leave the Graveyard will no longer have their effects negated.
- “Dark Balter the Terrible” does not negate Special Summoning restrictions from the Graveyard, including those of “Tyrant Dragon,” “Dark Ruler Ha Des,” and “Helpoemer.” If “Dark Balter the Terrible” destroys a Flip-Effect monster, the Flip-Effect monster’s effect is negated.
- If “Dark Balter the Terrible” destroys “Marie the Fallen One” in battle, “Marie the Fallen One’s” Graveyard effect of ‘increase the players Life Points by 200 each Standby Phase’ is negated.
- If “Dark Balter the Terrible” attacks a face up attack position “Reflect Bounder”, “Reflect Bounder’s” effect of inflicting Damage equal to the ATK of the attacking monster will not be negated. If “Dark Balter the Terrible” destroys “Reflect Bounder,” “Reflect Bounder” will be considered destroyed as a result of Battle and not as a result of “Reflect Bounder’s” effect.
- If “Dark Balter the Terrible” destroys “Sinister Serpent” in battle, “Sinister Serpent’s” effect of returning to the hand from the Graveyard during the Standby Phase is negated.
- Since “Dark Balter the Terrible” cannot destroy “Spirit Reaper” in battle because of “Spirit Reaper’s” effect, “Spirit Reaper” is not destroyed nor negated by “Dark Balter the Terrible.”
- If “Dark Balter the Terrible” destroys “Witch of the Black Forest,” “Witch of the Black Forest’s” effect is negated and “Witch of the Black Forest” will not receive its searching effect.
Netrep Q&As:
- Q: If “Dark Balter the Terrible” attacks a Monster Token, will it negate the effect of that Monster Token?
A: It would not stop the effect, because the effect comes from the monster that created the token and not from the token itself. Curtis Schultz, 01/25/2004
Individual Card FAQs:
- The effect of "Dark Blade the Dragon Knight" targets up to 3 Monster Cards in the Graveyard, so you select the monsters when the effect is activated.
Individual Card FAQs:
- "Dark Cat With White Tail"'s effect targets, so the targets are chosen at activation of its effect.
- If "Ring of Destruction" is chained to "Dark Cat With White Tail"'s effect, and destroys some of the selected monsters, or destroys the cat itself, the cat's effect still resolves as normal.
- To activate "Dark Cat With White Tail"'s effect, there must be a minimum of 2 monsters on your opponent's side of the field and a minimum of 1 monster on your side of the field.
- When "Dark Cat With White Tail" is attacked, flipped, and destroyed by an attack, you cannot select the cat itself for its effect so if the cat was your only monster, the cat's effect is not applied.
Netrep Rulings:
- The Flip Effect of “Dark Cat with White Tail” is not optional. If there are not enough monsters on the respective fields to satisfy “Dark Cat with White Tail’s” effect, “Dark Cat with White Tail’s” effect disappears.
Individual Card FAQs:
- The effect that places a counter on “Dark Catapulter” is a Trigger Effect that starts a chain.
- “Dark Catapulter’s” effect that destroys Spell & Trap Cards is an Ignition Effect that targets.
- Removing cards from your Graveyard is a cost to activate the effect of “Dark Catapulter”. If you do not have enough cards in your Graveyard to match the number of counters on “Dark Catapulter”, you cannot activate the effect.
- If the number of counters on “Dark Catapulter” is more than the number of Spell & Trap Cards on the field, you cannot activate the effect.
- If you activate the effect of “Dark Catapulter”, and then chain “Emergency Provisions” to reduce the number of Spell & Trap Cards on the field so that the number is fewer than the number of counters on “Dark Catapulter”, the effect of “Dark Catapulter” still resolves. Destroy as many Spell & Trap cards as possible in this case.
- If “Dark Catapulter” is flipped face-down or removed from the field, all counters on it are removed for no effect.
- If “Skill Drain” is activated, all counters on “Dark Catapulter” are removed for no effect.
Individual Card FAQs:
- This card is only activated if sent from the field to the Graveyard. There is no way to activate this card while it is Set on the field.
- The effect of "Dark Coffin" is activated in the Graveyard, so its effect is activated even if "Jinzo" is on the field, because "Jinzo" only applies to Trap Cards and Trap Card effects on the field. Also, cards like "Seven Tools of the Bandit" cannot be used against "Dark Coffin".
- "Dark Coffin" activates its effect even if it is destroyed on the same turn it was Set.
- If "Banisher of the Light" is in play, then "Dark Coffin" does not activate its effect when destroyed, because it is not sent to the Graveyard.
- You cannot choose an effect you cannot fulfill, so if you have no cards in your hand, you cannot choose to discard for "Dark Coffin".
- "Dark Coffin" activates its effect even if you destroy your own "Dark Coffin".
Netrep Rulings:
- “Dark Coffin” does not need to have been Set a turn to trigger its effect if it is destroyed.
- The effect of “Dark Coffin” activates regardless of which player destroys “Dark Coffin” and sends it to the Graveyard.
- If the opponent of the controller of “Dark Coffin” cannot fulfill one of the two conditions of “Dark Coffin,” the other condition must be fulfilled.
- “Dark Coffin’s” effect is not negated by cards like “Jinzo” or “Royal Decree” since “Dark Coffin’s” effect activates in the Graveyard.”
Individual Card FAQs:
- Discarding 1 card from your hand is a cost.
- This card targets. The target of "Dark Core" is selected at activation of "Dark Core".
- If "Ring of Destruction" is chained to "Dark Core", and destroys the monster targeted by "Dark Core", then the effect of "Dark Core" disappears.
Individual Card FAQs:
- If you activate "Dark Designator" and your opponent says he/she has no cards in their Deck of that name, you may check the Deck to verify.
- You cannot declare a nonexistent card for "Dark Designator".
- Your opponent must show you the card added to his hand.
Netrep Rulings:
- If the player required to search for the Monster Card designated by “Dark Designator’s” effect does not have the specified card in his/her Deck, the controller of “Dark Designator” may search the opponent’s Deck to verify this.
Netrep Rulings:
- The payment of 1000 Life Points is a cost to declare an attack with “Dark Elf.”
- If a Replay is triggered when “Dark Elf” attacks, the 1000 Life Points is not refunded.
Individual Card FAQs:
- You select the 2 Normal Monsters when you activate "Dark Factory of Mass Production".
- This card targets 2 monsters.
- If your opponent chains an effect like "Disappear" to remove 1 of the 2 selected monsters from your Graveyard, you still add the remaining Normal Monster to your hand.
Individual Card FAQs:
- The "damage" referred to by "Dark Flare Knight" is Battle Damage.
Netrep Rulings:
- One “Mirage Knight” may be summoned for each “Dark Flare Knight” destroyed as a result of Battle.
- If “Dark Ruler Ha Des” destroys “Dark Flare Knight” as a result of battle, “Dark Flare Knight’s” effect of being able to Special Summon “Mirage Knight” will be negated.
Individual Card FAQs:
- If the monster selected by "Dark Jeroid" is removed from the field by "Dimensionhole", or flipped face-down, or returned to the hand or Deck, or sent to the Graveyard, etc., the effect of "Dark Jeroid" is reset and the selected monster no longer has a lowered ATK.
- If "Dark Jeroid" is the only monster on the field when it is Summoned, it reduces its own ATK.
- The ATK cannot go below zero.
Netrep Rulings:
- Dark Jeroid’s effect is Targeting.
- If “Dark Jeroid” is the only face-up monster when “Dark Jeroid” is Summoned, “Dark Jeroid” must target itself for its effect.
- “Dark Jeroid” only gets its effect when it is Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned, or Special Summoned. It does not get its effect when it is Flipped.
- “Dark Jeroid” does not get its effect if Flipped as a result of an Effect or as a result of Battle.
- If the monster affected by “Dark Jeroid” is turned face-down or leaves the field, the effect of “Dark Jeroid” disappears.
Individual Card FAQs:
- If you activate "Dark Magic Attack", and the "Dark Magician" is removed from the field with "Interdimensional Matter Transporter" or "Compulsory Evacuation Device", or flipped face-down with "Book of Moon", or destroyed by "Ring of Destruction", "Dark Magic Attack"'s effect still resolves.
Card Errata:
- When this card is Normal Summoned or Special Summoned, you can add 1 Spell Card from your Graveyard to your hand. A monster that is destroyed by this monster as a result of battle is removed from play instead of going to the Graveyard. If this face-up card is destroyed or removed from the field, it is removed from play.
Individual Card FAQs:
- Missing the Timing: If “Dark Magician of Chaos” is Special Summoned in the middle of a chain (if it is not the last effect in the chain to resolve), the timing will not be correct for its Optional Trigger Effect, so you do NOT return a Spell Card from your Graveyard to your hand.
- You can Special Summon "Dark Magician of Chaos" with "Monster Reborn", and then return the "Monster Reborn" to your hand with "Dark Magician of Chaos"' effect.
- If you Special Summon "Dark Magician of Chaos" face-down with "The Shallow Grave", its effect does not activate.
- When "Dark Magician of Chaos" is Special Summoned with "Reasoning", his effect activates.
- When multiple "Dark Magicians of Chaos" are Special Summoned simultaneously, all of their effects activate; the controller starts putting their effects on a chain.
- When you Tribute Summon "Dark Magician of Chaos" with "Sangan" or "Burning Algae", those cards effects are Step 1 of the chain, and "Dark Magician of Chaos"' effect is Step 2.
- When you Special Summon "Dark Magician of Chaos" with "Last Turn", you can activate "Dark Magician of Chaos"' effect.
- "Dark Magician of Chaos"' effect targets 1 Spell Card in the Graveyard, so it will be negated by "Necrovalley" or "The End of Anubis".
- The Spell Card is chosen at activation of "Dark Magician of Chaos"'s effect, so your opponent could chain "Disappear" or "Graverobber" to deny you that Spell Card.
- If "Dark Magician of Chaos" attacks a face-down "Fiber Jar" or "Cyber Jar", the Jar is removed from play but its effect is activated.
- If "Dark Magician of Chaos" attacks a monster with equal ATK, both monsters are removed from play.
- When "Dark Magician of Chaos" is sent to your hand by "Penguin Soldier", it is removed from play instead.
- When "Fiber Jar" resolves, "Dark Magician of Chaos" is removed from play instead of returning to the Deck.
- When "Dark Magician of Chaos" is removed from play by "Interdimensional Matter Transporter", it is removed from play but will return to play as normal due to "Interdimensional Matter Transporter"'s effect.
- When a face-down "Dark Magician of Chaos" is destroyed, it is NOT removed from play.
- If "Dark Magician of Chaos" is equipped to "Relinquished", and is destroyed, then "Dark Magician of Chaos" is removed from play. While "Dark Magician of Chaos" is equipped to "Relinquished", you cannot select "Dark Magician of Chaos" as a card to send to the Graveyard for the effect of "Emergency Provisions".
- While "Skill Drain" is active, the first and second effects of "Dark Magician of Chaos" are negated, but the 3rd effect is not negated.
Netrep Rulings:
- If “Dark Magician of Chaos” destroys a face-down Flip Effect monster in battle, the Flip Effect will resolve before that monster is removed from play.
- “Dark Magician of Chaos’s” effect of retrieving a Spell Card from the Graveyard does not activate if “Dark Magician of Chaos” is Special Summoned face-down.
- “Dark Magician of Chaos’s” effect of removing itself from play activates at any instant of “Dark Magician of Chaos” being removed from the field.
Individual Card FAQs:
- Because "Dark Master - Zorc"'s effect is a Ignition Effect, you roll the die during Main Phase 1 or 2 of your turn only.
- If you roll a 6, "Dark Master - Zorc" is also destroyed.
Netrep Rulings:
- If "Dark Master - Zorc" leaves the field after performing its die roll effect, it may activate its die roll effect again if it returns to the field in the controller's Main Phase.
Netrep Q&As:
- Q: When is the target for “Dark Master – Zorc” chosen and will the effect be considered targeting if the dice roll is 3, 4, or 5? A: When you activate the effect of "Dark Master - Zorc," you have no idea what is going to happen. Due to this, the effect cannot declare any target at activation. Curtis Schultz, 02/15/2004
Individual Card FAQs:
- If you take control of your opponent’s "Dark Mimic LV1" with "Snatch Steal", you can send it to the Graveyard during your Standby Phase to Special Summon your "Dark Mimic LV3".
- You can use "Level Up!" to send "Dark Mimic LV3" to the Graveyard in order to Special Summon "Dark Mimic LV1" because it is mentioned in "Dark Mimic LV3"’s card text.
- If you use "Level Up!" and send "Dark Mimic LV1" to the Graveyard to Special Summon "Dark Mimic LV3", then "Dark Mimic LV3" was Special Summoned by the effect of "Level Up!", not by the effect of "Dark Mimic LV1". So you only draw 1 card when "Dark Mimic LV3" is sent to the Graveyard as a result of battle.
- If "Dark Mimic LV3" is Special Summoned by the effect of "Dark Mimic LV1", and is then sent to the Graveyard and revived with "Monster Reborn", you cannot draw 2 cards for "Dark Mimic LV3" because it was Special Summoned by the effect of "Monster Reborn", not by the effect of "Dark Mimic LV1".
- If "Dark Mimic LV3" is Special Summoned by the effect of "Dark Mimic LV1" and the opponent Summons "Tsukuyomi" to flip "Dark Mimic LV3" face-down and then attacks it, you will only draw 1 card because its effect was reset when it was flipped face-down.
- The activation timing of "Dark Mimic LV3"’s effect when it is sent to the Graveyard (as a result of battle).
- If your opponent takes control of your "Dark Mimic LV3" and it is sent to the Graveyard as a result of battle, the owner draws a card because its effect activates in the Graveyard.
Individual Card FAQs:
- "Dark Mirror Force" doesn't stop the attack.
- Both face-up and face-down Defense Position monsters are removed from play.
- You can't activate "Dark Mirror Force" if your opponent doesn't have any Defense Position monsters.
Individual Card FAQs:
- You only remove the 3 Fiend-Type monsters in your Graveyard from play when you Special Summon "Dark Necrofear" from your hand. If you successfully Special Summon it using this method, and then wish to use "Monster Reborn" to Special Summon it from the Graveyard, you do not have to remove 3 more Fiend-Type monsters from the Graveyard.
