Goat Format Europe are happy to announce that they will be running another 3v3 event, beginning at 8AM EST/13:00 BST/14:00 CET on August 13th! (Countdown: https://tinyurl.com/gfe3v32)
July 31st will be the last day that we will accepting applications to host a Goat Grand Prix. If you have been meaning to send in an application for the 2022 season this is your last chance. You can find the application here. If you have not been approved for a GGP and already submitted an application I urge you to apply once again and make sure ALL Information is filled out correctly in your application.
Multiple people have filled out applications with missing information or included a Discord username without even being a member of the server or an ID number for me to contact. https://www.goatformat.com/home/goat-grand-prix-application 135 players clashed in yesterday's event. Eight players now remain. Read on to hear about their journey to the top, and more!
Sometimes the best strategies borrow from multiple sources. It would appear that this was crashvolt's approach to deck building when he developed his mash up of Goat Control, Baggio Control, and Spirits, in a deck that he simply calls Earth Control.
The 135-man Goat Format Championship 18 event is underway! There's plenty of interesting Goat Format action from every spectrum of player going on, but as far as deck techs are concerned, we're looking for the unique and spicy strategies! Oftentimes, this means we need to be looking at the more inexperienced players, who for some reason or other, frequently seem more brave than their veteran when it comes to trying unorthodox strategies. Such is the case with Snikkers, who decided to attempt a take down of some of the format's best and brightest with an interesting Smokescreen Burn strategy!
Sign Ups are now open for Goat Format Championship 18!
Free entry, $250 prize, Top 4 Playmats, Top 8 invites to the 2022 Goat Format World Championships. To sign up join the Goatformat.com discord https://www.goatformat.com/home/category/discord and simply type !join Tournament will be taking place at 12pm Eastern on July 23, sign ups will be closed at 11am on July 23. If this event reaches over 100 participants Top 8 will be played on Sunday July 24th at 12pm Eastern. Congratulations to don't copy on winning Obelisk Blue 18 and earning their invite for the 2022 Goat Format World Championships! You can find the Top 4 coverage for Obelisk Blue 18 here, and view the top 8 deck lists below. If you would like to enter an Academy League event or learn more click here. 1st Place - don't copy - Goat Control
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