It's the finals of the Goat Format World Championship 2022 with Dingosig vs GeistD! Dingosig wins Rock paper scissors and chooses to go first... Game One:![]() Dingosig T-sets and passes it over to Geist. Geist starts his turn with Pot of Greed, drawing him two new cards. He follows up with Nobleman of Crossout on the set monster, a Dekoichi, banishing it and two others from Dingo's deck. Geist sets a single monster of his own and passes. Dingo normal summons Sangan, sets two more backrow, and attacks, revealing Magical Merchant. Merchant's ability mills Cyber Jar and gives Geist Heavy Storm. Unfortunate timing. Geist plays the Storm on his turn, prompting Dingo to activate his original set, a Solemn Judgment, at the cost of 4000 LP. Geist thinks for a bit, then sets his own monster and backrow and gives the turn back to Dingosig. Dingo tribute summons Zaborg off of Sangan, to which Geist replies "think." Geist Solemns the summon, paying 4000 of his own LP, but Dingosig still gets to search for Gravekeeper's Spy thanks to Sangan. He sets a third backrow and passes. Geist starts his turn, but Dingosig gets the first play as he flips his new set card: Trap Dustshoot. Dingo writes out Dingosig's hand "goat meta tsuku dmoc abyss". He returns Tsukuyomi to GeistD's deck. Geist moves on to his first main phase and flip summons Magician of Faith with three very good targets in the grave. He targets Heavy Storm, and Dingo chains with Torrential Tribute! Shrugging off blow, Geist uses the Heavy for Dingo's remaining backrow, which is revealed to be Dingo's own Heavy Storm! Talk about a twist of fate! With the coast clear, Geist normal summons Abyss Soldier and takes dingo down to 2200 LP. He sets two backrow and passes to Dingo. Drawing for his turn, Dingo analyzes his only three cards, then activates Snatch Steal targeting the opposing Abyss Soldier. It resolves, and he swings in on Geist directly with his own monster. Geist activates scapegoat in response, resetting combat. Dingo re-attacks and leaves Geist with three tokens. Finally, he sets the last two cards in his hand - a monster and a backrow - and passes. After gaining his 1000 LP from Snatch Steal, Geist activates a set Metamorphosis. Dingo wants none of this, and responds with a second Solemn Judgment. Geist sets a backrow and passes. Dingo flip summons Gravekeeper's Spy (GK Spy), but Geist responds with his own 2nd Solemn Judgment. Dingosig passes his turn, and Geist has the second Metamorphosis. Under threat of Thousand Eyes Restrict (TER), Dingo admits defeat, and we move to game two. Game Two![]() Dingo goes first and activates Graceful Charity, discarding Return from the Different Dimension and Dust Tornado. He sets a monster and two backrow cards before passing his turn. On Geist's turn Dingo flips Trap Dustshoot, noting the hand: "jog goat pot bls tsuk", leaving out the Magician of Faith that he elects to return to Geist's deck. Geist plays the previously revealed Pot of Greed, something he clearly enjoys doing, then sets a monster and two of his own backrow. He passes to Dingosig. Dingo flip summons Shining Angel, then normal summons Asura Priest. Angel attacks Geist's set monster, a Magical Merchant that mills Geist into a Delinquent Duo. Asura hits directly for 1700. Dingo sets a backrow, returns Asura, and passes. Geist starts his turn by activating his set Jar of Greed. He then Plays Duo, ripping into Dingo's three-card hand. Duo hits Asura Priest and Mystical Space Typhoon. After setting one more backrow, Geist ends his turn. Dingo draws for turn and opts simply to attack for 1400 with Shining Angel. Geist protects himself with a Scapegoat and is left with three tokens. Card advantage is back to even for now, but Geist activates Metamorphosis on his turn to summon TER. It's met with Book of Moon upon targeting the Angel, softening the board state for now. Geist sets another backrow to replace the spent Book and passes. Dingo starts his next turn strong by flipping his set "pro" Heavy Storm, potentially destroying Geist's two spell/trap cards! But Geist chains with Ring of Destruction! It resolves, sending Geist to 3900 LP and Dingo to 6600. Geist loses an additional copy of Scapegoat in the exchange, but he already has a lot of board presence... until Dingo summons Tribe-Infecting Virus! Dingosig: that' s bad Dingosig: eww geistD: everything is bad also if you dont attack A bit of banter between the players, but some resounding truth in Geist's words. Dingo attacks over the face down TER, then discards a Xing Zeng Hu to clear Geist's two remaining goat tokens. He then sets the last card in his hand as the final play of his turn. Geist summons Tsukuyomi to flip and then attack over the Tribe-Infecting Virus. It works, so he sets two backrow cards and passes to Dingo, who's quick turn consists only of setting a backrow for himself. Geist is allowed to summon his own Tribe to attack directly, taking Dingo down to 5000. Dingo sets a monster and passes back. with no obvious answer to the threat, he's now on the defensive. This caution is soon justified as Geist summons Black Luster Soldier! It's quickly met with a Solemn Judgment from Dingo, taking him to 2500 LP against Geist's 3900. Geist takes a long time to think on the activation. Could he have his own Judgment? He does! Geist pays 1950 LP to protect his Black Luster Soldier (BLS), which comes down in defense position and banishes Dingo's set GK Spy. Tribe attacks directly, bringing Dingo to 900 LP. Content with the turn, Geist sets a backrow and attempts to end his turn. Dingo has other plans, though and flips Ring of Destruction in the end step targeting the BLS. It's a draw! What a game! Game Three![]() Because the previous game ended in a draw, our players must again