- If "Banisher of the Light" is on the field when "Dark Necrofear" is destroyed, the "Dark Necrofear" is removed from play and does not return as an Equip Spell Card.
- If "Imperial Order" is active when "Dark Necrofear" is destroyed while a Monster Card, it must still be equipped to your opponent’s monster, but you will not gain control of it because its effect is negated by "Imperial Order".
- If all 5 of your Spell / Trap Card Zones are full during your End Phase of the turn "Dark Necrofear" was destroyed while a Monster Card, you cannot activate its effect, and the effect disappears.
- If "Dark Necrofear" is destroyed, you can Special Summon it from your Graveyard with "Monster Reborn", "Premature Burial", etc. before your End Phase, and its effect will be reset.
- If this card was discarded from your hand by an opponent’s card effect, such as "Confiscation" it does not become an Equip Spell Card during the End Phase, since it was not destroyed.
- If the Special Summoning of "Dark Necrofear" is negated and "Dark Necrofear" is destroyed by the effect of "Solemn Judgment" or "Horn of Heaven", it will become an Equip Spell Card during the End Phase.
- "Tailor of the Fickle" or "Collected Power" can be used to move "Dark Necrofear" from one monster to another after it is an Equip Spell Card. "Fairy’s Hand Mirror" or "Shift" cannot be used when "Dark Necrofear" first becomes an Equip Spell Card and is equipped to your opponent’s monster.
- If it is destroyed by your opponent’s "Harpie’s Feather Duster", "Dust Tornado", etc. while it is an Equip Spell Card, "Dark Necrofear" will NOT return during the End Phase since it was NOT destroyed while a Monster Card.
- If your "Dark Necrofear" is destroyed on your opponent’s side of the field, by either player’s card effect, it will not activate during the End Phase. It must be on your side of the field and sent to your Graveyard when it is destroyed for its effect to activate.
Netrep Rulings:
- “Dark Necrofear’s” "equipping" effect is considered Targeting. “Dark Necrofear’s” "equipping" effect follows all restrictions of Equip Spell Cards.
- “Dark Necrofear’s” "equipping" effect may not be negated by “Magic Jammer”, “Spell Shield Type 8,” or similar cards as “Dark Necrofear” is not activated as a Spell Card.
- If “Dark Necrofear” is destroyed in the same End Phase that it equips itself to a monster, “Dark Necrofear” will not equip itself to another monster.
- If “Dark Necrofear” does not equip a monster during the same End Phase it was destroyed in, “Dark Necrofear’s” effect disappears.
- If the monster equipped with “Dark Necrofear” is flipped face-down by the effect of “Book of Moon,” the monster will remain under the control of the controller of “Dark Necrofear.” “Dark Necrofear” will be sent to the Graveyard as it no longer has a legal target and will not reactive it’s equipment effect.
- If “Imperial Order” is activated while “Dark Necrofear” is equipped to a monster, “Imperial Order” will negate “Dark Necrofear’s” effect and return control to the previous controller for as long as “Imperial Order” is active. If “Imperial Order” is later negated or removed from the field, “Dark Necrofear’s” effect will no longer be negated and control of the equipped monster will return to the controller of “Dark Necrofear.”
- If “Solemn Judgment” is used to negate the Special Summon of “Dark Necrofear,” “Dark Necrofear” will activate its equipping effect during the End Phase of that turn as “Solemn Judgment” destroyed “Dark Necrofear.” “Dark Necrofear” will not be able to be Special Summoned from the Graveyard as its Summon was negated.
- If the monster equipped with “Dark Necrofear” changes control as a result of “Change of Heart,” that monster will remain under the new controller’s control for the duration of the turn, after which it will return to the controller of “Dark Necrofear."
- If the monster equipped with “Dark Necrofear” changes control as a result of “Snatch Steal,” the player who activated “Snatch Steal” will maintain control of that monster until “Snatch Steal” is removed from the field or negated. The player controlling “Dark Necrofear” will gain 1000 Life Points per Standby Phase as per the effect of “Snatch Steal.”
Netrep Q&As:
- Q: Does “Dark Necrofear’s” effect activate if you have a full Monster field?
A: If your Monster Zone is full, you cannot activate the effect of "Dark Necrofear" and the effect disappears. bishop 02/23/2004 - Q: If “Dark Necrofear’s” ATK value is lowered upon summoning and targeted by “Chain Destruction”, will the other copies of “Dark Necrofear”, which were destroyed by “Chain Destruction” activate?
A: Yes the “Dark Necrofears” would activate their effects during the End Phase, since they were destroyed by an opponent’s card effect. Keep in mind that they would not be able to be Special Summoned from the Graveyard as a monster though, since they were never Special Summoned once before via their effect. Curtis Schultz, 01/21/2004 - Q: If “Dark Necrofear” is equipped to an opponent's monster, giving me control of it, and my opponent uses a card such as “Mystical Space Typhoon,” to destroy “Dark Necrofear”, can I activate "A Deal With Dark Ruler" when “Dark Necrofear” hits the graveyard?
A: "Dark Necrofear" was an Equip Spell Card at the time it was destroyed by "Mystical Space Typhoon" and sent to the Graveyard. It was not a monster. Because of this, you would not be able to activate "A Deal with Dark Ruler." Curtis Schultz, 03/04/2004
Individual Card FAQs:
- "Dark Paladin" cannot be Special Summoned, EXCEPT by Fusion Summon. So you cannot Special Summon "Dark Paladin" using "Monster Reborn", etc., even if he was properly Summoned before. You cannot Special Summon "Dark Paladin" using "Magical Scientist", etc.
- You can use "substitute" Fusion Material Monsters such as "Goddess With the Third Eye", etc. to Fusion Summon "Dark Paladin".
- "Dark Paladin"'s Spell-negating effect is a Multi-Trigger Effect, so it can be activated during your opponent's turn.
- You can activate "Dark Paladin"'s Spell-negating effect multiple times in the same chain.
- "Dark Paladin"'s Spell-negating effect can be chained to.
- If you activate "Dark Paladin"'s Spell-negating effect, and your opponent chains "Ring of Destruction" to destroy "Dark Paladin", the Spell Card is still negated even though "Dark Paladin" is destroyed.
- If you activate "Dark Paladin"'s Spell-negating effect, and your opponent chains "Book of Moon" to flip "Dark Paladin" face-down, the Spell Card is still negated even though "Dark Paladin" is face-down.
- "Dark Paladin"'s +500 ATK effect is a Continuous Effect. While "Skill Drain" is active, the effects of "Dark Paladin" are negated.
Netrep Rulings:
- “Dark Paladin” may be summoned with the aid of Fusion Substitution Monsters like “Goddess with the Third Eye.”
- The effect of “Dark Paladin” may be activated in the Damage Step.
Individual Card FAQs:
- A cost is not damage so this card’s effect does not apply against "Chain Energy", or costs for "Imperial Order", etc.
Netrep Q&As:
- Q: Would the opponent receive damage from “Dark Room of Nightmare” when losing Life Points from the effects of “Toll” and “Chain Energy”?
A: The effect of “Toll” and “Chain Energy” is not damage, so “Dark Room of Nightmare” will have no involvement in those card’s effects. Curtis Schultz, 01/22/2004
Individual Card FAQs:
- This card’s effect includes itself, as long as it remains a Fiend-Type monster.
- Flip Effects and effects that activate in the Graveyard WILL be negated. This includes "Sinister Serpent", "Sangan", "Witch of the Black Forest", "Marie the Fallen One", "Mystic Tomato", "Giant Rat", "Masked Dragon", "Magician of Faith", "Man-Eater Bug", "Nimble Momonga", "Twin-Headed Behemoth", etc.
- Monster effects that activate after damage calculation will be negated if your Fiend-Type monster destroys the opposing Effect Monster. Examples include "D.D. Warrior Lady", "Thousand Needles", "Slate Warrior", "Ryu Kokki", and "Wall of Illusion".
- If an Effect Monster, destroyed by a Fiend-Type monster while "Dark Ruler Ha Des" is on the field, is returned from the Graveyard to the hand or Special Summoned from the Graveyard, its effect will be active again. Its effect may be negated again if destroyed by "Dark Ruler Ha Des" or another Fiend-Type monster.
- If one of these Effect Monsters is removed from play (by "Soul Release" for example) and then returned to the Graveyard with "Miracle Dig", the negation condition was lost and the effects will now be active.
- If "Kisetai" is attacked by a Fiend-Type monster while "Dark Ruler Ha Des" is on the field, its effect prevents damage calculation, so it is not destroyed and its effect is NOT negated.
- If "Sinister Serpent", "Twin-Headed Behemoth", or "Marie the Fallen One" is destroyed by a Fiend-Type monster when this card is on the field, they will not activate on any following turn. So during your opponent’s next Standby Phase, and each of his/her following Standby Phases, they may NOT move "Sinister Serpent" to their hand, Special Summon "Twin-Headed Behemoth", and they will NOT gain Life Points by the effect of "Marie the Fallen One". This negation continues even if "Dark Ruler Ha Des" is later removed from the field.
- If your Fiend-Type monster battles with "Relinquished" equipped with a "Sangan" or a "Witch of the Black Forest" and the equipped card is destroyed instead of "Relinquished", the effect of "Sangan", etc., will activate since it was the effect of "Relinquished" that destroyed it. It was not destroyed as a result of battle with the Fiend-Type monster.
- If your "Dark Ruler Ha Des" or other Fiend-Type monster destroys "Tyrant Dragon" as a result of battle, a Dragon-Type monster must still be Tributed when "Tyrant Dragon" is Special Summoned from the Graveyard. This is because Tributing a Dragon-Type monster is a condition on the Summoning of the card; it is not part of the effect. For the same reason, if a Spirit Monster is destroyed by a Fiend-Type monster when "Dark Ruler Ha Des" is on the field, it still cannot be Special Summoned from the Graveyard. Also if two "Dark Ruler Ha Des" destroy each other in battle, neither can be Special Summoned from the Graveyard.
- "Dark Ruler Ha Des" cannot be Special Summoned from the Graveyard even if you try to Special Summon it face-down by the effect of "Spear Cretin" or "The Shallow Grave".
- You can activate "Return of the Doomed" to return "Dark Ruler Ha Des" to your hand during the turn which it was destroyed, because this does not Special Summon it, it merely returns the card to your hand.
- The effect of "Fiber Jar" will shuffle "Dark Ruler Ha Des" back into your Deck even if "Dark Ruler Ha Des" is in the Graveyard and cannot be Special Summoned.
- "Dark Ruler Ha Des" may be Special Summoned by "Dimension Fusion" or "Return from the Different Dimension" if it was removed from play.
Individual Card FAQs:
- You can use "Meanae the Thorn"'s effect to add a Monster, Spell, or Trap Card to your hand that includes "Dark Scorpion" in its name, including "Mustering of the Dark Scorpions" and "Dark Scorpion Combination".
Netrep Rulings:
- "Dark Scorpion – Meanae the Thorn’s” effect may not be used to retrieve “Don Zaloog.”
Individual Card FAQs:
- When you use "Dark Scorpion Combination", each Dark Scorpion's card effects are also activated when they attack your opponent directly.
- When you attack with "Dark Scorpion Combination", the Battle Damage is 400 points for each Dark Scorpion, even if their ATK's are changed by some Equip Spell Card, Field Spell Card, "Rush Recklessly", etc. (exception: "Rod of the Mind's Eye" will adjust the damage to become 1000 points).
- Dark Scorpions that are Summoned after "Dark Scorpion Combination" resolves cannot attack directly using its effect.
- When you activate "Dark Scorpion Combination", all the Dark Scorpion cards listed on the text must be face-up on the field.
- If your opponent has a monster equipped with "Ring of Magnetism", you must attack that monster if you attack, even if using "Dark Scorpion Combination".
- "Waboku" will prevent your Dark Scorpions from inflicting Battle Damage, even if you use "Dark Scorpion Combination".
Netrep Rulings:
- If “Dark Scorpion Combination” has been activated, the affected ‘Dark Scorpion’ monsters will all inflict 400 points of Damage through a Direct Attack, even if all opponent’s monsters have been destroyed.
- Activating “Dark Scorpion Combination” on the opponent’s turn does not allow the player to attack.
- Dark Scorpion’ monsters summoned after the resolution of “Dark Scorpion Combination” are not subject to the effect of “Dark Scorpion Combination.”
- If “Rod of the Mind’s Eye” is equipped to a monster affected by “Dark Scorpion Combination,” that monster will inflict 1000 points of Damage as per its effect.
Individual Card FAQs:
- If you have multiple copies of "Dark Snake Syndrome", the effects are cumulative.
- Both players take damage during the Standby Phase of the controller of the "Dark Snake Syndrome".
- If "Imperial Order" is active, you still increase the damage from turn to turn for "Dark Snake Syndrome" even though no damage is dealt.
Netrep Rulings:
- If “Dark Snake Syndrome’s” effect is negated, “Dark Snake Syndrome” will continue counting Standby Phases for the purpose of inflicting Damage, but Damage will not be infl icted until “Dark Snake Syndrome” is no longer negated.
Individual Card FAQs:
- If your opponent has only 1 monster on the field you cannot activate this card.
- If a monster that has already attacked, or a monster targeted with the effect of "Spellbinding Circle" or "Nightmare Wheel" is targeted with the effect of "Dark Spirit of the Silent" that monster still attacks.
- If "Zombyra the Dark" is selected with "Dark Spirit of the Silent" and you have no monsters, "Zombyra the Dark" may attack directly.
- If "Hayabusa Knight" or "Mataza the Zapper" is selected with "Dark Spirit of the Silent" it only attacks once, but it may then attack twice per its own effect during the same Battle Phase.
- Monsters that have a cost to attack such as "Dark Elf" that are selected with "Dark Spirit of the Silent" do not need to have their costs paid to attack.
- If "Dark Spirit of the Silent" selects a face-up Defense Position "Crass Clown" as a target, the effect of "Crass Clown" activates when it is changed to Attack Position.
Netrep Rulings:
- A monster forced to attack by the effect of “Dark Spirit of the Silent” is still allowed its normal attack that Battle Phase.
- Monsters that would normally not be able to attack must attack if targeted by “Dark Spirit of the Silent.”
