232 entrants in the year's first Goat Format Championship, but only one can stand victorious! In the second day of the event the top 16 players from the day before will duke it out for the crown, but who are these talented duelists? Read on to learn more about them!
If you could go back, what (if any) changes would you would make to your deck today?
Maybe some more draw engine, cutting the second soul release. And maybe 1-2 cards in the side could change, but the other 39 main cards are perfect.
What has been your favorite moment of the event so far? Top decking breaker to help me go for game with a BLS push. I was in a bad spot before the breaker. If you could go back, what (if any) changes would you would make to your deck today? I wouldn't make changes
What card had been overperforming for you today? Breaker probably, think it went crazy every single time I drew it, straight won me a few games. Solemn was pretty good too What has been your favorite moment of the event so far? I was down pretty bad in my final match of the day in g1 having all monsters facing a deadly cyber jar set that was searched off sangan. I topdecked graceful into card destruction which got me heavy + nobleman along with a monster + raigeki break and solemn which turned the game completely in my favor and won next turn. There was another moment in round 2 where I was staring down kycoo and my deck only had 1 remaining answer to it in 9 cards which was a breaker to attack kycoo. With 2 cards left in deck I finally drew it and won next turn after opponent attempted to win with a bls attack into my mirror force. If you could go back, what (if any) changes would you would make to your deck today? None, I’ve been loving the list for a month straight and continue to love it
What card had been overperforming for you today?
Spirit Reaper & MOF for sure. What has been your favorite moment of the event so far? Hasn't happened yet, will be me or my team members bringing home this GFC title. If you could go back, what (if any) changes would you would make to your deck today? I'll let you know if I take a loss 😉. No matter what happens, Thank you to the staff at GF discord for hosting another great tourney because without you guys, none of this is possible. Also shout out to Team Rampge & Team Gorilla Unit (from the war league server) cuz WE THE BEST! 😉
What card had been overperforming for you today?
Pot of Greed What has been your favorite moment of the event so far? When I summoned the mystical tomato If you could go back, what (if any) changes would you would make to your deck today? May add 2 beaters to the side; any large scale changes would require a complete shift of approach (e.g. decrees over solemns, cutting spies etc.)
What card had been overperforming for you today?
Sinister Serpent put in the most work, from walling monsters to baiting NoC or Mind Control to being free discard fodder. It's the workhorse of the deck in my opinion. What has been your favorite moment of the event so far? My duel against LeoPHuncho. I had yet to play his Goat Control list, so it was cool to play the person who made it or popularized it. Unfortunately I double summoned, and game 2 was quite sacky on my part, but nevertheless it was a tense game. If you could go back, what (if any) changes would you would make to your deck today? No changes in particular. I've been satisfied thus far with the list.
breaker and sentry. Set sentry pass. Opponent (jjstokes) attacks facedown with deko sentry walls it and he passes. Next turn I top bls , summon breaker pop the set mf , flip flopped golem to bounce kycoo drop bls then attack for 7k
If you could go back, what (if any) changes would you would make to your deck today? Deck was fine I have a tech card I wish to try buy can't disclose yet. Made a misplay in day 2 then opponent toptecks bls
What decks or players were you NOT looking forward to playing against?
Chaos Turbo, even tho I have tried to increase my win rate vs the turbo deck with this version of cc, I still wanted to dodge as many of the Turbo players as possible. Let the warrior guys eat em up so I can pick them off one by one after its over. What card had been overperforming for you today? Metamorphosis, because I know how to use it better than anyone. What has been your favorite moment of the event so far? Going undefeated only for this to be the GFC where we reset the brackets. :CryingJordan: If you could go back, what (if any) changes would you would make to your deck today? I would add Cyber-Steins to my sidedeck to make my alt win matchups free.
can sometimes just win without you being able to do anything (I didn't play any copy of Solemn Judgment, so if my opponent activated Heavy Storm or Giant Trunade I kinda had to pray), and that's why I decided to play Kuriboh in my side deck.
