You'll notice in our sidebar that you'll now see links to our twitter and instagram accounts. Our twitter account will be automatically tweeting clever or insightful soundbites from the users on our discord server. Our instagram account will be run by "Sacked", who will be posting pictures of sexy Goat Format cards for our more visual learners.
Just another reminder that liking, following, or subscribing to us on all of our social media accounts helps us get our brand out there and grow the Goat Format community. Thanks for your support. It's been awhile since we've done an episode of Talking Goats. Tomorrow will feature ACP and Skully, and they will be discussing's biggest initiative for 2019. No spoilers on what that is! You'll want to make sure that you see this one live at, tomorrow (3/24/2019) at 10 AM EST. We'll be taking questions from the chat as we go.
Yu-Gi-Oh!'s Goat Format has a lot of minor deckbuilding decisions that are seemingly inconsequential but can make a substancial difference in terms of a player's long-term winrate. While the consensus current format deckbuilding theory dictates that one should play three of all the good cards in order to maximize the chances of seeing them quickly, that rule of thumb does not apply especially well to Goat Format. Why? The fact that Goat Format games can last 20 turns rather than a few changes things a lot. This can be confusing to less experienced players in the format. Playing 3 copies of a flip effect monster in Goat Format presents a significant risk: Nobleman of Crossout.
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December 2024