- If “Spear Dragon” is forced to attack by the effect of “Dark Spirit of the Silent,” that “Spear Dragon” will be changed to Defense position after the resolution of the attack as per the effect of “Spear Dragon.”
Netrep Rulings:
- The battle position of “Dark Zebra” may be changed by effects.
Individual Card FAQs:
- When you have another Archfiend that can roll a die and "Darkbishop Archfiend", and the other Archfiend is targeted, you get to roll both dice, and you can choose which one to roll first.
Card Errata:
- Discard 2 cards from your hand. Select 1 face-up monster and flip it face-down, but do not change its battle position.
Netrep Rulings:
- Face-up Attack position monsters may be turned to face-down Attack position by the effect of “Darkness Approaches.”
- Monsters turned to Face-down Attack position by “Darkness Approaches” may be Flip Summoned as normal.
- Monsters turned to Face-down Attack position by “Darkness Approaches” that are changed to Defense Position are not flipped.
Netrep Q&As:
- Q: If “Reflect Bounder” is in Face Down Attack position through the effect of “Darkness Approaches” will its effect activate when it is attacked?
A: "Reflect Bounder's" effect will activate after it is flipped face-up by the attack. "Reflect Bounder" is flipped face-up before damage calculation. That is why its effect will activate. Curtis Schultz, 02/04/2004
Netrep Rulings:
- Monsters flipped by the effect of "Dark-Piercing Light" will have any relevant Flip effects activate.
Netrep Rulings:
- "Deal of Phantom" counts the monsters in the Graveyard at the time "Deal of Phantom" is activated.
Individual Card FAQs:
- "Decayed Commander"'s card-discarding effect only activates when "Decayed Commander" attacks directly AND deals 1 or more points of Battle Damage to the opponent, so if the opponent uses "Kuriboh" or "Waboku" then "Decayed Commander"'s effect does not activate.
- "Decayed Commander" does not activate its card-discarding effect if destroyed with "Ring of Destruction", or if it attacks a face-down monster while equipped with "Fairy Meteor Crush", or due to reflect damage from "Relinquished", etc.
Individual Card FAQs:
- If "Night Assailant" in your hand is destroyed by the effect of "Deck Devastation Virus", its effect will activate.
- Monsters with "?" for ATK are treated as having an ATK of zero for this effect, while they are in the hand or face-down.
- If "Deck Devastation Virus" is active and you activate "Graceful Charity", first draw 3 cards, then discard 2 cards for the effect of "Graceful Charity", then, if any of the monsters you drew with "Graceful Charity" are still in your hand and they have ATK 1500 or less, they are destroyed. Similarly, if you activate "Good Goblin Housekeeping", return the 1 card to the bottom of your deck, and then destroy any monsters in your hand with ATK 1500 or less.
- The turn that "Deck Devastation Virus" is activated counts as the first turn. If you activate "Deck Devastation Virus" during your own turn, the "first turn" lasts until the end of your opponent’s next turn.
- You also check face-down monsters on the field for "Deck Devastation Virus". If "Maju Garzett" is face-down on the field, its ATK is treated as zero so it will be destroyed.
- You only check the cards on the field and in the hand when "Deck Devastation Virus" is resolved. Only cards drawn are checked until the end of the third End Phase.
- If you return "Sinister Serpent" to your hand after "Deck Devastation Virus" has resolved, it will NOT be destroyed, because it was not drawn.
- If you activate "Premature Burial" to Speical Summon "D.D. Warrior Lady" from your Graveyard during the turns after "Deck Devastation Virus" has resolved, it will not be destroyed.
- If you use "Change of Heart" to take control of your opponent's "Magicial Scientist" during the turns after "Deck Devastation Virus" has resolved, it will not be destroyed. If you then use its effect to Special Summon "Thousand-Eyes Restrict", it will also not be destroyed.
- If you have the four limbs of Exodia in your hand when your opponent activates "Deck Devastation Virus" they will be destroyed. You can use two "Backup Soldier" to return them to your hand and they will not be destroyed (they were not drawn). If on your next turn you then draw "Exodia the Forbidden One" you will win the game before "Exodia the Forbidden One" is destroyed by the effect of "Deck Devastation Virus".
- You can Tribute a face-down DARK monster with 2000 ATK for the cost of this card.
Individual Card FAQs:
- "Dedication through Light and Darkness" does not target.
- You select the "Dark Magician of Chaos" you wish to Special Summon when you resolve "Dedication through Light and Darkness", not when you activate it.
- You can Tribute a face-down "Dark Magician" to activate "Dedication through Light and Darkness".
Netrep Rulings:
- “Deepsea Warrior” does not gain any ATK or DEF bonuses from the effect of “Umi.”
- If a face-down “Deepsea Warrior” is taken control of by “Change of Heart” and flipped while “Umi” is face-up on the field, “Deepsea Warrior” will immediately return to the original controller’s control.
Individual Card FAQs:
- Special Summoning the Fusion Material Monsters is an option. So you may use "De-Fusion" to return a Fusion Monster to its owner’s Fusion Deck even if you have only 1 or none of the appropriate Fusion Material Monsters in your Graveyard.
- If you have only 1 of the Fusion Material Monsters in your Graveyard you cannot Special Summon it.
- You may use "De-Fusion" to Special Summon "Goddess with the Third Eye" or "King of the Swamps" if it was used as a Fusion Material Monster for the Fusion Monster selected with "De-Fusion".
- After you attack with a Fusion Monster, you may activate "De-Fusion" in the End Step of the Battle Phase to Special Summon the appropriate Fusion Material Monsters and attack with them in the same Battle Phase.
- If you activate "De-Fusion" and select a Fusion Monster that was Special Summoned by "Magical Scientist" or "Metamorphosis" you can return the Fusion Monster to the owner’s Fusion Deck, but cannot Special Summon any Fusion Material Monsters since none were used.
Netrep Q&As:
- Q: Can “De-Fusion” be used against an opponent’s X-Y-Z Fusion Monster to send it back to the Fusion Deck without Special Summoning the Fusion Material Monsters?
A: “De-Fusion” can be used on the 4 X, Y, and Z Fusion variations. The result will be the XYZ Fusion monster being returned to the Fusion Deck. No monsters will be Special Summoned from the Graveyard because the XYZ Fusions are not proper Fusion Summons. It will not matter if the XYZ piece exists in the Graveyard. This is similar to using “De-Fusion” on a Fusion Monster Special Summoned through the effect of “Magical Scientist” and/or “Summoner of Illusions.” Curtis Schultz, 01/17/2004
Individual Card FAQs:
- The effect of "Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive" will include any of your opponent’s "Bokoichi the Freightening Car" that you control on your side of the field.
- The number of "Bokoichi the Freightening Car" on your side of the field is counted when this card’s effect resolves. That means if it is flipped, and the opponent chains "Ring of Destruction" to destroy the only "Bokoichi the Freightening Car" on your side of the field, you only draw 1 card.
Card Errata:
- Pay 1000 Life Points. Your opponent randomly selects and discards 1 card from his/her hand and then selects and discards another card from his/her hand.
Individual Card FAQs:
- This card may be activated if your opponent has only 1 card in his/her hand.
Netrep Rulings:
- If the first card discarded by the effect of “Delinquent Duo” has an effect that activates on being discarded or sent to the Graveyard, “Delinquent Duo’s” effect must still fully resolve before the new effect begins a new Chain.
Individual Card FAQs:
- After activating "Delta Attacker", you have 3 different monsters with the same name, "Delta Attacker" still only applies to the 3 monsters of the same name you had when you activated "Delta Attacker".
- If 1 of the 3 monsters is removed from the field, "Delta Attacker"'s effect still applies to the other 2.
- If "Non-Spellcasting Area" is activated after "Delta Attacker", the effect of "Delta Attacker" is negated.
Individual Card FAQs:
- A monster's Level cannot go below 1.
- You can equip 2 "Demotions" to a monster to reduce its Level by 4.
Individual Card FAQs:
- "Des Counterblow"'s effect does NOT target.
- The monster is destroyed after damage calculation.
Individual Card FAQs:
- The need for 3 “Des Frogs” is only a condition of activation. If an effect is chained that removes 1 of the 3 “Des Frogs”, the effect of “Des Croaking” still resolves normally.
Netrep Rulings:
- Tokens Special Summoned by the effect of “Des Dendle” may be used as a Tribute for Tribute Summons.
Individual Card FAQs:
- "Des Feral Imp"'s effect targets a card in the Graveyard.
Netrep Rulings:
- If the effect of “Des Feral Imp” returns a Fusion monster to the deck, that Fusion monster will return to the Fusion Deck.
Individual Card FAQs:
- The effect of “Des Frog” is a Trigger Effect that can be chained to. It activates when “Des Frog” is Tribute Summoned successfully.
- Count the number of “T.A.D.P.O.L.E.(s)” when you resolve this effect, not when it activates.
- If you activate the effect of “Des Frog” but have no “Des Frogs” in your hand or Deck, your opponent can check to confirm.
Individual Card FAQs:
- If "Hyper Hammerhead" attacks "Des Kangaroo" in Defense Position, their effects form a chain; "Hyper Hammerhead" is Step 1 because it is the turn player's effect, and "Des Kangaroo" is Step 2. "Des Kangaroo" resolves first and destroys "Hyper Hammerhead", then "Hyper Hammerhead" resolves and "Des Kangaroo" is returned to the owner's hand.
Netrep Rulings:
- A monster with lower ATK than the DEF of “Des Kangaroo” that attacks “Des Kangaroo” is destroyed as a result of the effect of “Des Kangaroo” if “Des Kangaroo” wouldn’t destroy it in battle normally.
- A monster attacking with a lower ATK than “Des Kangaroo’s” DEF is destroyed regardless of the Battle Position of “Des Kangaroo.”
Individual Card FAQs:
- You can chain "Barrel Behind the Door" to "Des Koala"'s Flip Effect.
Individual Card FAQs:
- “Des Wombat” even protects you against damage from your own card effects, like “Dark Snake Syndrome” or “Ring of Destruction”.
- “Des Wombat” even protects you against card effects where the damage is undecided at activation, like “Dice Jar”.
- “Des Wombat” will protect you against the effect damage of “Graverobber”.
- If your only “Des Wombat” is destroyed by “Judgment of Anubis” or “Ring of Destruction”, it is no longer on the field so it will not protect you against the damage from these card effects.
Individual Card FAQs:
- If you have a face-up Flip Effect monster, you can activate “Desert Sunlight”, and chain “Book of Moon”, another "Desert Sunlight", and another "Book of Moon". When the chain resolves, you will flip the monster down, then up, then down, then back up. The Flip Effect activates twice, and they wait to create a new chain after the current one resolves. For example, if the Flip Effect monster is “Morphing Jar”, its effect will activate twice in a chain, as Chain Link 1 and Chain Link 2, they resolve in reverse order, and both players will discard and draw 5 cards, then discard and draw 5 cards again.
Individual Card FAQs:
- You cannot select any "Desertapir" with "Desertapir"'s effect.
- If you have "Destruction Punch" and "Desertapir" is attacked by a monster with ATK lower than "Desertapir"'s effect, and "Desertapir"'s effect flips the attacking monster face-down, the effect of "Destruction Punch" is applied and the attacking monster is destroyed.
- If "Mystical Knight of Jackal" or "Ghost Knight of Jackal" attacks, and is flipped face-down by "Desertapir", the attacking monster is no longer face-up when "Desertapir" is sent to the Graveyard (which is when their effects activate), so their effects do not apply to "Desertapir".
Individual Card FAQs:
- "Despair from the Dark" can be Normal Summoned.
- Only the owner of "Despair from the Dark" can use its effect, because it has to be sent from your hand to your Graveyard.
- When you discard "Despair from the Dark" with "Painful Choice", "Despair from the Dark"'s effect does not activate because it was your own card effect that caused it.
- If "Despair from the Dark" is sent to the Graveyard during a card effect's resolution, or during a chain, activate "Despair from the Dark"'s effect after the current effect or chain has resolved.
- If "Despair from the Dark" is sent to the Graveyard by "Last Turn"'s effect, "Despair from the Dark" is Special Summoned to the field before the attack of "Last Turn" happens.
Netrep Rulings:
- If “Despair from the Dark” is sent to the Graveyard as a result of “Morphing Jar #2’s” effect, “Despair from the Dark’s” effect will activate since the monster is considered being sent from the Deck to the Graveyard.
Individual Card FAQs:
- Missing the Timing: Because "Desrook Archfiend"'s effect is optional, the "Terrorking Archfiend" being sent to the Graveyard has to be the very last thing that happened in order for you to activate "Desrook Archfiend"'s effect. You cannot activate "Desrook Archfiend"'s effect in the middle of a chain, such as if "Pot of Greed" was activated and "Ring of Destruction" was chained to destroy "Terrorking Archfiend" and send him to the Graveyard in the middle of the chain.
- You can activate "Desrook Archfiend"'s effect when a face-down "Terrorking Archfiend" is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard by a card effect.
- "Desrook Archfiend" is a Multi-Trigger Effect and can be activated during your opponent's turn, and even during the Damage Step.
- When you control your opponent's "Terrorking Archfiend" with "Change of Heart", and it is destroyed, you can activate "Desrook Archfiend" from your hand to Special Summon the "Terrorking Archfiend" back to your side of the field.
- While "Pandemonium" is active, and you have "Desrook Archfiend" in your hand, and your "Terrorking Archfiend" is destroyed while on the field, "Pandemonium" is Step 1 of a chain , but you can use "Desrook Archfiend" as Step 2 of the chain. Then you would get to Special Summon the "Terrorking Archfiend" and select a Level 3 or lower Archfiend from your Deck.
Netrep Rulings:
- If multiple “Terrorking Archfiends” are destroyed at the same time, only one “Desrook Archfiend” may be discarded to Special Summon one “Terrorking Archfiend.”
- “Desrook Archfiend”, if retrieved by the effect of “Pandemonium” from a “Terrorking Archfiend” being destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, may not be used to Special Summon “Terrorking Archfiend” from the Graveyard.
Individual Card FAQs:
- The "proper order" in the text of "Destiny Board" means the order the Spirit Messages are placed on the field, not the order that they occupy your Spell and Trap Card Zones. So if you read your Zones from left to right as N-F-A-I-L, it is okay as long as they came on the field in the order of F-I-N-A-L.
