Kevin "Splevin" Micenin is another veteran of the Goat Format scene. He's made top placements at GFC and FLC events, and has continuously proven himself as one of the best players in the world. Today, at the most important event of the year, Micenin decided to try and prove once again that he's got what it takes to be a champion. His deck of choice? Relinquished Turbo! Decklist
Player InsightPerhaps in typical Yu-Gi-Oh! player fashion, it seems like it may have been a last-minute decision by Micenin to play Relinquished today. Still, the deck has proven it's more than capable of taking down a large event, and in the hands of an experienced player like this, it's definitely not an unlikely scenario for us to see Relinquished in the top standings tomorrow. So, after spending several days testing goat control and Flip Warrior, neither managed to convince me. Then, the night before Worlds, I stumbled upon Wavment's deck while checking replays on and decided to give it a shot. Despite looking like a last-minute choice, Micenin clearly put some thought into the deck, its matchups, and its strengths. How do they feel it's all been working out for them today, though. The tournament isn't going to go well, to be honest, but that's almost totally on me. In round 1, I played a nice back-and-forth match with Alephya; I lost round 2 because I played sloppy, and I got destroyed by Rabbid during round 3.
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