Tyler Mathews (AKA Urtzuub) decided to try and drown out the opposition of today's event with an uncommon take on the common Reasoning Gate strategy. His spice? A water theme complete with three copies of Levia-Dragon - Daedalus! Deck List
Player InsightSpeaking on why he decided to play this specific deck today, Mathews remarked that they, "I really enjoy field wiping." I don't think they're alone in that feeling. But, what else did they have to say about the deck? Having a lot of different levels for reasoning [is important], and Abyss soldier is probably the best card in the deck. However, a lot of people tend to call seven on Reasoning, so it’s good to have three copies of Daedalus, so you can hard draw it. The only commonly main-decked card that can really stop Daedalus is Solemn Judgement. Also, make sure you play A Legendary Ocean first so you can use priority if you hit Daedalus off Reasoning or Monster Gate. Great advice for anyone looking to try out the deck! Mathews ended the day with a respectable 4-2 record. Here's their take on the day's events: Nothing much for stories to tell. I bricked both games round one, and the last round I lost my opponent had all the right cards at the right time. Other than that, I think I would’ve done a lot better I've definitely had my share of games where it felt like the opponent had everything. Best we can do is brush ourselves off and move on. Though it's also important to note any mistakes on our end, which I'm sure Mathews has done, looking forward to the next event and an even better performance. And, of course, we'll be rooting him on the entire way!
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