- If you have two copies of "Destiny Board" on the field you may place two Spirit Messages from your hand or Deck onto the field but you cannot place the fifth one until one of your two "Destiny Boards" is removed from the field.
- If all of your Spell and Trap Card Zones are occupied during your opponent’s End Phase, you cannot use the effect of "Destiny Board" that turn.
- If your "Destiny Board" or any of your Spirit Messages is destroyed or removed from the field, all your remaining Spirit Messages and "Destiny Boards" on the field are destroyed. If your opponent has any, they are not destroyed.
- If "Imperial Order" is active on the field it will not stop the effect of "Destiny Board" to place Spirit Messages on the field, nor will it stop a player who completes the message from declaring victory.
- If "Jinzo" or "Royal Decree" is on the field, "Destiny Board’s effect will be negated and you cannot place a Spirit Message on the field. Also if one of the Spirit Messages or "Destiny Board" is destroyed while "Jinzo" or "Royal Decree" is on the field, the others will NOT be destroyed. If "Jinzo" is destroyed in the End Phase you may activate "Destiny Board"’s effect afterwards.
- "Cold Wave" will prevent the effect of "Destiny Board" to bring a Spirit Message to the field for the turn "Cold Wave" is activated.
- The placing of a Spirit Message on the field by the effect of "Destiny Board" cannot be negated with "Magic Jammer", "Magic Drain", "Solemn Judgment", etc.
- If you have a Spirit Message in your hand you cannot activate it, they can only be placed on the field by the effect of "Destiny Board" during your opponent’s End Phase.
Netrep Rulings:
- A monster destroyed as a result of “Destruction Punch” is considered destroyed as the result of an effect and not as a result of battle.
- If a monster with a lower ATK than the DEF of “Wall of Illusion” attacks “Wall of Illusion,” and “Destruction Punch” is activated in response to the attack, the effect of “Wall of Illusion” will resolve before the effect of “Destruction Punch” can resolve.
Individual Card FAQs:
- If the monster targeted by "Destruction Ring" is destroyed in a chain before "Destruction Ring" resolves, then the monster was not destroyed by "Destruction Ring'"s effect and no damage is inflicted.
Individual Card FAQs:
- You activate "Dice Re-Roll" before you activate the effect which will let you roll a die. Then you can use the effect of "Dice Re-Roll" once during the turn in which you activated it. When you resolve the effect, you negate the result of a die roll and roll again.
- You can use a "Dice Re-Roll" to re-roll a die roll for an Archfiend.
- You can use a "Dice Re-Roll" to re-roll a die roll during the Damage Step.
- If you negate "Roulette Barrel"'s die roll, you negate both rolls and must roll twice again.
Netrep Q&As:
- Q: Can you activate “Dice Re-Roll” in response to your opponent rolling a die?
A: "Dice Re-roll" does not care why the dice roll was performed, either offensive or defensive. Curtis Schultz, 01/29/2004 - Q: If an Archfiend monster is targeted by “Change of Heart” when is the proper time to activate “Dice Re-Roll”?
A: You would activate "Dice Re-roll" in response to the "Change of Heart." You would not wait until the Archfiend die roll. If you wait that long then you will already be resolving the chain, and at that point it would be too late to activate the "Dice Re-roll." Curtis Schultz, 01/29/2004 - Q: If “Dice Re-Roll’s” effect is used for the flip of “Dice Jar”, can you decide to re-roll your own and leave your opponent’s die roll?
A: BOTH players would have to re-roll the die. Curtis Schultz, 01/29/2004
Individual Card FAQs:
- If "Different Dimension Capsule" is destroyed with "Heavy Storm", etc., the card removed from play remains removed from play for the rest of the Duel.
- If "Imperial Order" is activated, count the Standby Phases normally for "Different Dimension Capsule". If "Imperial Order" is active during the 2nd Standby Phase, you cannot add the removed card to your hand and "Different Dimension Capsule" stays on the field meaninglessly, and the removed card remains removed from play for the rest of the Duel.
- If "Imperial Order" is chained to the activation of "Different Dimension Capsule", then the effect of selecting a card from your Deck disappears and "Different Dimension Capsule" is destroyed.
Netrep Rulings:
- Monsters turned face-down and removed from play by the effect of “Different Dimension Capsule” may not be returned to play by the effect of “Miracle Dig” or “Dimension Fusion.”
Individual Card FAQs:
- "Different Dimension Dragon" cannot be destroyed by "Fissure", "Mirror Force", etc. Also, if "Different Dimension Dragon" is your only monster on your side of the field, your opponent cannot activate effects like "Fissure", "Mirror Force", "Raigeki", etc.
- "Different Dimension Dragon" can be destroyed while in your hand or Deck with "Chain Destruction".
- If "Different Dimension Dragon" is face-down, it can be destroyed by "Raigeki" and similar non-targeting cards.
Netrep Rulings:
- If “Different Dimension Dragon” is the only monster on the field, monsters with 1900 ATK or lower do not attack directly.
Individual Card FAQs:
- You select the monsters when you activate "Different Dimension Gate".
- If one player has no monsters on the field, you cannot activate "Different Dimension Gate".
- The controller of "Different Dimension Gate" selects both monsters.
- A monster removed with "Different Dimension Gate" doesn't take up a Monster Zone, but if there are no vacant Monster Zones when it returns to play, it is sent to the Graveyard.
- When a monster removed with "Different Dimension Gate" is sent to the Graveyard with "Miracle Dig", the monster won't return to the field when "Different Dimension Gate" is destroyed, but the other monster removed with "Different Dimension Gate" will still return to the field.
- When a Spirit Monster is removed with "Different Dimension Gate", if it returns to play after the turn it was Summoned or Flip Summoned, it doesn't go back to the owner's hand.
- When "Different Dimension Gate" is removed from the field, but not destroyed, because of "Giant Trunade" or "Emergency Provisions", the removed monsters cannot be returned to play.
- When your opponent's monster on your side of the field that you control with "Change of Heart" or "Snatch Steal" is removed with "Different Dimension Gate", it returns to your side of the field when "Different Dimension Gate" is destroyed, and then immediately returns to your opponent's side of the field.
- You can select a Monster Token when you activate "Different Dimension Gate", but the token is taken off the field.
- If your opponent chains "Ring of Destruction" to your "Different Dimension Gate", only the surviving monster is removed from play and returns when "Different Dimension Gate" is destroyed.
- When a Fusion Monster that was Special Summoned with "Summoner of Illusions" or "Magical Scientist" is removed from play with "Different Dimension Gate", it is not destroyed or returned to the Fusion Deck when it returns to the field, and it no longer has "Magical Scientist"'s restriction that prevents it from attacking your opponent's Life Points directly.
- When you select "Guardian Kay'est" or "The Legendary Fisherman" as a target of "Different Dimension" gate, only the other monster is removed and returns to the field when "Different Dimension Gate" is destroyed.
- You can only use "Different Dimension Gate"'s effect when it is activated, even though it is a Continuous Spell Card.
Netrep Rulings:
- "Different Dimension Gate” may target a monster that is not affected by Spell Cards. That monster would not be removed from play by the effect of “Different Dimension Gate.”
- Tokens may be targeted by “Different Dimension Gate”, but will not be returned to play if “Different Dimension Gate” is destroyed.
- Monsters removed from play by the effect of “Different Dimension Gate” may be brought back into play by other means than the destruction of “Different Dimension Gate.”
- If one monster affected by “Different Dimension Gate” has been returned to play, the other monster will still be returned to play when “Different Dimension Gate” is destroyed.
Individual Card FAQs:
- You cannot activate "Diffusion Wave-Motion" during Main Phase 2, or if you cannot conduct your Battle Phase this turn (if you activated "Soul Exchange", etc.), or if there are no monsters on your opponent's side of the field, or if your opponent has "Swords of Revealing Light", or if your opponent controls 2 "Marauding Captains" (or appropriate monsters with "Raregold Armor", etc.).
- You cannot use "Diffusion Wave-Motion" and select a Level 7 Spellcaster-Type monster that was Summoned this turn with "Tribute Doll" because it cannot attack that turn due to "Tribute Doll"'s effect.
- After you activate "Diffusion Wave-Motion", if all monsters on your opponent's side of the field are destroyed (with "Raigeki", etc.) then your selected Level 7 Spellcaster-Type monster can attack your opponent's Life Points directly.
- When you activate "Diffusion Wave-Motion", and your opponent chains "Ring of Destruction" to destroy your selected Level 7 Spellcaster-Type monster, the effect of "Diffusion Wave-Motion" is negated and your other monsters can attack normally that turn. But, if your opponent activates "Ring of Destruction" AFTER "Diffusion Wave-Motion" resolves (with no chain), and the selected Level 7 Spellcaster-Type monster is destroyed, your other monsters CANNOT attack.
- If your opponent activates "Amazoness Archers" when your selected Level 7 Spellcaster-Type monster attacks, only the Level 7 Spellcaster-Type monster can attack because of "Diffusion Wave-Motion"'s effect, so your other monsters do not attack, but the -500 ATK effect of "Amazoness Archers" is still applied to all of your monsters.
- If you Special Summon a monster during the Battle Phase after having activated "Diffusion Wave-Motion" (such as with "De-Fusion" or "Call of the Haunted"), that monster cannot attack because "Diffusion Wave-Motion"'s effect prevents all monsters other than the selected Level 7 Spellcaster-Type monster from attacking.
- Your Level 7 Spellcaster-Type monster selected with "Diffusion Wave-Motion" must attack each monster on your opponent's side of the field, 1 at a time.
- After destroying all of your opponent's monsters, your Level 7 Spellcaster-Type monster cannot then attack your opponent's Life Points directly.
- If your Level 7 Spellcaster-Type monster selected with "Diffusion Wave-Motion" has 1 of its attacks negated by "Magic Cylinder", that attack is negated but your Level 7 Spellcaster-Type monster still attacks everything else.
- If your Level 7 Spellcaster-Type monster equipped with "Twin Swords of Flashing Light-Tryce" is selected with "Diffusion Wave-Motion", if it has attacked 2 different monsters using "Diffusion Wave-Motion"'s effect, it no longer gets the second attack from "Twin Swords of Flashing Light-Tryce"'s effect because it has already attacked twice.
- If an opponent's monster is equipped with "Ring of Magnetism", your Level 7 Spellcaster-Type monster selected with "Diffusion Wave-Motion" must attack that monster. If the monster equipped with "Ring of Magnetism" is not destroyed (such as if it is also equipped with "Heart of Clear Water"), you cannot attack any of your opponent's other monsters.
- If you activate "Diffusion Wave-Motion", and your opponent activates "Staunch Defender", only the Level 7 Spellcaster-Type monster can attack, and it must attack the target of "Staunch Defender", and it cannot attack any other monsters.
- When a Level 7 Spellcaster-Type monster selected with "Diffusion Wave-Motion" attacks "Amazoness Fighter" or "Amazoness Swordswoman", their effects are still applied normally at damage calculation.
- You can activate "Injection Fairy Lily"'s effect when she is attacked by a Level 7 Spellcaster-Type monster selected with "Diffusion Wave-Motion" because her effect is applied during damage calculation.
- When a Level 7 Spellcaster-Type monster selected with "Diffusion Wave-Motion" attacks "Spirit Reaper" or "Kisetai", it cannot destroy "Spirit Reaper" or "Kisetai" (so "Kisetai"'s effect is not negated).
- A Level 7 Spellcaster-Type monster selected with "Diffusion Wave-Motion" will negate: the Flip Effects of a monster it destroys as a result of battle, or the effects of "Giant Rat", "Sangan", "Dark Necrofear", "Sinister Serpent", "D. D. Warrior Lady", "Wall of Illusion", "Helpoemer", "Marie the Fallen One", etc.
Netrep Rulings:
- Monsters destroyed by a monster affected by “Diffusion Wave-Motion” have their entire effects negated as long as that monster remains in the Graveyard.
Individual Card FAQs:
- Your Graveyard only has to be empty when you activate "Dimension Distortion", so if an effect is chained that puts a card in your Graveyard, "Dimension Distortion" still resolves.
- "Dimension Distortion" can only Special Summon a monster that is face-up while removed from play (cannot Special Summon a monster removed with "Lightforce Sword" or "Different Dimension Capsule").
- "Dimension Distortion" can Special Summon "Dark Ruler Ha Des".
- When a "Special Summon-only" monster is removed, without returning to the hand or Deck, after it is Special Summoned properly, it can be Special Summoned by "Dimension Distortion".
Individual Card FAQs:
- "Dimension Fusion" cannot Special Summon a "Special Summon-only" monster, like a Ritual Monster or "Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End", unless it was properly summoned first.
- You cannot activate "Dimension Fusion" when neither player has a monster removed from play; at least 1 player must have at least 1 monster removed from play for you to activate it.
- "Dimension Fusion" does not target.
- You can use "Dimension Fusion" to Special Summon a monster removed from play with "Different Dimension Gate".
- You cannot use "Dimension Fusion" to Special Summon a monster that was removed from play and kept face-down, like with "Lightforce Sword" or "Different Dimension Capsule".
- If you take control of your opponent's monster, and it is removed from play while on your side of the field with "Dimensionhole", when "Dimension Fusion" resolves the monster is Special Summoned to the player's side of the field who controlled the monster when it was removed.
- Dimension Fusion can Special Summon "Dark Ruler Ha Des" or "Helpoemer".
- You can activate "Bottomless Trap Hole" after monsters are Summoned with "Dimension Fusion"; "Bottomless Trap Hole" destroys the Summoned monsters on your opponent's side of the field, and your Summoned monsters are not destroyed.
Netrep Rulings:
- Payment of 2000 Life Points is a cost to activate “Dimension Fusion.”
- You must fill up as many Monster Zone spaces as you can with the effect of “Dimension Fusion”.
- If a player has more monsters removed from play than available spaces when “Dimension Fusion” resolves, that player may choose which monsters to Special Summon by the effect of “Dimension Fusion.”
- “Dimension Fusion” may not Special Summon a “Mirage Knight” that has been removed from play.
Individual Card FAQs:
- You can use "Dimension Jar"'s effect for zero to three cards, so even if your opponent has less than 3 monsters in his Graveyard you can still use "Dimension Jar"'s effect.