What card had been overperforming for you today? During day one, I don't think there was a card that exceeded my expectations. We all know Gravekeeper's Spy is a very good card, we all know Dekoichi is a very good card, and so on. However, since I played against so many chaos decks, Mind Control was almost always sided in for games 2 and 3, and it has performed very well. It was fun to play mirror matches and throw Mind Controls at each other, and luckily I haven't used it on a Sangan or a Sinister Serpent so far. What has been your favorite moment of the event so far? My favourite moment of the event was during round 4: I was playing against Slashtap who was running a Reasoning Gate machine deck with Cyber Stein, Limiter Removal and stuff like that. I lost game 1 to Heavy storm + Cyber Stein + Megamorph (8400 atk Master of Oz is pretty good I guess). I almost lost game 2 in a similar way, except this time I could use Kuriboh against a 9200 atk Blowback Dragon to save myself and consequently win the game. I then proceeded to win game 3, once again, by using Kuriboh's effect. The best part was that the match was being live streamed, and after the game ended I watched it on youtube (JDZ's reaction to the plot twist in game 2 was hilarious!). If you could go back, what (if any) changes would you would make to your deck today? Overall I'm pretty happy with my list I played and I don't think I would change it. The only thing I could consider is that by not maining Tsukuyomi, resolving Gravekeeper's Spy's effect twice in the same game is a bit more difficult, as it can only be done with Book of Moon. Because of that, cutting the third Spy and playing the third Dekoichi instead could've been a valid option, and it would've been coherent with my idea of sacrificing a bit of my game 1 matchup against warriors in favor of having better cards for the mirror match. At the same time though, Spy is better against Mind Control than Dekoichi, so I guess it's just a matter of preference, and I think I like Spy more. So yeah, I probably wouldn't change my decklist if I could.
What card had been overperforming for you today?
Toon Cannon Soldier! What has been your favorite moment of the event so far? No particular one. If you could go back, what (if any) changes would you would make to your deck today? I like the deck the way it is.
What has been your favorite moment of the event so far?
Game 3 against Solmastermatt. He Snatch Stole my Dekoichi and has 3 backrow set. I have Raigeki Break and Widespread Ruin facedown and Sangan set. No cards in hand for me. He summons DDWL, attacks into my Sangan, I use Widespread Ruin, he chains Solemn (second solemn used this game) and he goes down to 300 LP. I flip the Sangan and he opts to use DDWLs effect to banish. Swings in with Dekoichi. Passes back to me, I draw Thunder Dragon . Use the effect, use Raigeki Break on the Snatch Steal to take back my Dekoichi and swing for game. Got me into top 16. If you could go back, what (if any) changes would you would make to your deck today? For the most part I'm pretty satisfied with my deck. Maybe I would go back and add a second Solemn in place of Jar of Greed or Sakuretsu Armor. But other than that, very happy with how the deck performed.
If you could go back, what (if any) changes would you would make to your deck today?
I would not make any at all
If you could go back, what (if any) changes would you would make to your deck today? I would consider cutting 1 wanghu for a mind control, but only because I've faced so little burn and control.
Turns out Turbo is a bad matchup for this version of Panda because game 1 we don't have any floodgates, chain energy, koala, and we don't even play a full 3 just desserts. It is just a recruiter beatdown deck fighting against turbo, which is a damn nightmare. Luckily the Tomabyss half performs a little better.
What card had been overperforming for you today? Royal Decree. Nothing like flipping a Decree on your opponent's set 3 against what you thought was panda only to get steamrolled. Even players who knew the decree was there had to rethink their traplineups, which for my aggressive deck only serves as an advantage. What has been your favorite moment of the event so far? As sour as the game ended, I really liked how the game against AJT went. I think it took some very patient plays and difficult decisions and I am proud of myself for finding some of the lines and making some of the reads I did. GG AJT, it was a good one! If you could go back, what (if any) changes would you would make to your deck today? 3 book is laughable. I'd play a real Yugioh card instead of a 3rd book.
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