Introduction to Chaos ControlChaos Control is a variant of Goat Control which replaces Airknight Parshath (seen in Detox builds) for Chaos Sorcerer. Other Light engines (mainly Thunder Dragons) are used to compensate for the Light monsters that are lost by dropping Airknight Parshath and Magical Merchant. Chaos Control became a noticeable deck when the HumbleRobot build with the Dark Mimic package and Thunder Dragons won FLC13 in August 2020. Subsequent strong performances show this is a capable deck in the hands of a skilled pilot. StrategyAs with Goat Control, the deck aims to take advantage of the flexibility of Scapegoat, especially when combined with Metamorphosis, to bring out Thousand-Eyes Restrict to deal with the early game monsters. Chaos Sorcerer offers better late game plays for when the opponent manages to answer Thousand-Eyes Restrict plays. The deck needs to have a consistent Light monster engine that compliments the abundance of Dark monsters. Thunder Dragon is often the go-to Light engine, but Shining Angel and Skilled White Magician are other Light monsters that can be considered. Thunder Dragon Chaos ControlThunder Dragon is a reliable Light engine that, when a copy is drawn, thins the Deck by at least one card and adds at least one Light monster into the Graveyard. It also reduces the effectiveness of Delinquent Duo discards and interacts favourably with Graceful Charity. When required, it is a Level five body that can be used with Metamorphosis to bring out a relevant Fusion monster (normally Dark Balter the Terrible). Thunder Dragon Chaos Control does heavily rely on a Set monster (usually a Flip effect) in the earlier turns if Thousand-Eyes Restrict is not an option. The extra copies of Thunder Dragon also tend to be blank cards until there is a discard outlet available. Despite these drawbacks, triple Thunder Dragon remains the de-facto Light engine for modern Chaos Control lists. Angel ChaosThe Shining Angel engine trades the ability to immediately fuel the Graveyard with Lights for a toolbox which can access the best low level Light monsters. D.D. Warrior Lady answers any monster at the cost of an attack, Magician of Faith is one of the main Flip monsters of the format, and Magical Merchant nets a Spell or Trap while fueling the Graveyard for your Chaos boss monsters, with further Light monster options available post-siding. Shining Angel deals early pressure and, as with any battle recruiter, is generally hard to answer. However, it can struggle against the control decks that do not frequently leave a monster in Attack Position. Skilled White ChaosSkilled White Magician was a relevant Light monster when Detox Goat Control was a popular deck. Its 1900 DEF allowed it to wall Airknight Parshath that was commonly seen when people believed Detox Goat Control was the best deck of the format. The significant change to the metagame during lockdown has been the popularity of Chaos Turbo and Warriors; Detox Goat Control can struggle against these two modern decks. The niche initially offered by Skilled White Magician no longer exists as Detox Goat Control is not a commonly seen deck. The 1700/1900 stats, however, still force a response from the opponent, especially in the mirror match. It can also be a Light monster in the Graveyard in a pinch (by attempting and failing to find Buster Blader) should it remain on the field after three Spell cards are played. In the modern adaptation of the format, Skilled White Chaos has the least representation out of the different Chaos Control variants. Deck Skeleton1 Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning 2 Chaos Sorcerer 2 Magician of Faith 1 Tsukuyomi 1 Sangan 1 Sinister Serpent 1 Breaker the Magical Warrior 1 Tribe-Infecting Virus 1 D.D. Warrior Lady 3 Thunder Dragon / Shining Angel / Skilled White Magician 1 Pot of Greed 1 Delinquent Duo 1 Graceful Charity 1 Heavy Storm 1 Mystical Space Typhoon 2 Book of Moon 2 Scapegoat 2 Metamorphosis 2 Nobleman of Crossout 1 Snatch Steal 1 Mirror Force 1 Torrential Tribute 1 Ring of Destruction Main Deck Card ChoicesOne of the more popular choices when running a Chaos Control variant is Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive, as it is a Dark monster that nets a card draw. An alternative is Dark Mimic LV1, which has a significantly lower ATK stat, but can be used with Metamorphosis and can level up to Dark Mimic LV3. Mystic Tomato is another recruiter like Shining Angel, but brings out Sangan as its primary target, which searches most of the smaller monsters in the deck. Other Mystic Tomato targets are Dark Mimic LV1, Spirit Reaper and Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive. There have been some lists with Apprentice Magician as it can bring out Magician of Faith without being too exposed to Nobleman of Crossout. The Shining Angel package normally runs Magical Merchant as a searchable target, and tends to run triple Book of Moon and double Tsukuyomi to use the Flip Effect monsters that are Summoned off Shining Angel. Recent Thunder Dragon Chaos Control lists have reduced Metamorphosis to two copies to try to limit the number of dead draws it causes. There is a debate on whether to main deck Royal Decree in the list, but this is dependent on how Trap heavy the metagame is. The Thunder Dragon variants that do not run Royal Decree tend to run Raigeki Break. Other Trap cards that can be run are Phoenix Wing Wind Blast, Trap Dustshoot, Sakuretsu Armor, and Dust Tornado. A third copy of Scapegoat is normally seen alongside Royal Decree as Scapegoat is an extra battle damage prevention card (by providing a field of 4 Sheep Tokens) while Royal Decree is face-up. The third copy gives you a monster that you would happily swap with your opponent’s monster if you have a tech copy of Creature Swap. Side Deck OptionsTrap Dustshoot works against combo decks for sending away their combo monsters to the Deck, and against Chaos Turbo and the mirror match for sending away the relevant Light/Dark monster based upon the contents of the hand. Mind Control is a popular choice vs Chaos Turbo as the stolen Flip Effect monsters are normally of high value and you can banish a Chaos monster with its own effect. Swords of Revealing Light buys three turns of no attacks vs aggro strategies. Some cards that can be sided if not already run in the mainboard include Royal Decree, third copy of Scapegoat and Creature Swap. Angel variants will side Roulette Barrel and Jowgen the Spiritualist for aggro decks and Special Summon-reliant combo decks respectively. Example lists
Reasons to play Chaos ControlA motivating factor to play Chaos Control is its resemblance to Goat Control (Scapegoat + Metamorphosis is a historically common combination) but with a higher ceiling achieved by the inclusion of Chaos Sorcerer which often removes a monster when it hits the field. The better monsters in the game tend to have a Light or a Dark Attribute. The deck has a wider range of Fusion Monsters that Metamorphosis can reliably summon. The Level six Fusion Monsters Ryu Senshi and Dark Blade the Dragon Knight are good against the other top tier decks; the former works well against decks that have lots of Normal Traps and the latter denies Graveyard-focused strategies of their resources. The Thunder Dragon variant also has access to Dark Balter the Terrible, which can block the smaller Effect Monsters it destroys in battle as well as negating the powerful Normal Spells that are common in the format. ConclusionIf you are looking for a deck that has an engine common to the Goat Format time period and like running Chaos monsters this could be the deck for you. About the AuthorManic Lord
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