- When "Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer" is on the field and "Dimension Jar" is activated, the controller of "Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer" can remove his/her opponent's cards in the Graveyard from play.
Individual Card FAQs:
- The effect of “Dimension Wall” is applied during damage calculation and cannot be chained to.
- If your opponent already activated “Waboku” this turn, then they cannot take battle damage, so you cannot activate “Dimension Wall”. However, you can chain “Dimension Wall” to “Waboku” if the timing is appropriate.
- If “Don Zaloog” attacks and “Dimension Wall” is used, neither player gets the effect of “Don Zaloog”.
- “Dimension Wall” is not an effect that targets.
Netrep Rulings:
- The monster zone the monster removed by “Dimensionhole” will be considered occupied. Monsters may not be summoned or Special Summoned into this monster zone.
- Tokens may be removed from play through the effect of “Dimensionhole,” but will not return to play.
- If the Standby Phase the “Dimensionhole” would return the monster in is skipped, “Dimensionhole’s” effect disappears and the monster remains removed from play.
Netrep Q&As:
- Q: If an end of turn effect is scheduled for a monster (as in being destroyed) and you use “Dimensionhole,” is it applied when the monster comes back into play?
A: It is not destroyed and it is "reset" after it comes back. bishop, 12/05/2003
Individual Card FAQs:
- When a card that selects a card in the Graveyard as a target, such as "Monster Reborn", "Mask of Darkness", "Magician of Faith", "Spear Cretin", or "The Shallow Grave", is activated, you may chain "Disappear" to remove the targeted card from play, and the "Monster Reborn", etc., will resolve without effect. This is because these cards select their target at activation, not resolution.
- "Bazoo the Soul Eater" removes a monster in the Graveyard as a cost, so you cannot chain "Disappear" to the effect of "Bazoo the Soul Eater" to negate it. The monster is already removed from play before you can activate "Disappear".
- If you chain "Disappear" to your opponent’s "Backup Soldier" you can remove one of the targeted monsters from play, but the remaining two (or less) go to the opponent’s hand.
Netrep Rulings:
- “Disappear” may not be activated in the Damage Step.
- “Disappear” may be activated in a chain with an effect that removes a card from the Graveyard.
- “Disappear” may not be chained to the effect of Special Summon monsters that are Special Summoned through removing monsters from the Graveyard in an attempt to prevent the Summon.
Individual Card FAQs:
- "Disarmament" will not destroy face-down Equip Spell Cards.
Netrep Rulings:
- If “Disturbance Strategy” is chained to an effect that Special Summons a monster from the hand and the monster is no longer in the hand after the resolution of “Disturbance Strategy,” the effect that would Special Summon the monster disappears.
Individual Card FAQs:
- You destroy a monster with "Disc Fighter"'s effect during the "calculate damage" portion but before the "apply damage" portion of damage calculation; which effectively means it's right before the actual "damage calculation".
- When "Disc Fighter" attacks a face-down monster, after it is flipped face-up you can use "Micro Ray" to cause the DEF to go below 2000, and the monster will not be destroyed by "Disc Fighter"'s effect. Or, you can use "The Reliable Guardian" to increase the DEF of a monster above 2000 so that it will be destroyed with "Disc Fighter"'s effect.
- The Defense Position monster is destroyed by "Disc Fighter"'s effect, not by damage calculation or "as a result of battle".
- If "Final Attack Orders" is active, a monster attacked by "Disc Fighter" and flipped face-up will shift to Attack Position, so it will not be destroyed by "Disc Fighter"'s effect.
Individual Card FAQs:
- You can chain "Disturbance Strategy" to a Ritual Spell Card and then, if your opponent no longer has the Ritual Monster Card in hand when the Ritual Spell Card resolves, then the effect of the Ritual Spell Card disappears.
- You can also chain "Disturbance Strategy" to "Polymerization" and, if the opponent no longer has the Fusion Material Monsters (if they were in his hand for example) then the effect of "Polymerization" disappears.
Individual Card FAQs:
- You can activate the effect of “Divine Wrath” to a Flip Effect, Ignition Effect, Trigger Effect, or Multi-Trigger Effect. But not to a Continuous Effect. This is because Continuous Effects cannot be chained to.
- “Divine Wrath” is NOT a card that targets, so “Divine Wrath” may be used against Dragon-Type monsters while “King Dragun” or “Lord of D.” is on the field.
- You can activate the effect of "Divine Wrath" against an effect monster's effect that happens anywhere: on the field, in the hand, in the Graveyard, or removed from play.
- You must chain "Divine Wrath" to an effect directly preceeding it in the chain. For example, if "Airknight Parshath" equipped with "Cestus of Dagla" attacks a Defense Position monster, "Airknight Parshath" inflicts damage to the opponent's Life Points during damage calculation. Then, during effect resolution, there are 2 simultaneous Trigger Effects that the controller places in a chain however he likes. If the effect of "Airknight Parshath" is Step 1 and "Cestus of Dagla" is Step 2, the opponent cannot chain "Divine Wrath". However, if "Cestus of Dagla" is Step 1 and "Airknight Parshath" is Step 2, "Divine Wrath" can be chained. In this case, the effect of "Airknight Parshath" that allows the controller to draw a card is negated, "Airknight Parshath" is destroyed, and the effect of "Cestus of Dagla" disappears before it resolves.
- Another example: if "D.D. Warrior Lady" attacks a face-down "Morphing Jar", and activates her effect to remove both cards from play, "D.D. Warrior Lady" is Step 2 because she has an optional effect, and "Morphing Jar" is Step 1 because its effect is mandatory. So "Divine Wrath" can be chained to the effect of "D.D. Warrior Lady" to negate its effect, but not to the effect of "Morphing Jar" to negate its effect.
- You can chain “Divine Wrath” to the effect of “The Creator” (Ignition Effect), “Fox Fire” when it is Special Summoned (Trigger Effect), “Strike Ninja” (Multi-Trigger Effect), and “Homunculus the Alchemic Being” (Ignition Effect).
- You can activate “Divine Wrath” in a chain to a Trigger Effect that activates when the Effect Monster is Summoned such as “Breaker the Magical Warrior”, “Dark Magician of Chaos”, or “Marauding Captain”. The opponent must declare the activation of “Marauding Captain”’s effect before “Divine Wrath” can be activated. In this case, the monster that would have been Special Summoned remains in the opponent’s hand.
- You can activate “Divine Wrath” during the Damage Step because it is a Counter-Trap, so you may activate it to negate the effect of “D. D. Warrior Lady”, “Reflect Bounder”, “Injection Fairy Lily”, “D. D. Crazy Beast”, "Dark Paladin", or “Mystical Knight of Jackal”.
- If you activate "Divine Wrath" during the Damage Step to destroy the attacking monster or the monster being attacked, the monster is destroyed. No replay occurs because a replay can only happen during the Battle Step. If damage calculation has not been performed yet, it is not performed.
- You can activate “Divine Wrath” against “Sasuke Samurai” or “Mystic Swordsman LV2” when they attack a face-down Defense Position monster.
- You can activate “Divine Wrath” to negate either effect of “Don Zaloog” and to negate the effect of “Airknight Parshath” that allows its controller to draw a card.
- You can activate “Divine Wrath” to negate an effect that activates in the Graveyard, such as “Witch of the Black Forest”, “Mystic Tomato”, “Despair from the Dark”, “Night Assailant”, “Electric Snake”, and “Sangan”.
- You can activate “Divine Wrath” when the opponent discards “Kuriboh” from his / her hand to negate the effect of “Kuriboh” and when a “Night Assailant” is discarded to negate the effect of returning a Flip Effect monster to the owner’s hand.
- You can activate “Divine Wrath” when “Exiled Force”, “Red-Eyes B. Chick”, or “Paladin of White Dragon” is Tributed for its own effect.
- You can activate “Divine Wrath” when “Dark Necrofear” activates its effect in the Graveyard during the End Phase, and since a monster in the Graveyard cannot be destroyed, "Dark Necrofear" is not destroyed by a card effect, so its effect does not activate again.
- You can chain “Divine Wrath” to the effect of “King Dragun” that Special summons a Dragon-Type monster.
- You can activate “Divine Wrath” when the opponent uses “Relinquished”’s effect to equip itself with a monster, or when “Relinquished”’s effect inflicts damage.
- You can activate “Divine Wrath” when a Spirit Monster is returned to the owner’s hand by its own effect, and the Spirit Monster will be destroyed and sent to the Graveyard.
- You can activate "Divine Wrath" when the effect of "Helpoemer" activates in the Graveyard, and the effect of "Helpoemer" will not activate again.
- You can activate "Divine Wrath" when "Vampire Lord" or "Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys" activate their effects in the Graveyard, and their effects are negated and they are not Special Summoned; but because they cannot be "destroyed" while in the Graveyard, they are not destroyed by a card effect so their effect will not activate again.
- You can chain "Divine Wrath" to the activation of "Peten the Dark Clown", and the effect of "Peten the Dark Clown" will not resolve (however, the "Peten the Dark Clown" that was removed from play remains out of play).
- You can activate "Divine Wrath" when the effect of "Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning" activates that allows it to attack a second time.
- You cannot chain “Divine Wrath” to Continuous Effects such as: “Perfect Machine King”, “Raging Flame Sprite” (either effect), “Jinzo”, “Fire Princess”, “Mad Sword Beast”, “Hayabusa Knight”, “Cat’s Ear Tribe”, “Amazoness Swords Woman”, “Harpie Lady 3”, “Fusilier Dragon the Dual-Mode Beast”, “The Fiend Megacyber”, “Blade Knight” (either effect), "Patrician of Darkness", or monsters like “Element Saurus” that gain ATK continuously.
- You cannot activate “Divine Wrath” when “Giant Orc”, “Goblin Attack Force”, or “Spear Dragon” changes to Defense Position because these are considered Continuous Effects.
- You can activate “Divine Wrath” when “Lava Golem” does damage to your Life Points, but you cannot activate it when “Lava Golem” is Special Summoned.
- You can activate “Divine Wrath” when any Union Monster activates its effect to equip itself to another monster, because that is an Ignition Effect. However, you cannot activate “Divine Wrath” when a Union Monster Special Summons itself back as a monster, because that is an effect of an Equip Spell Card.
- You can activate “Divine Wrath” when a “LV” monster is sent to the Graveyard to Special Summon the next level version (an Ignition Effect), and “Divine Wrath” will negate that effect, even though it cannot destroy the “LV” monster because it is already in the Graveyard.
- After you negate the effect of “Sinister Serpent” with “Divine Wrath”, your opponent can activate the effect of “Sinister Serpent” again to return it to his hand, even during the same Standby Phase.
Netrep Rulings:
- If two “DNA Surgeries” are active on the field, the one that resolved most recently takes precedence.
Netrep Q&As:
- Q: If I have 1 or more Machine-Type monsters on my side of the field and I activate “Limiter Removal,” and before the end of the turn I activate “DNA Surgery” choosing something other than machines, will they still be destroyed?
A: Any monster that is doubled by “Limiter Removal” is destroyed at the end of the turn, unless it is no longer on the field. This includes if it is no longer a Machine at the end of the turn. bishop, 12/08/2003
Netrep Rulings:
- If two “DNA Transplants” are active on the field, the one that resolved most recently takes precedence
Individual Card FAQs:
- While “Non-Spellcasting Area” is active and “Doitsu” is equipped to “Soitsu”, the increase to ATK is not applied. However, the effect that destroys “Doitsu” instead of “Soitsu” is not an effect that “Soitsu” gets, so that effect is applied normally. Also, the effect of “Doitsu” that allows it to unequip and be Special Summoned is applied normally.
Individual Card FAQs:
- When you activate "Don Turtle"'s effect and Special Summon multiple "Don Turtles", they are Special Summoned simultaneously.
Netrep Rulings:
- The effect of “Don Zaloog” is not mandatory.
- “Don Zaloog’s” effect triggers if it inflicts Battle Damage, regardless of if it is attacking or is attacked.
- If “Don Zaloog” attacks and destroys “Witch of the Black Forest” and inflicts Battle Damage, “Don Zaloog’s” effect will resolve first as it triggers on Battle Damage.
Individual Card FAQs:
- "Dora of Fate"'s effect only applies when you Summon a monster, not when your opponent Summons a monster.
- "Dora of Fate" targets: the face-up monster on your opponent's side of the field.
- If you Summon multiple times with "Ultimate Offering", "Dora of Fate" only applies to the first Summon.
- You cannot use "Barrel Behind the Door" against "Dora of Fate".
- You get the "Dora of Fate"'s effect even if the monster you selected (on your opponent's side of the field) is destroyed before you Summon.
Individual Card FAQs:
- Discarding a monster for “Double Attack” is a cost. This effect targets.
- If you use “Cost Down” so that your “Blue-Eyes White Dragon” in your hand is Level 6, then you cannot discard it to activate “Double Attack” and target your Level 7 “Dark Magician” on the field.
- If you use “Double Attack” on a monster such as “Twinheaded Beast” it still only gets two attacks, not three.
- You cannot discard a Level 1 monster for “Double Attack”.
Individual Card FAQs:
- You can destroy "Jinzo", "Royal Decree", "Tyrant Dragon", "Sorcerer of Dark Magic", "Fiend Skull Dragon", and "The Dragon’s Bead" with this card’s effect.
- You cannot destroy "Ryu Senshi" because of its effect that prevents it from being targeted by a Spell Card.
- You cannot destroy "Reaper of the Cards" or "Trap Master" because they do not negate Trap Cards, they destroy Trap Cards.
- You can only destroy face-up cards with the effect of "Double Snare". The opponent may chain "Book of Moon" to your "Double Snare" to flip his / her monster face-down, and it will not be destroyed.
Individual Card FAQs:
- You select the card you are activating in your opponent's Graveyard when you activate "Double Spell". "Double Spell" can then be chained to after you announce your selection.
- The selected card itself CANNOT be chained to as you are in resolution of the chain at that point.
- If the selected Spell Card is Ritual, Normal, or Quick-Play (except for "Swords of Revealing Light"), it remains in your opponent's Graveyard and is not placed on the field, so you only need 1 vacant Spell & Trap Card Zone spot (for "Double Spell" itself) to activate "Double Spell".
