“It’s a good old rivalry,” explained Kevin. “We’re never on the same team at the same time.” Osman won the roll and opted to start the game. Game One Osman had Graceful Charity in his hand, but decided to set a card to each zone instead. Kevin summoned Breaker the Magical Warrior and broke Osman’s Scapegoat. Osman chained it, and then removed Breaker from play when it attacked his D. D. Warrior Lady. Kevin set a card and passed. Osman did the same, and then Kevin summoned Asura Priest to slay the Sheep token. Osman summoned a Spirit Reaper and tried to attack, but Scapegoat stymied his attempt. Kevin summoned Sangan and then attacked the Reaper. Osman took it, then switched his Reaper to defense position and set a card. Kevin summoned Tribe-Infecting Virus and called priority for Zombies, discarding Sinister Serpent. Osman chained with Torrential Tribute, and Kevin searched out Tsukuyomi with Sangan. He then set a card and passed. Osman decided it was time to play Graceful Charity, and he did so, discarding Metamorphosis and Call of the Haunted. He followed it up with Delinquent Duo, hitting Tsukuyomi and Asura Priest. Finally, he set a card to each zone and passed. Kevin started by bringing back his Sinister Serpent, and he summoned Blade Knight. Blade Knight attacked a face down Magician of Faith and negated its effect. Osman set a card, but it was destroyed in the end phase by Dust Tornado. It was Mirror Force. Osman summoned Tribe-Infecting Virus and used Snatch Steal to take Kevin’s Blade Knight. Both attacks connected, and Osman passed. Kevin gained 1000 life points during his standby phase, then set a card to each zone and passed. Osman weighed his decision carefully before deciding to set a monster. He flipped Ceasefire for 2000 damage, revealing Kevin’s Sinister Serpent, then attacked it with Tribe-Infecting Virus and hit directly with Blade Knight, bringing Kevin to 1400 life points. Kevin gained 1000 life points again in the standby phase before using Call of the Haunted on his own Tribe-Infecting Virus. He discarded for Warriors, then tributed the Virus for Jinzo and attacked the opposing Tribe-Infecting Virus. Osman played Heavy Stormed, and a Book of Moon flipped down Jinzo. Osman set a card and passed. Kevin drew into Pot of Greed and played it. He hit Sangan with Book of Moon and then with Nobleman of Crossout. He attacked with Jinzo and passed. Osman had to pass, and Kevin summoned D. D. Assailant and attacked with both of his monsters. Jinzo was hit with another Book of Moon, but the Assailant hit home, bringing Osman to down 2400 life points. Osman set a monster during his turn, but it wasn’t enough to hold off the onslaught. Kevin Hor takes game 1. Kevin 1, Osman 0 Game Two Both players launched into side deck mode and tore through their cards as if they knew exactly what they were looking for. They shuffled in silence once again, and Osman opted to go first for game two. He started off with a facedown card to each zone, then passed. Kevin had a distinctly more aggressive start, and he summoned Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer. He attacked into D. D. Assailant, and both were removed. He set one more card, then passed over to Osman, who brought the Sangan beats for 1000. During the end phase, Kevin’s Mystical Space Typhoon got rid of Osman’s Scapegoat. Kevin summoned King Tiger Wanghu and attacked Sangan, prompting Osman to search out his Sinister Serpent. Kevin finished out his turn with a facedown card. Osman set a card to each zone and then passed. Kevin had Nobleman of Crossout for Osman’s Serpent, and he attacked unopposed for 1700 damage. Osman considered his move for a few moments before deciding to take the aggressive route and play Snatch Steal on King Tiger Wanghu. He also summoned Asura Priest and attacked with both monsters. The Tiger got through, but Ring of Destruction killed off the Priest. Kevin dropped Tribe-Infecting Virus, and both players passed priority. It was followed up by Snatch Steal, and Osman took 3300 damage. He then set the rest of his hand and passed. Osman set a card to each zone, and was forced to pass. Kevin attacked revealing Spirit Reaper, and he discarded Call of the Haunted to kill it with the Virus’s effect. Osman topdecked Pot of Greed and played it. He set a card to each zone again, and once again chose to hold off on using Graceful Charity. King Tiger attacked and Osman tried to hit it with Sakuretsu Armor. Book of Moon saved the monster, and Tribe killed the Magician of Faith. He set a monster and passed. The Magician had brought Pot of Greed back to Osman, and he played it again. He then followed with Graceful Charity. Osman summoned D. D. Assailant and attacked the Virus, destroying it. Kevin flipped his Tiger back and it was destroyed by Torrential Tribute along with the rest of the monsters. Kevin set a card, but during the end phase, Osman activated Call of the Haunted to return the Jinzo that he had discarded from Graceful Charity to the field. Osman summoned D. D. Warrior Lady, then attacked with both monsters and played Swords of Revealing Light. Kevin set a face down card and passed. Osman brought out another monster, and seeing that it wouldn’t do him any good to continue, Kevin conceded game two. Kevin 1, Osman 1 Game Three In between games, Kevin gave us all a speech on friendship. Then he decided to go first. “Oh, c’mon, can’t you let your friends go first?” inquired Osman. “No. I’m letting myself go first,” replied Kevin. He started off with a face down card and Card Destruction. Osman suspected Scapegoat, so he summoned Spirit Reaper and attacked. Ring of Destruction blew it up, and Osman set a card and passed. Kevin drew and used Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Osman’s Scapegoat. Osman chained it, and Kevin had to set a card and pass. Osman just set two cards and passed it back to Kevin. Kevin added another face down card to his spell and trap zone, and Dust Tornado took it out. Also during the end phase, Call of the Haunted brought Sangan back to Osman’s field. He quickly tributed it for Airknight Parshath and used the effect to fetch Tsukuyomi. Airknight attacked unopposed, and Osman set a facedown card before ending. Kevin summoned Breaker the Magical Warrior and declared that he would use its effect against Osman’s face down card. He chained Ring of Destruction to destroy Breaker, and Kevin brought back his Dark Magician of Chaos with Premature Burial. Its effect brought Brain Control back to his hand and he used it to steal Airknight Parshath. It pierced through a Sheep token, then Kevin set two cards and passed. Osman really wanted a Heavy Storm right now, but he didn’t have it. He used metamorphosis on a Sheep token and used the newfound Thousand-Eyes Restrict to take Dark Magician of Chaos into his clutches. Osman declared his attack, and the game was over. Osman Ortiz wins the match, 2-1. Metagame.com (2005)This article was originally written by Metagame.com, what was formerly the official website for large Yu-Gi-Oh! tournament coverage. It has been preserved by GoatFormat.com so that players can learn from this historical tournament coverage.
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