Both players were extremely laid back as they shuffled up for the match. They exchanged a few pleasantries, and then presented their decks for the cut. Robert won the die roll and opted to begin the match. Game One Robert opened up with a face down card to each zone, and started chanting “No godhand, no godhand, no godhand!” T made the same move and passed as well. Robert whacked T’s monster with Nobleman of Crossout, then flipped D. D. Warrior Lady and attacked. The attack connected, and Robert set a card before passing. T drew and played Pot of Greed, then followed it up with Delinquent Duo. Robert was forced to discard Book of Moon and Enemy Controller leaving him one card in hand against T’s five. T set a card to each zone, then passed. Robert attacked, and hit into a Magician of Faith, bringing back T’s Pot of Greed. He set a card, and it was destroyed at the end of turn by Dust Tornado. T played the Pot again, then used Snatch Steal to take the Warrior Lady. He attacked into Scapegoat, and then killed a Sheep token. He then summoned Tsukuyomi to flip down the D. D. Warrior Lady, keeping it on his side of the field. Robert was in bad shape, and he simply passed his turn. T flipped the Lady and summoned Sangan, then munched two Sheep tokens and passed. Robert flipped Snatch Steal to take his Lady back and tried to kill Sangan, but Mirror Force put a stop to his plan. T drew, and with six cards in hand, attacked a Sheep token. He set one card, then passed back to Robert, who thought very hard about his move. He played Giant Trunade, and it was T’s turn to think. He chained Dust Tornado to destroy Robert’s facedown Scapegoat, which was also chained. Robert tried to use Premature Burial, but then remembered that he couldn’t, due to Scapegoat. He passed instead. T brought down Tsukuyomi again and killed two Sheep tokens. T set one more card, then passed. On his next turn, Robert played Premature Burial to get back D. D. Warrior Lady. He ran it into Sangan and removed both from play. He then set a card and passed. At the end of the turn, T played Call of the Haunted on Magician of Faith. He then drew and summoned Tsukuyomi to flip down his Magician and then brought it back up again retrieving his Pot of Greed yet again. He attacked, but ate Mirror Force. He then set a card and passed. Robert set a monster and passed with one card remaining in his hand. T hit it with Nobleman of Crossout, then summoned D. D. Assailant to attack a Sheep token. He set one more card and passed. Robert just sighed and ended his turn. T brought the hurt by tributing for Airknight Parshath and piercing through the last Sheep token. Robert had to use Lightning Vortex just to stay alive. He finished his turn with a face down spell or trap. T summoned another D. D. Assailant and it was destroyed by Torrential Tribute. Robert then tried to gain some momentum by summoning Tribe-Infecting Virus. His attack was successful, but T just brought out D. D. Survivor and continued to bring the pain. Robert was topdecking, and he needed a miracle to try and pull this one out. He didn’t get it. He set D. D. Assailant, but the Survivor ran into it without any real consequence, and T’s freshly summoned Breaker the Magical Warrior swung for 1900. Robert set a card and passed. Breaker destroyed Robert’s Ring of Destruction but at this point, it didn’t matter, as T’s monsters just swung to win the game anyway. T 1, Robert 0 Game Two Both players chose to side deck between games, and Robert remarked about how tough it is to side deck in this matchup. “Obviously, I don’t need Black Luster,” he muttered to himself. Robert chose to go first, and he set a face down card to each zone. T started off with Pot of Greed, then set a monster and two spells or traps before ending. Robert set another card, but at the end of the turn it was destroyed by Dust Tornado. T flipped D. D. Warrior Lady and attacked, but Ring of Destruction took it out, putting both players at 6500 life points. He set a new monster then passed over to Robert, who flipped his face down Magician of Faith to return Scapegoat to his hand and tributed it for Airknight Parshath. The Airknight attacked and hit Magician of Faith, which brought back T’s Pot of Greed again. He played it, then set a spell or trap and a monster and passed. Robert played Giant Trunade, and T had no response. Robert reset his cards, then Airknight hit a defense mode D. D. Survivor for 1700 and a freshly summoned Blade Knight for 1600. T had plenty of cards, but he was down on life points. He summoned Breaker the Magical Warrior, but it was immediately met by Book of Moon. T removed a Light and a Dark monster for Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning, then removed Airknight Parshath from play. He set one more monster and passed. Robert set a new card facedown and passed, showing four cards in hand. T sighed as he switched his Soldier into attack position and tried to destroy Blade Knight. Blade Knight bit the big one, but the second attack rammed into Scapegoat. T killed a Sheep token, then passed over to Robert, who thought long and hard about his next move. He used Premature Burial to get back Magician of Faith, and then tributed it for Mobius the Frost Monarch, targeting T’s two face down cards. T chained a Book of Moon to flip down his Soldier in case of Lightning Vortex or any similar card. From the look on Robert’s face, he had one. He had to attack the face down Soldier to flip it up, so he could use Lightning Vortex to get it off the field. Unfortunately for him, he had to discard Breaker the Magical Warrior and go down to one card in hand to do it. T used Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Robert’s Torrential Tribute, then played Lightning Vortex to clear Robert’s field, discarding Scapegoat. He tributed his face down Breaker for Airknight Parshath, attacked, set two cards, and ended. Robert played Swords of Revealing Light and a face down monster, then hoped T didn’t have anything. T set a monster and a card, then passed to Robert, who drew Pot of Greed and played it. Robert used Nobleman of Crossout to eliminate T’s D. D. Assailant, then set a card and ended. T checked both graveyards very carefully before flipping down his own Airknight with Tsukuyomi. Robert topdecked Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer and summoned it to the field. It was blown away by Torrential Tribute, along with his own facedown Tsukuyomi. T drew and passed, and the Swords of Revealing Light was gone. Robert drew and smiled at his draw as if he had just drawn Black Luster Soldier –Envoy of the Beginning. Lo and behold, it was Black Luster Soldier. The question was, could T stop him? If not, it was game. Robert summoned, paused, and attacked. T flipped Scapegoat, and the game was on yet again. Robert passed on attacking any Sheep tokens and ended his turn. T played Snatch Steal to try and steal the game away, but a timely Book of Moon saved Robert, for at least this turn. This was a rather unfortunate turn of events for T, who had to pass his turn. Robert flipped the Soldier back up and took another round of thinking. He attacked two Sheep tokens, then set a monster and ended. T summoned Tribe-Infecting Virus and discarded Tsukuyomi to kill all Warriors. He attacked into Robert’s Sangan, and he used it to fetch Spirit Reaper. T opted not to use his D. D. Designator, and passed over to Robert, who set two cards and passed. T attacked it, then put his Designator to good use, discarding to destroy Zombies. Robert set a card, then T set a card. T attacked with Tribe-Infecting Virus, and the attack hit home. Robert drew Mystical Space Typhoon and used it to kill T’s face down Heavy Storm. Robert used Call of the Haunted to bring back his Black Luster Soldier and attacked Tribe-Infecting Virus. The attack went through, and T was brought down to 300 life points. T drew and got Metamorphosis, turning his single remaining token into a Thousand-Eyes Restrict. It absorbed the Black Luster Soldier and attacked. Robert had nothing, and the match was over. Theeresak Poonsombat wins the match 2-0. (2005)This article was originally written by, what was formerly the official website for large Yu-Gi-Oh! tournament coverage. It has been preserved by so that players can learn from this historical tournament coverage.
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