- If you activate "Double Spell" and select a Continuous, Field, or Equip Spell Card, or "Swords of Revealing Light", you place the selected Spell Card in your Spell & Trap Card Zone, so you need 2 vacant Spell & Trap Card Zone spots (1 for "Double Spell", 1 for the selected card). The Continuous/Field/Equip/"Swords of Revealing Light" Spell Card then remains on the field as normal.
- The player who activates "Double Spell" pays any costs for the selected Spell Card (for "Delinquent Duo", "Tribute to the Doomed", etc.).
- You cannot select a Spell Card with "Double Spell" that cannot be activated, such as an Equip Spell Card when no monsters are on the field.
- You cannot use "Double Spell" while "Necrovalley" is in effect.
Netrep Q&As:
- Q: When activating “Double Spell”, will cards like “Skilled White Magician” or “Skilled Dark Magician” receive 1 or 2 Spell Counters?
A: Only 1 Spell Counter. You get 1 Spell Counter for “Double Spell,” but not one for the targeted Spell Card because it is never activated. (The targeted Spell Card does its thing during the resolution of “Double Spell.”) Curtis Schultz, 04/07/2004
Individual Card FAQs:
- You can't activate "Dragged Down into the Grave" if either you, or your opponent, has no cards in hard other than "Dragged Down into the Grave". But you can activate it if a player has no cards left in the Deck.
- The turn player selects a card first for "Dragged Down into the Grave".
- You can activate "Appropriate" in response to "Dragged Down into the Grave" because drawing was the last thing performed.
Individual Card FAQs:
- Dragon-Type monsters on both sides of the field are affected by "Dragon Capture Jar".
- If "Stop Defense" is activated targeting a Dragon-Type monster, it is switched to Attack Position, but then is immediately changed back to Defense Position since the effect of "Dragon Capture Jar" is continuous.
Netrep Rulings:
- Monsters changed to Defense Position by “Dragon Capture Jar” may not be manually changed to Attack Position.
Netrep Rulings:
- "Dragon Manipulator” may only target a face-up Dragon Type monster.
- If the Type of a monster targeted by “Dragon Manipulator” changes in a chain with the activation of “Dragon Manipulator,” that monster will still change control as the target was legal at activation.
Netrep Rulings:
- “Dragon Treasure” may only be equipped to Dragon-Type monsters.
Individual Card FAQs:
- You select which of the two effects you will use when you activate this card, before the opponent decides if they want to chain or not. If you choose the second effect, you select a target monster at activation also.
Individual Card FAQs:
- If “Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer” is on your opponent’s side of the field, you can activate “Dragon’s Mirror” if all the Fusion Material Monsters are on the field; however, if any of them are in the Graveyard, you cannot activate it.
- “Dragon’s Mirror” is a card that targets monsters, either on the field and/or in the Graveyard.
Individual Card FAQs:
- If you attack with "Spear Dragon" or a Dragon-Type monster equipped with "Fairy Meteor Crush", the difference between your monster’s ATK and the attacked monster’s DEF will only be inflicted as Battle Damage once. The effect of "Dragon’s Rage" will not inflict the damage again.
Netrep Rulings:
- “Dragon’s Rage” does not specifically designate a target.
Netrep Rulings:
- If “DNA Surgery” and “Dragonic Attack” are both active, the latter one to resolve takes precedence.
Netrep Q&As:
- Q: If “Dragonic Attack” is equipped to a Warrior-Type monster changing it to Dragon-Type, would “Lord of D.” negate the effect of “Dragonic Attack” and destroy it?
A: The effect of "Dragonic Attack" would still be applied. "Lord of D." has no affect on effects that targeted a Dragon-Type monster before "Lord of D." was on the field. This would include the Warrior-Type that becomes a Dragon-Type because of "Dragonic Attack." Curtis Schultz, 02/04/2004
Individual Card FAQs:
- You activate "Draining Shield" when the monster controlled by your opponent declares an attack.
- You gain Life Points for "Draining Shield" equal to the attacking monster's current ATK.
Individual Card FAQs:
- You can activate "Dramatic Rescue" when an Amazoness on your side of the field is targeted, such as with any Equip Spell Card, "Tribute to the Doomed", "Trap Hole", "Man-Eater Bug", "Relinquished", "Dark Cat with White Tail", "Amazoness Spellcaster", "Penguin Soldier" (even if it targets 2 monsters), "Change of Heart", "Ring of Destruction", "XYZ Dragon Cannon", etc. But not when cards like "Raigeki", "Dark Hole", "Mirror Force", "Fissure", "Creature Swap", "Guardian Sphinx", "Bottomless Trap Hole", "Adhesive Trap Hole", etc. are used.
- You cannot activate "Dramatic Rescue" when your face-down Amazoness is targeted (with "Nobleman of Crossout", etc.).
- You can activate "Dramatic Rescue" when your opponent's Amazoness controlled by you is targeted; in this case, the Amazoness returns to your opponent's hand but it is you (the player who activated "Dramatic Rescue") that gets to Special Summon a monster.
- If you activate "Dramatic Rescue" and your opponent chains "Ring of Destruction" and destroys the Amazoness, the Amazoness does not return to your hand and "Dramatic Rescue"'s effect disappears (so no monster is Special Summoned).
- If you have no monster to Special Summon, you cannot activate "Dramatic Rescue".
- You cannot Special Summon the Monster Card that you returned to your hand with "Dramatic Rescue", but if you have a second copy of that monster in your hand you may Special Summon the second copy.
- You can Special Summon high-level monsters with "Dramatic Rescue" but not "Special Summon-only" monsters.
- If you activate "Amazoness Spellcaster", and chain "Dramatic Rescue", "Amazoness Spellcaster"'s effect disappears.
- If your opponent activates "Snatch Steal" to take control of your Amazoness, and you chain "Dramatic Rescue", "Snatch Steal"'s effect disappears.
Netrep Rulings:
- “Dramatic Rescue” may not be activated in response to an attack.
Individual Card FAQs:
- The effect of "Dreamsprite" is not optional so if you have at least 1 other monster on the field when "Dreamsprite" is attacked, the attack target is changed to your other monster. This is also true if "Dreamsprite" is attacked when face-down.
- If your "Dreamsprite" equipped with "Ring of Magnetism" is chosen as an attack target, and you control another monster, the effect of "Dreamsprite" will still change the attack target to your other monster.
- If you control "Dreamsprite", "The Legendary Fisherman", and "Umi" is on the field, "Dreamsprite"’s effect can still change an attack target to "The Legendary Fisherman" because he is not being targeted with an attack, but is being targeted with a monster effect.
- If you control two "Dreamsprites" and one is attacked, you cannot continue to switch the attack target between the two "Dreamsprites" because the effect of "Dreamsprite" says that you must calculate damage on the new target.
Netrep Rulings:
- A player may not choose a face-up "Parasite Paracide" in his or her Deck.
Individual Card FAQs:
- If there are Spell or Trap Cards, or face-down monsters, on your opponent's side of the field, "Drillago" cannot attack directly.
- If "Drillago" attacks directly, and your opponent activates an effect to reduce one of his face-up monsters to less than 1600 ATK, there is no longer a condition allowing "Drillago" to attack directly, and a replay occurs.
- If "Drillago" attacks directly, and your opponent activates "Ready for Intercepting" from his hand, because his/her "Makyura the Destructor" was sent to the Graveyard earlier this turn, to flip one of his face-up monsters face-down, there is no longer a condition allowing "Drillago" to attack directly, and a replay occurs.
Netrep Q&As:
- Q: When I attack with “Drillago” and all my opponent has on the field is “Injection Fairy Lily,” if he raises the ATK to 3400, can I attack him directly?
A: You declare your attack during the Battle Step. "Injection Fairy Lily" is a 400 attack monster at the time, so "Drillago" would not be to use its effect and declare a direct attack. "Drillago" decides to attack the "Injection Fairy Lily." Even if the effect of the "Injection Fairy Lily" is activated in the Damage Step, "Drillago" will not be able to change to a direct attack. "Drillago" will continue battling with the "Injection Fairy Lily" and damage calculation will occur. Curtis Schultz, 03/08/2004
Individual Card FAQs:
- “Drillroid” can use its effect to destroy face-up and face-down Defense Position monsters that it attacks.
- Note that “Drillroid” does not say “without flipping the monster face-up”. The effect of “Drillroid” is applied after the monster is flipped face-up, but before damage calculation. If the Defense Position monster was face-down and has a Flip Effect, the Flip Effect will activate and resolve normally.
- The effect of “Drillroid” is a Trigger Effect that can be chained to.
- If “Drillroid” attacks a face-up “Sasuke Samurai #4”, do the coin toss for “Sasuke Samurai #4” first, at the beginning of the Damage Step. If “Sasuke Samurai #4” destroys “Drillroid” with its effect, the effect of “Drillroid” is not applied. (If “Sasuke Samurai #4” was face-down, then you miss the chance to use its effect.)
- If “Drillroid” attacks “Dreamsprite”, both are mandatory Trigger Effects with the same timing, so they form a chain with “Dreamsprite” as Chain Link 2. “Dreamsprite” resolves first and, according to her effect, causes damage calculation to happen immediately. Since the effect of “Drillroid” only happens without damage calculation, the effect of “Drillroid” disappears.
- If “Drillroid” attacks a Defense Position “D.D. Warrior Lady”, the effect of “D.D. Warrior Lady” does not activate, because she has been destroyed by the effect of “Drillroid” by the time her effect would normally activate.
- If “Drillroid” attacks a face-down Defense Position monster while “Final Attack Orders” is active, the monster is not destroyed because it flips face-up and immediately shifts to Attack Position.
- “Nightmare Penguin” will activate its effect if attacked by “Drillroid” while face-down. (Just like a Flip Effect.)
Netrep Rulings:
- “Driving Snow” may be activated only after a Trap Card is destroyed. “Driving Snow” may not be activated in a chain with an effect that would destroy a Trap Card.
Individual Card FAQs:
- The card discarded by the effect of "Drop Off" is considered to be discarded from your hand, not your Deck. If "Penguin Knight" is the card discarded, its effect will not activate. If "Electric Snake", "Regenerating Mummy", or "Fear from the Dark" is the card discarded, its effect will activate.
- This card is activated during the opponent’s Draw Phase in response to the opponent drawing a card. It is not chained to the draw.
- If a Quick-Play Spell Card is drawn, the opponent may activate it in a chain to "Drop Off" and the effect of "Drop Off" will disappear since the drawn card is no longer in the opponent’s hand.
- If the fifth and final piece of Exodia is drawn, the opponent wins before the effect of "Drop Off" is resolved.
Individual Card FAQs:
- If “Dummy Golem” is attacked, flipped, and destroyed by damage calculation, its effect is not applied because it is destroyed. So control does not switch.
- If an effect like “Ring of Destruction” is chained to the Flip Effect of “Dummy Golem”, destroying “Dummy Golem”, the effect of “Dummy Golem” disappears.
- If the opponent only has one monster, and it is “Blindly Loyal Goblin” or “Mataza the Zapper”, and you activate the Flip Effect of “Dummy Golem”, the effect does activate and can be chained to, however its effect disappears because control of “Blindly Loyal Goblin” cannot switch.
- If the opponent has “Blindly Loyal Goblin” and “Gemini Elf” on the field, and you activate the Flip Effect of “Dummy Golem”, the opponent cannot select “Blindly Loyal Goblin”. They must select “Gemini Elf”.
- If control of monsters switches with “Dummy Golem”, it stays switched as long as the cards remain on the field. (Like “Creature Swap”.)
- The effect of “Dummy Golem” will NOT resolve if any of the following is true: (1) “Dummy Golem” is not on the field when the effect resolves; (2) “Dummy Golem” has been destroyed before the effect resolves, such as by damage calculation; (3) there is no opponent’s monster when the effect resolves, such as if it was returned to the hand with “Compulsory Evacuation Device”.
Individual Card FAQs:
- If you skip your second Standby Phase with "Solomon's Lawbook", etc., then "Dust Barrier" remains on the field and its effect continues to apply.
- If "Imperial Order" is active during the 2nd Standby Phase after activation, "Dust Barrier" is still destroyed.
Individual Card FAQs:
- You must destroy 1 Spell or Trap Card on your opponent’s side of the field to be able to Set 1 Spell or Trap Card. If your opponent chains a card to destroy the target of "Dust Tornado", you cannot then Set a Spell or Trap Card because "Dust Tornado" did not destroy a Spell or Trap Card. If your opponent activates the card targeted by "Dust Tornado" it is not negated, but is still destroyed by "Dust Tornado" so you may Set 1 Spell or Trap Card.
Netrep Rulings:
- A non Quick-play Spell Card set by the effect of “Dust Tornado” during that player’s Turn may be activated during that player’s Main Phase 1 or Main Phase 2.
- If “Dust Tornado” is chained to “Harpies’ Feather Duster” or “Heavy Storm,” and “Dust Tornado’s” second effect of Setting a Spell or Trap Card is used, that Spell or Trap card will be subject to the effect of “Harpie’s Feather Duster” or “Heavy Storm.”
Individual Card FAQs:
- The effect of this monster prevents the activation of Trap Cards that can be activated when a monster is Normal Summoned, such as "Trap Hole" and "Torrential Tribute".
- You can activate Trap Cards later in the turn.
- You can negate the Normal Summon of this monsters with "Horn of Heaven" or "Solemn Judgment". (In which case the Normal Summon failed and the effect of the monster is not applied.)
- The effect of this monster is applied to both players (so you cannot activate "Pineapple Blast" in response to your Normal Summon of this monster).
- This is a Continuous Effect that you cannot chain to.
Netrep Rulings:
- “Earth Chain” can only be used to summon Ritual EARTH monsters. You must offer Star Levels exactly equal to the appropriate Ritual monster to Ritual Summon the Ritual monster.
- Monsters Special Summoned by the effect of “Earth Chant” are considered properly Ritual Summoned.
Netrep Rulings:
- "Earthshaker" is a non-targeting effect.
- There must be at least one face-up monster on the field to activate "Earthshaker."
- The player activating "Earthshaker" must choose two different Attributes at the time of activation.
Netrep Rulings:
- If the ATK of a monster is increased above 500 when it is Normal Summoned in a chain with “Eatgaboon,” the effect of “Eatgaboon” disappears.
Individual Card FAQs:
- The effect of “Ebon Magician Curran” is a Trigger Effect that can be chained to.