play Rock paper scissors to decide turn order. Dingo wins again and elects to be on the play. He opens with Delinquent Duo (about time!) and randomly takes Torrential Tribute. Geist chooses to let go of Abyss Soldier. Dingo sets a monster, a single spell/trap, and passes -- a humble play. Geist does the same, but in the end phase his backrow is hit with Mystical Space Typhoon -- a Solemn falls to the graveyard. Dingo's main phase begins and he flips Dekoichi to draw a card. Nobleman is then activated, targeting Geist's set Sangan. Dekoichi attacks for 1400 before the turn ends. Geist responds in kind as D.D. Warrior Lady (DDWL) attacks over the Dekoichi. A small victory to be sure. Alas, Geist passes with no backrow this time. Dingo is up two cards. He stops to think, then summons Tribe, discarding Return to destroy the enemy DDWL. Tribe attacks for 1600, reducing Geist to 5000 LP. Despite having three cards in hand, he decides not to set any back row and instead simply passes. Geist sets a backrow and passes. Dingo doesn't take any chances and attacks directly yet again. Not one to go down without a fight, Geist responds with Sakuretsu Armor to destroy the Tribe. With no spells or traps currently in play to back him up, Dingo must accept the loss. He sets a backrow, just for it to get eaten up by Breaker the Magical Warrior on the following turn. But wait! It's a well-timed Torrential! Not everything is going wrong for Dingo, it seems. Dingo begins his next turn with a Graceful, discarding Book and Xing. He summons Angel, which hits Geist down to 3600. He then sets a backrow and passes. Geist sets a backrow as well, but it doesn't stop Dingo from again hitting him for 1400 again before he sets a monster. Geist flips a set Heavy Storm in an attempt to destroy Dingo's single set spell/trap. It's a Book which is activated in response, targeting Angel. Apparently unafraid of an opposing Storm, Geist sets three backrow -- his entire hand -- and passes. Dingo flip summons Dekoichi to draw another card, not having to fear Torrential. He flip summons the previously Booked Angel and, ignoring the threat of Mirror Force, attacks with both. Amazingly, Geist has no defense in any of his three set cards. In either a surprising example of bravado or a godlike read on a bluff, Dingo's attack makes it through. The score is 1-1-1, and we're going to game four! Game Four![]() GeistD goes first and sets two backrow spell/traps before passing it over to Dingo. Yet again, Dingo plays Duo turn, a huge pain for Geist to say the least. The gods of random take Sakuretsu Armor, and Geist opts to get rid of Premature Burial, as it's no use to him at the moment. Still not done, Dingo follows up with Pot of Greed! Not what Geist wants to see in his potential final game of the tournament. Dingo sets a monster and three backrow. Preparing for his own plays, Geist flips Scapegoat in the end phase. Starting off his main phase one, Geist activates Creature Swap, which Dingo Solemns. Now at 3500 to Geist's 8000, Dingo is in the red, but with a lot of advantage. Geist flips Jar of Greed to draw a card and clear his backrow. He then normal summons Tribe-Infecting Virus into his last monster zone. Supported by a cheer squad of goats, Tribe attacks Dingo's set monster, possibly reading a Spy. The attack is met with Ring of Destruction, leaving Geist with only two cards. He decides to keep them in his hand when he ends his turn. Wasting no time Dingo flip summons the face down monster he spent Ring to protect. It's a Dekoichi, and he draws a card. Asura Priest joins the battlechanted locomotive to clear the tokens and before a backrow spell/trap is set. Without much gas left, Geist simply sets a monster and a backrow and passes. Dingo summons Asura again, this time aiming for the set monster...which is Cyber Jar! This is potentially huge for Geist, as it could draw him into the cards he needs to claw his way back into the game! Both players reveal the top five cards of their deck. There's tension in the air, as everyone seems to understand that the this could decide the game. Geist's five consists of four spells and traps alongside Sangan, while Dingo special summons DDWL, Shining Angel, and Dekoichi. Dingo banishes Sangan with DDWL, then hits for 2800 with the other monsters. At 2200, Geist has his back against the wall now more than ever. However, with Dingo himself at measly1900, not all is lost. With two in the backrow and five in hand, Dingo hands the turn over to Geist. Geist activates a previously revealed Heavy Storm gifted to him from from Cyber Jar. Having known about the spell card already, Dingo is prepared. He chains a Book of Moon on Dekoichi, which prompts Geist to chain his set Jar of Greed. Geist uses Nobleman on the now set Dekoichi, which is joined in banishment by another copy from Dingo's deck. Geist then summons DDWL and attacks Dingo's Angel... Dingosig: banish? geistD: no im gonna risk it In a high-risk-high-reward decision, Geist decides not to banish Angel, putting dingo to 1800 LP and allowing him to recruit another Angel. Geist then sets three cards in the back and ends his turn. Dingo normal summons breaker to go fishing. He inquires about a Solemn, which geist declines, but he does chain Ring, bringing himself to 600 LP and dingo to 200. It's nail bitingly close as Dingo summons Chaos Sorcerer in defense and again asks if his play is going to be met with Solemn. This time, it does, and Geist leaves himself at 300 LP. Having baited out the counter trap Dingo makes his move and drops a BLS into play! Angel attacks directly, and with nothing relevant left to keep him alive Geist concedes the match! Dingosig is your new Goat Format World Champion!
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