Approaching our last events before Goat Format World Championships, Chaos decks seems to be the dominating force of the format. Last time I provided a deck (Cat Control) with a solid aggressive strategy that was focused on making it very hard for meta decks to gain advantage out of our cards. Dragon Control is another approach of making interaction very hard for opponents while playing aggressively. Dragon Control has a lock down based approach based on blanking a very big amount of opposing cards while providing big threats to close out games. It is still sort of a control strategy but it takes the 'quality over quantity' concept very far. Deck Download Link This deck can be a real Chaos Killer and is specifically built to have threats that are a nightmare for Chaos Decks. All of our threat base is meant to aggressively interact with Chaos Decks, making most of their best comeback/control cards useless. The deck provides very fast boards with big monsters and forms of negation and consistently using a wide range of fusion cards. Dragon Control based on soft locks with 1 card or 2-3 card combos while heavily pressuring opponents. Our main monster threats are King Dragun and the Horus Dragons . King Dragun is very well positioned at the moment at making Chaos Sorcerers, Night Assailants, Metamorphosis, Book of Moon and Raigeki Breaks with its useless.The effect of effect of "Your opponent cannot target Dragon monsters with card effects." leaves Chaos players Cyber Jar, BLS, Tribe Mirror Force and Torrential Tribute as outs.
It is a quite a big deal considering that we can get it out for little to no cost with Fusilier Dragon+Meta or Cyber Stein and that it can lead to an extremely fast clock, giving opponents very little time to hit and resolve 1 of their outs. We are abusing King Dragun even further with the presence of Dragons we can special summon off it, giving it some great aggressive lines. Dragun into a Horus LV6 killing a monster will put most players in a tough spot, threatening a kill in 1-2 turns while providing negations. Horus lv4 also does his good job at this, pressuring any small monster or token while also killing some of the bigger ones with Book/Enemy support, upgrading into a 2300 body immune to book of moon/snatch for 1 normal summon which is threatening to become even bigger. Having those Horus felt amazing as they provided very high damage potential and protection from strong cards, while laughing at Scapegoats that would normally be annoying for an aggro strategy. Horus LV8 are obviously just bricks when drawn, but I felt happy with two because opponents can answer one many games and we can easily get the opportunity to summon a second. I was fine with some occasional -1 in hand because the upside was just too good, fast and consistent. Fusilier Dragon+Meta is our main King Dragun outlet, and we get some additional utility off our Fusiliers with Book/tsukuyomi resetting itto 2800 and getting a high amount of potential tribute summons so that we never get self TER-Locked and gain more interaction with Snatch/Enemy Controller. Cyber-Stein is an extremely powerful tool which i consider a key component in this deck. while playing more could result into having a very bad grind game, we are very often happy to see the 1 we play and gain some insane plays because of it. We usually protect our life very well with Scapegoats and our big monsters pressuring so that stein can stay live for a bunch of turns. We can protect our Stein plays with 3x mained Decree It's a 1-card King Dragun which is good enough already and potentially getting any fusion is a real icing on the cake having Gatling Dragon, Master of Oz, Last Warrior from another Planet, Dark Balter and Ryu Senshi as our main secondary targets It also justifies our Sangan that gains his 3rd target, with all 3 of them being potentially powerful in different spots: Tsuku will help plus off our TER or opposing low-defense monsters and reset fusiliers, while serpent is our usual best tribute/discard material. Rounding up the monster lineup we have Kycoo, which plays very well with the rest of our aggressive threats and provides some very strong locks and protection from opposing Chaos monster comebacks. Our trap lineup consists of only 3x Decree, which helps ensure our aggressive lines and strengthen our lockdown plays, also leaving us with some interaction during opponent's turn with our quick-plays. Enemy Controller takes advantage of our beatsticks willing to kill monsters and 3x Scapegoat+3 Meta, along with 6 potential tribute monsters. It's very nice with Stein for blowout plays as well and can very easily kill out of nowhere. Goats have a lot of synergy and enable a bunch of stuff, it makes playing aggressive vs us very hard even when opponents break a board because our counter-push plays can get very powerful. This deck really gets the best out of Metamorphosis playing a very differentiated level base, giving us access to lv1, 6, 7 and 8 very consistently and for little/no cost. Our sideboard will be basically just replacing the interaction points where we may have some leaks, replacing decrees where they may not be needed and providing answers to floodgates, combo and stall. We are getting a very coherent aggressive deck, getting huge monsters with stun and self protection elements and a sort of very strong linear strategy. At the same time our threats can be very diversified as we get Metamorphosis, Stein and a bunch of tricks that provide multiple options. We have very consistent access to cards that can be winning games on their own and while most of our lines include 1-2 punches we need to be setting up our plays very carefully, giving our opponents the smaller amount of outs possible. As most of our plays can be very threatening it is very easy to force opposing interaction on the wrong cards, and the key to properly playing this deck is baiting opposing answers before developing what we think are going to be our game winning threats. Hope you enjoyed today's deck, see you next time. -TheNano
9/21/2020 06:24:29 pm
What a cool deck idea! It was already amazing for me to see the cat control deck, this dragon deck is also fascinating. I am always happy when people think about other turns in goatformat and build decks that are different from the mainstream. My respect for your deck building skills, look forward to your next article :)
The small white G.O.A.T. (token)
9/25/2020 07:56:20 pm
You're South American right? Minor errors in the article but who am I to complain cause I can't spell grammar without spell check :).
The small white GOAT
9/26/2020 07:13:49 pm
Whatever became of your original manticore deck with mother griz? Did it become your cat deck I is that just something else?
hey there, not playing Mirage Dragon cause it doesn't accomplish much on its own and it matches up very badly with the Chaos decks using only chainable backrow and Tomato/Spy/Sorcerers, also it doesnt add much to King Dragun/Horus effects.
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