- Count the number of monsters on the opponent’s side of the field when you resolve the effect of “Ebon Magician Curran”, not when it activates.
- If “Ebon Magician Curran” is Special Summoned during the Standby Phase while “King Tiger Wanghu” is on the field, both Trigger Effects activate immediately and form a chain.
Individual Card FAQs:
- "Ectoplasmer" causes the turn player to Tribute during his/her End Phase, but the opponent does not Tribute. So while "Ectoplasmer" is out, I Tribute in my End Phase, and you Tribute in your End Phase. But I don't Tribute in yours and you don't Tribute in mine.
- So 1 Tribute is performed during the End Phase of each player's turn. The Tribute is performed by the turn player. (Both players have to do this during their respective End Phases, not just the controller of "Ectoplasmer".)
- Tributing a monster for "Ectoplasmer" is not a cost, it’s an effect, so you can't Tribute monsters unaffected by Spell Cards.
- If you have a face-up monster on your side of the field during the End Phase, you have to Tribute for "Ectoplasmer"’s effect.
- You can chain "Mystical Space Typhoon" or "Raigeki Break" to "Ectoplasmer"'s effect, and if there is no "Ectoplasmer" on the field, then its effect is not applied.
- You can activate "Soul Exchange" during your Main Phase and use its effect to Tribute your opponent’s monster for "Ectoplasmer" during the End Phase.
- If you Tribute your opponent’s monster that you controlled with "Snatch Steal" or "Change of Heart", your opponent takes the damage even though it was their monster.
Individual Card FAQs:
- If "Imperial Order" was active during the end of the second turn, a monster equipped with "Ekibyo Drakmord" will not be destroyed and "Ekibyo Drakmord" will remain equipped to it.
- If control of a monster equipped with "Ekibyo Drakmord" changes, the turn count resets. If "Ekibyo Drakmord" is moved by "Collected Power" or "Tailor of the Fickle" to another monster, the turn count resets.
- If "Ekibyo Drakmord" is no longer on the field, a previously equipped monster will not be destroyed on the 2nd turn after "Ekibyo Drakmord" was played.
- If "Ekibyo Drakmord" is equipped to "The Legendary Fisherman" and then "Umi" is activated, "Ekibyo Drakmord" will remain meaninglessly equipped to "The Legendary Fisherman".
Netrep Rulings:
- If “Heart of Clear Water” is equipped to a monster equipped with “Ekibyo Drakmord” when “Ekibyo Drakmord” would destroy the monster, “Heart of Clear Water” will prevent the monster from being destroyed. “Ekibyo Drakmord” will remain equipped to the monster and the equipped monster will not be allowed to attack.
Netrep Rulings:
- If the monster affected by the effect of “Electric Lizard” is turned face-down or is removed from the field, the effect of “Electric Lizard” disappears.
Individual Card FAQs:
- If the summoning of "Electric Snake" is negated by "Solemn Judgment", etc. its effect is not activated, as it is not considered to have gone directly from your hand to the Graveyard.
Netrep Rulings:
- “Electro-Whip” may only be equipped to Thunder-Type monsters.
Netrep Rulings:
- "Elegant Egotist” may not be activated if there are no face-up “Harpie Lady’s.”
Individual Card FAQs:
- If a FIRE and a WIND monster are on the field, you get both effects.
- If there are 2 FIRE monsters on the field, Element Dragon’s ATK is 2000 (it only gets the +500 ATK bonus once, no matter how many FIRE monsters are on the field).
- If there is only 1 WIND monster on the field, and you attack and destroy it with "Element Dragon", you cannot attack again because there is no longer a WIND monster on the field so "Element Dragon" no longer has that ability.
- Monsters that have their Attribute changed with "DNA Transplant" or "Scroll of Bewitchment" are included for "Element Dragon"’s effect.
- If there are no face-up FIRE monsters on the field, and "Element Dragon" attacks a face-down FIRE monster, "Element Dragon"’s effect that increases its ATK by 500 points is applied before damage calculation because it is a Continuous Effect.
Individual Card FAQs:
- If both a WATER and an EARTH monster are on the field, you get both effects.
- If the only EARTH monster on the field is your opponent’s "Giant Rat", and your "Element Soldier" attacks and destroys it, there is no EARTH monster on the field when "Giant Rat"’s effect activates in the Graveyard, so "Element Soldier" no longer has the ability to negate monster effects and "Giant Rat"’s effect resolves as normal. (Monsters destroyed by "Element Soldier" that have effects that activate in the Graveyard will only have their effects negated if an EARTH monster is on the field at the time the monster is sent to the Graveyard.)
- If there are no face-up EARTH monsters on the field, and "Element Soldier" attacks a face-down "Man-Eater Bug", it is flipped up, and there is now an EARTH monster on the field when "Man-Eater Bug"’s effect would activate and resolve. So "Element Soldier" negates "Man-Eater Bug"’s effect.
- Monsters that have their Attribute changed with "DNA Transplant" or "Scroll of Bewitchment" are included for "Element Soldier"’s effect.
- If "Element Soldier" destroys "Sinister Serpent" while there is an EARTH monster on the field, "Sinister Serpent" cannot be added to your hand even if "Element Soldier" is removed from the field or loses its ability later on because there is no longer an EARTH monster.
Individual Card FAQs:
- You can use a monster whose Attribute has been changed with “Scroll of Bewitchment” to activate “Elemental Burst”.
Individual Card FAQs:
- Missing the Timing: If “Elemental Hero Bubbleman” is Summoned by an effect in the middle of a chain, you will miss the timing and cannot draw the 2 cards.
- You can only use the effect of “Elemental Hero Bubbleman” to Special Summon itself during your Main Phase.
- If you choose not to draw 2 cards for “Elemental Hero Bubbleman’s” effect, it does not start a chain.
- If “Elemental Hero Bubbleman” is destroyed and then Special Summoned by “Rope of Life” in the Damage Step, if there are no other cards on your side of the field, you can draw 2 cards for the effect of “Elemental Hero Bubbleman”.
- If you Special Summon “Elemental Hero Bubbleman” by the effect of your opponent’s “Last Turn”, you can draw the 2 cards.
- If your opponent chains to the effect of “Elemental Hero Bubbleman” with an effect that causes you to have cards in your hand (such as “Conscription”), then the effect of “Elemental Hero Bubbleman” disappears because you must still have no cards when resolving the effect.
Individual Card FAQs:
- The damage inflicted by the effect of “Elemental Hero Flame Wingman” is based on the ATK of the destroyed monster in the Graveyard. So it’s the original ATK of the monster.
- The effect of “Elemental Hero Flame Wingman” is activated when the monster destroyed in battle by it is sent to the Graveyard. You can chain to this effect.
- If your “Elemental Hero Flame Wingman” destroys your monster that your opponent controlled, the effect is still activated and you inflict the effect damage to your opponent’s Life Points.
- If your “Elemental Hero Flame Wingman” destroys a “Fusilier Dragon, the Dual-Mode Beast” that was Summoned without Tribute, inflict 1400 damage to your opponent’s Life Points.
Individual Card FAQs:
- The effect of “Elemental Hero Thunder Giant” targets a monster. Discarding a card for this effect is a cost. This effect can be chained to.
- If a monster is equipped with “Megamorph” and its ATK is lower than that of “Elemental Hero Thunder Giant”, and the effect is activated to destroy the equipped monster, but “Mystical Space Typhoon” is chained to destroy “Megamorph”, so that the monster’s original ATK is now higher than the ATK of “Elemental Hero Thunder Giant”, the effect of “Elemental Hero Thunder Giant” disappears and the monster is not destroyed.
- Likewise, if the effect of “Elemental Hero Thunder Giant” is activated, targeting “King of the Skull Servants” with 2000 original ATK, and the opponent chains “Curse of Aging” and discards “Skull Servant” to activate it, then “King of the Skull Servants” has 3000 original ATK and is not destroyed.
Individual Card FAQs:
- The effect of “Elemental Mistress Doriado” is even applied while she’s in your hand or Graveyard. So you can discard her for the effect of “Abyss Soldier”. Or remove her from play while in the Graveyard to Special Summon “Gigantes”.
- You can activate “Fuh-Rin-Ka-Zan” if “Elemental Mistress Doriado” is on the field (no other monsters are required).
- “Elemental Burst” requires 4 Tributes. “Elemental Mistress Doriado” can be used as 1 of the 4, but you will still need to Tribute 3 other monsters of the appropriate Attributes.
- If “Scroll of Bewitchment” or “DNA Transplant” changes the Attribute of “Elemental Mistress Doriado”, her Attribute becomes that Attribute only. (Her effect is not applied.)
- If destroyed in battle by “Dark Ruler Ha Des”, the effect of “Elemental Mistress Doriado” in the Graveyard is NOT negated because it is a condition as well as an effect.
Individual Card FAQs:
- "Elephant Statue of Blessing" must be sent from the owner's hand to the owner's Graveyard in order for its effect to activate.
- "Elephant Statue of Blessing"'s effect can be activated during the Damage Step.
- "Elephant Statue of Blessing"'s effect activates when sent from the hand to the Graveyard by the effect of "Last Turn" or "Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End".
Individual Card FAQs:
- "Elephant Statue of Disaster" must be sent from the owner's hand to the owner's Graveyard in order for its effect to activate.
- "Elephant Statue of Disaster"'s effect can be activated during the Damage Step.
- "Elephant Statue of Disaster"'s effect activates when sent from the hand to the Graveyard by the effect of "Last Turn" or "Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End".
- You can use "Barrel Behind the Door" against the effect of "Elephant Statue of Disaster".
Netrep Rulings:
- “Elf’s Light” may only be equipped to LIGHT Attribute monsters.
Individual Card FAQs:
- Once “Embodiment of Apophis” has been activated, it takes up 1 Monster Card Zone and 1 Spell & Trap Card Zone. The physical location of “Embodiment of Apophis” should be on the Monster Card Zones, however.
- If your Monster Card Zones are all full you cannot activate “Embodiment of Apophis”. If your Spell & Trap Card Zones are all full you cannot take control of your opponent’s “Embodiment of Apophis” because you will need 1 Monster Card Zone and 1 Spell & Trap Card Zone for it.
- If your opponent has no vacant Spell & Trap Card Zones, you cannot give them “Embodiment of Apophis” for “Creature Swap”. If “Embodiment of Apophis” is your only monster in such a case, neither player can activate “Creature Swap”.
- You can activate “Embodiment of Apophis” during your opponent’s Main Phase, or your own.
- While “Embodiment of Apophis” is a monster, it is still treated as a Trap Card and can be destroyed by “Heavy Storm” or “Mystical Space Typhoon”.
- If an effect that destroys Trap Cards is used against “Embodiment of Apophis”, you can use “Fake Trap” to prevent it from being destroyed. When preventing the destruction of “Embodiment of Apophis”, you must be using a card of the appropriate type. You cannot use “My Body as a Shield” to rescue it from “Heavy Storm”. You cannot use “Fake Trap” to rescue it from “Raigeki”. You can use “Riryoku Field” when “Embodiment of Apophis” is targeted by “Snatch Steal”, but not when it’s targeted by “Mystical Space Typhoon”. You can use any of these effects to protect “Embodiment of Apophis” from “Raigeki Break” because “Raigeki Break” can destroy a Monster card or a Trap Card.
- vs. “Jinzo”: If “Emodiment of Apophis” is a monster, and “Jinzo” or “Royal Decree” is played, “Embodiment of Apophis” cannot remain as a monster and is placed face-up in the Spell & Trap Card Zone, where it remains on the field meaninglessly (even if “Jinzo” leaves play later). If “Royal Decree” is chained to the activation of “Embodiment of Apophis”, the effect of “Embodiment of Apophis” is negated and it remains on the field in the Spell & Trap Card Zone meaninglessly.
- If “Embodiment of Apophis” attacks a face-down “Jinzo”, once “Jinzo” is flipped face-up, “Embodiment of Apophis” reverts to a Trap Card. Damage calculation is not applied.
- If “Embodiment of Apophis” is a monster, and is flipped face-down, it goes back to the Spell & Trap Card Zone as a Trap Card (vertically, since Trap Cards do not have battle positions). You cannot activate “Embodiment of Apophis” that same turn, because it is a Trap Card that was just Set.
- When “Embodiment of Apophis” is sent to the Graveyard, it is sent as a Trap Card and remains treated as a Trap Card. You cannot revive it with “Monster Reborn” or retrieve it with “Return of the Doomed”. It will not trigger “Last Will”. You cannot activate “Michizure”. It will not be Special Summoned by “Red-Moon Baby”. No damage is inflicted by “KA-2 Des Scissors” or “Inferno” or “Fatal Abacus”. “Emes the Infinity” does not increase its ATK. No Life Points are increased by “Absorbing Kid from the Sky”. You would not gain Life Points for “Altar for Tribute”. (You can, however, now add it back to your hand with “Mask of Darkness”.)
- If your opponent controls your “Embodiment of Apophis” as a monster with “Snatch Steal” or “Creature Swap”, and it is flipped face-down, it goes to your opponent’s Spell & Trap Card Zone because he is the controller.
- If your opponent controls your “Embodiment of Apophis” as a monster with “Snatch Steal”, and “Jinzo” is Summoned, it returns to your Spell & Trap Card Zone and remains there meaninglessly. If your opponent controls your “Embodiment of Apophis” as a monster because of “Creature Swap”, and “Jinzo” is Summoned, it is placed on your opponent’s Spell & Trap Card Zone and remains there meaninglessly.
- “Embodiment of Apophis” is considered a Normal Monster. It does not inflict damage for “Ceasefire”. You can use “Delta Attacker” if you have 3 “Embodiment of Apophis” monsters. You can Tribute “Embodiment of Apophis” for “Sword of the Soul-Eater” while it is a monster.
- If “Non-Spellcasting Area” is active, “Embodiment of Apophis” cannot be destroyed by “Raigeki”, etc., but can still be destroyed by “Heavy Storm” or “Mystical Space Typhoon”.
- “Embodiment of Apophis”, while a monster, has original ATK 1600 and original DEF 1800 (for purposes of “Megamorph”, etc.).
- You can negate the activation of “Embodiment of Apophis” by chaining “Solemn Judgment” or “7 Tools of the Bandit” or “Royal Oppression”, but you cannot use these against it once it is a monster.
- When “Embodiment of Apophis” is Special Summoned, you can activate “Torrential Tribute” just like with any other Summon.
- You can use “Chain Destruction” when “Embodiment of Apophis” is Special Summoned, and “Chain Destruction” will destroy all copies of “Embodiment of Apophis” in the hand and Deck even though they are Trap Cards.
- You can use “Embodiment of Apophis” as a Tribute once it is a monster. You cannot Tribute it for a Ritual Summon, etc., while it is in your hand.
- If “Embodiment of Apophis” is a monster and “Morphing Jar #2” is activated, “Embodiment of Apophis” is shuffled into the Deck as a Trap Card, so it does NOT count towards the number of monsters you need to pick up. (Also, if you pick up “Embodiment of Apophis” for the effect of “Morphing Jar #2”, it is not counted as a monster and will be one of the cards sent to the Graveyard.)
- If you pick up “Embodiment of Apophis” for “Cyber Jar”, it is added to your hand.
- If “Embodiment of Apophis” is a monster and is equipped to “Relinquished”, “Embodiment of Apophis” is treated as any other monster equipped to “Relinquished”, and “Relinquished” gets 1600 ATK and 1800 DEF.
- If “Embodiment of Apophis” is a monster, “Giant Trunade” will still return it to the owner’s hand.
- When “Embodiment of Apophis” is a monster, and is returned to the hand by “Penguin Soldier”, etc., it is returned as a Trap Card. So you cannot activate “Major Riot”.
- You can target “Embodiment of Apophis” with “Monster Recovery” while it is a monster, and return it to the Deck.
- If “Embodiment of Apophis” is a monster, and you use “Magical Hats” with it, it returns to your Spell & Trap Card Zone face-down. The other effects of “Magical Hats” apply normally.
- If “Embodiment of Apophis” battles “D.D. Warrior Lady” and her effect is activated, both will be removed from play.
- If you select “Embodiment of Apophis” as your monster for “Last Turn”, it is not sent to the Graveyard even though “Last Turn” sends all other cards to the Graveyard.
- If you control “Theban Nightmare” and “Embodiment of Apophis”, you control a Trap Card so the effect of “Theban Nightmare” cannot be applied.
- If you change “Embodiment of Apophis” to Machine-Type and use “Limiter Removal”, then “Jinzo” is Summoned later that turn and “Embodiment of Apophis” switches back to a Trap Card, “Embodiment of Apophis” is not destroyed in the End Phase by “Limiter Removal”.
- If you use “Dimensionhole” or “Interdimensional Matter Transporter” against “Embodiment of Apophis”, it returns to the field as a Trap Card and is destroyed immediately. If “Dimensionhole” was used, you cannot use the Monster Card Zone while “Embodiment of Apophis” is removed from play, but you can use the Spell & Trap Card Zone it was occupying.
Individual Card FAQs:
- Sending Spell and Trap Cards on your side of the field to the Graveyard is a cost for activating this card.
- You can activate a Normal Spell Card, such as "Raigeki", then chain "Emergency Provisions" and send "Raigeki" to the Graveyard to gain 1000 Life Points, and the effect of "Raigeki" will still resolve.
- If your opponent activates "Heavy Storm" you can chain "Emergency Provisions" to send your Spell and Trap Cards to Graveyard first (and gain the appropriate amount of Life Points).
- You gain the Life Points from this card’s effect in one lump sum, so if you control "Fire Princess" her effect will only inflict 500 points of damage.
- The effect of this card does not "destroy" your Spell and Trap Cards; it "sends them to the Graveyard." So, for example, you may send a Spell Card to the Graveyard with a counter on it from "Magic Reflector". You can also send "Fusion Sword Murasame Blade" even though it cannot be "destroyed".
- If you control a monster equipped with "Premature Burial" and you send "Premature Burial" to the Graveyard to activate "Emergency Provisions" the equipped monster is not destroyed, because "Premature Burial" was not destroyed. The same is true for Toon Monsters: if you send "Toon World" to the Graveyard with "Emergency Provisions", Toon Monsters you control are not destroyed.
- If you send "Smoke Grenade of the Thief" or "Blast with Chain" to the Graveyard for the cost of "Emergency Provisions" their effects do not activate, because they were not destroyed.
- If you send "Black Pendant" to the Graveyard for the cost of "Emergency Provisions" its effect does activate.
- While "Banisher of the Light" is face-up on the field, you cannot activate "Emergency Provisions" since it is impossible to send cards to the Graveyard.
- If you have "Imperial Order" active on your side of the field, you may send it to the Graveyard as part of the cost to activate "Emergency Provisions" and "Emergency Provisions" will not be negated.
Individual Card FAQs:
- If neither player has a Level 3 or lower Normal Monster in their Deck, the effect of "Emissary of the Afterlife" disappears BUT both players get to look at their opponent's Decks before they are shuffled.
- If only 1 player as a Level 3 or lower Normal Monster in their Deck, then that player gets to add the monster to his hand.
- You select monsters when the effect resolves. The effect of "Emissary of the Afterlife" does not target.
Individual Card FAQs:
- "Emissary of the Oasis"' last sentence applies even when your opponent attacks with a Level 3 or lower Normal Monster; the Battle Damage to you becomes zero.
- If you have "Emissary of the Oasis" with "Raregold Armor", and a Level 3 or lower Normal Monster, your opponent cannot attack.
- A Monster Token is a Normal Monster, but a Ritual Monster without an effect is not a Normal Monster.
Netrep Rulings:
- “Enchanted Javelin” is a targeting effect.
- “Enchanted Javelin” may not be activated in the Damage Step.
Individual Card FAQs:
- If you have no vacant monster zones, you cannot Special Summon with "Enchanting Fitting Room". So the Level 3 or lower Normal Monsters that would be Special Summoned are sent to the Graveyard instead. All other cards are still returned to the Deck and it is shuffled.
- If you have some vacant Monster Card Zones, but not enough, select the monsters you wish to Summon with "Enchanting Fitting Room" and Special Summon them.
Individual Card FAQs:
- You can activate "Enemy Controller"'s first effect even if you have no monster on your side of the field.
- If you activate either of "Enemy Controller"'s effects, and your opponent chains "Book of Moon" to flip the target monster face-down, its targeting conditions are no longer correct when "Enemy Controller" resolves and "Enemy Controller"'s effect disappears.
- The monster you Tribute for "Enemy Controller" is a cost.
- When the Ignition Effect of "Cannon Soldier" or "Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End" is activated, and you chain "Enemy Controller" to take control of the "Cannon Soldier"/"Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End", even if you take control of the monster, you cannot take control of the effect itself. So if your opponent activates "Cannon Soldier" or "Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End"'s effect, and you chain "Enemy Controller", you still take the damage from "Cannon Soldier"/"Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End".
- If "Dark Magician of Chaos" is Summoned, and you chain "Enemy Controller" to the activation of his effect, even if you take control of "Dark Magician of Chaos", you cannot take control of his effect, so the Summoner (the activator of the effect) gets to retrieve 1 Spell Card from the Graveyard.
- When "Spirit of the Pharaoh" is Special Summoned, and "Enemy Controller" is chained to the effect, the player who Special Summoned "Spirit of the Pharaoh" gets the effect because he activated the effect.
- If you take control of your opponent's monster with "Enemy Controller", and then the monster is flipped face-down with "Book of Moon", control of the monster is still returned to the opponent (the original controller) during the End Phase.
- If you take control of your opponent's monster with "Enemy Controller", and then the monster is removed from play with "Interdimensional Matter Transporter" or "Dimensionhole", when it returns to play it comes to the side of the field of the player who used "Enemy Controller", but then immediately moves back to the original Controller.
- If your opponent Normal Summons "Breaker the Magical Warrior", "Breaker the Magical Warrior"'s effect to place a Spell Counter on him activates, and you chain "Enemy Controller" to that effect and take control of "Breaker the Magical Warrior". In that case, resolve "Enemy Controller" first and "Breaker the Magical Warrior"'s effect of placing a Spell Counter second.
Individual Card FAQs:
- When "Hayabusa Knight", boosted by "Energy Drain", attacks, and the opponent's hand is reduced during the battle, the ATK of "Hayabusa Knight" for the second attack is not changed because the effect of "Energy Drain" is determined when "Energy Drain" resolves.
Individual Card FAQs:
- If "Enervating Mist" and "Infinite Cards" are both active, whichever effect resolved last is dominant.
Individual Card FAQs:
- For "Enraged Battle Ox"'s effect to activate, the attacked monster must be in Defense Position during damage calculation. So if "Final Attack Orders" is active, "Enraged Battle Ox"'s effect will not be applied.
Individual Card FAQs:
- If your opponent chains “Enemy Controller” to the activation of the Flip Effect of a “Charmer”, and takes control of the “Charmer”, the Flip Effect disappears.
- If you take control of the opponent’s monster with a “Charmer” and the opponent takes control back with “Change of Heart”, control still reverts to you after the effect of “Change of Heart” expires (even though it wasn’t your monster originally).
- If your opponent takes control of your monster with “Snatch Steal”, and you activate the Flip Effect of a “Charmer” to take it back, you keep control while the “Charmer” is face-up on the field.
- If “Book of Moon” is chained to the Flip Effect of a “Charmer” to flip the target monster face-down, the effect of the “Charmer” disappears.
- If a “Charmer” is removed from play with “Interdimensional Matter Transporter”, its effect is not re-applied when it’s back on the field.
- If “DNA Transplant” changes a monster’s Attribute so that it can be taken by a “Charmer”, and then “DNA Transplant” is destroyed so that the monster’s Attribute no longer corresponds to the effect of the “Charmer”, the controller of the “Charmer” loses control of the monster.
- If the turn player controls a “Charmer” and a monster controlled by its effect, and activates “Assault on GHQ” and targets the controlled monster, and the opponent chains an effect to destroy the “Charmer”, the controlled monster returns to the opponent’s control, but is still destroyed by the effect of “Assault on GHQ”.
Netrep Rulings:
- Monsters equipped with Monsters that are currently Equip Spell Cards will be destroyed by the effect of “Eternal Rest.”
Individual Card FAQs:
- You cannot activate "Exchange" if you have no other card in your hand besides "Exchange".
- The opponent is still considered the owner of the card you take by the effect of "Exchange" for all purposes.
- If you take your opponent’s "Kuriboh" through the effect of "Exchange" you may discard it to activate its effect (but it is discarded to your opponent’s Graveyard).
Netrep Rulings:
- Monsters turned to Fiend-Type in a chain with the activation of “Exile of the Wicked” will be destroyed by the effect of “Exile of the Wicked.”
Individual Card FAQs:
- You cannot activate the effect of "Exiled Force" if it is the only monster on the field.
Netrep Rulings:
- “Exiled Force” may activate its effect immediately upon summoning before the opponent may respond to the summoning.
- Tributing itself is a cost of using “Exiled Force’s” effect.
- “Exiled Force” has an activated effect and is Spell Speed 1.
Netrep Q&As:
- Q: Since “Exiled Force” can be summoned and tributed before the opponent can respond with something other than negating “Exiled Force,” can you chain “Torrential Tribute” to the effect of “Exiled Force?”
A: Yes you may. bishop, 12/15/2003 - Q: Can “Exiled Force” be the target of its own effect?
A: No. When you activate the effect of “Exiled Force” you offer it as a Tribute. It will no longer be on the field to target with its effect. Curtis Schultz, 01/17/2004 - Q: If “Exiled Force” is summoned to the field while there is a face-up “King Tiger Wanghu”, will the controller be able to activate the effect of “Exiled Force” before it is destroyed by the effect of “King Tiger Wanghu”?
A: This is similar to "Exiled Force" and "Mysterious Puppeteer." The effect of "King Tiger Wanghu" will activate automatically when "Exiled Force" is summoned. Due to this, "Exiled Force" will not be able to activate its effect. Curtis Schultz, 02/09/2004
Individual Card FAQs:
- "Exodia Necross" cannot be Normal Summoned or Set, and cannot be Special Summoned EXCEPT by the effect of "Contract with Exodia". So "Exodia Necross" cannot be Special Summoned with "Monster Reborn", etc., even if Special Summoned properly first.
- Players can activate Spell & Trap Card effects that destroy monsters, but "Exodia Necross" will not be destroyed by them.
- If a piece of Exodia is removed from the Graveyard while "Exodia Necross" is removed from play due to "Dimensionhole", "Exodia Necross" is destroyed when it returns to the field.
- If your opponent takes control of your "Exodia Necross" and does not have all 5 pieces of Exodia in his/her Graveyard, "Exodia Necross" is destroyed if face-up.
- While "Skill Drain" is active, "Exodia Necross"' ATK is returned to its original 1800 points. Even if "Skill Drain" then leaves play, "Exodia Necross" does no regain any ATK increases it had because of its effect, but it will begin to accumulate ATK points again.
- While "Skill Drain" is active, "Exodia Necross" is not destroyed if Exodia pieces are removed from the Graveyard, but it will be destroyed if the effect of "Skill Drain" disappears.
Netrep Rulings:
- If a face-down “Exodia Necross” is flipped as a result of battle when the controlling player does not have all 5 pieces of Exodia in the Graveyard, that “Exodia Necross” will be destroyed after Damage Calculation.
- A face-down “Exodia Necross” may be destroyed by Spell or Trap effects if those effects destroy “Exodia Necross” while it remains face-down.
Netrep Q&As:
- Q: If “Exodia Necross” is face-up on the field when “Fiber Jar” is flipped, will “Exodia Necross” remain on the field or be returned to the Deck?
A: It would return to the owner's Deck. Curtis Schultz, 01/25/2004
Individual Card FAQs:
- If both players have all 5 of the cards listed on "Exodia the Forbidden One" in their hand at the same time, such as if both players start with all 5 of the cards in their opening hand, or if both players draw all 5 cards by the effect of "Card Destruction", the game is declared a DRAW.
Netrep Rulings:
- A win may be declared by holding all five Exodia pieces in between a chain.
- A win may not be declared by holding all five Exodia pieces in between the resolution of an effect.
- If both players hold all five pieces of Exodia at the same time, the duel is a Draw.
- If the fifth Exodia piece is drawn and “Drop Off” is activated, the player who holds all five pieces of Exodia would still win.