Contents 1. Overview a. Deck List 2. Variants a. Card of Safe Return Zombie b. Drain Zombie c. Skull Servant Zombie 3. Additional Card Options 4. Articles and Reports a. Modern Articles b. Modern Reports c. Historic Articles d. Historic Reports |
Zombie is an aggressive monster-based strategy that abuses Pyramid Turtle to easily special summon large Zombie-type monsters. Vampire Lord and Ryu Kokki are the most powerful targets, though cards like Spirit Reaper can also be searched out if the situation calls for it.
Giant Rat is often played as an additional recruiter that adds consistency by allowing the pilot to more easily find and abuse Turtle. Support cards like Book of Life and Call of the Mummy create other avenues of easily summoning large zombies, and Regenerating Mummy and Fear from the Dark are sometimes used as four-star beaters, too.
Zombies saw some success in the 2005 era. Sporting a Phoenix package, Keanson Ye piloted the deck to a 2nd Place finish at SJC LA. Eric Wu also placed well in the same event with a Chaos variant. Finally, Robert Tagoe made Top eight in the 2005 UK Nationals with the undead. However, pure zombie decks were not seen as competitively viable until Delinkquent's impressive first place finish at FLC 17 in 2021. Since then, his list has become the new standard for Zombie strategies.
Giant Rat is often played as an additional recruiter that adds consistency by allowing the pilot to more easily find and abuse Turtle. Support cards like Book of Life and Call of the Mummy create other avenues of easily summoning large zombies, and Regenerating Mummy and Fear from the Dark are sometimes used as four-star beaters, too.
Zombies saw some success in the 2005 era. Sporting a Phoenix package, Keanson Ye piloted the deck to a 2nd Place finish at SJC LA. Eric Wu also placed well in the same event with a Chaos variant. Finally, Robert Tagoe made Top eight in the 2005 UK Nationals with the undead. However, pure zombie decks were not seen as competitively viable until Delinkquent's impressive first place finish at FLC 17 in 2021. Since then, his list has become the new standard for Zombie strategies.
Deck List
This is Delinkquent's FLC17 list. While the deck does use many classic Zombie staples, there's a lot to be said for the major differences this list has compared to traditional Zombie decks. Maximizing on Gorilla, Kokki, and a full six recruiters shows just how aggressive the deck is supposed to be. Kycoo helps keep Chaos decks in check, and Rat can even toolbox for Exiled Force or Injection Fairy.
A full three Book of Life partners well with the rarely seen Tribute to the Doomed. Together with Turtle and Royal Decree, the pilot can focus on creating threatening board states and pushing through for damage without being hindered by opposing monsters or traps.
A full three Book of Life partners well with the rarely seen Tribute to the Doomed. Together with Turtle and Royal Decree, the pilot can focus on creating threatening board states and pushing through for damage without being hindered by opposing monsters or traps.
Monsters3x Berserk Gorilla 3x Giant Rat 3x Kycoo The Ghost Destroyer 3x Pyramid Turtle 3x Ryu Kokki 1x Breaker the Magical Warrior 1x Exiled Force 1x Injection Fairy Lily 1x Tribe-Infecting Virus 1x Vampire Lord Vertical Divider
Spells3x Book of Life 3x Tribute to the Doomed 2x Creature Swap 2x Nobleman of Crossout 1x Graceful Charity 1x Heavy Storm 1x Mystical Space Typhoon 1x Pot of Greed 1x Premature Burial 1x Snatch Steal Vertical Divider
Traps3x Royal Decree 1x Call of the Haunted |
Card of Safe Return Zombie
True to its name, this variant of Zombie tries to get the most out of Card of Safe Return (CoSR). While most strategies only have access to two reanimation effects (Premature Burial and Call of the Haunted), Zombie decks can also make use of three Book of Life to trigger CoSR. Playing normal-type zombies means Soul Resurrection can also be played to maximize your CoSR draws.
Monsters1x Breaker the Magical Warrior 1x Exiled Force 2x Giant Rat 3x Pyramid Turtle 1x Ryu Kokki 1x Sangan 1x Spirit Reaper 1x Vampire Lord 3x Master Kyonshee Vertical Divider
Spells3x Book of Life 2x Book of Moon 3x Card of Safe Return 2x Creature Swap 1x Delinquent Duo 1x Graceful Charity 1x Mystical Space Typhoon 2x Nobleman of Crossout 1x Pot of Greed 1x Premature Burial 1x Snatch Steal Vertical Divider
Traps1x Call of the Haunted 1x Mirror Force 1x Ring of Destruction 3x Solemn Judgement 2x Soul Ressurection |
Drain Zombie
Drain Zombie tries to take advantage of the interaction between Skill Drain and recruiter monsters. Because recruiters activate in the graveyard, their effects are not negated by Skill Drain. So, one can disrupt the opponent's monsters without losing out on the effects of their own.
Both Ryu Kokki and Vampire lord are also powerful under Skill Drain. The former is a large threat that can beat over or trade with most monsters played in the format, and the ladder can revive itself even with Skill Drain in play.
Both Ryu Kokki and Vampire lord are also powerful under Skill Drain. The former is a large threat that can beat over or trade with most monsters played in the format, and the ladder can revive itself even with Skill Drain in play.
Monsters1x Breaker the Magical Warrior 3x Giant Rat 3x Pyramid Turtle 3x Regenerating Mummy 1x Ryu Kokki 1x Sangan 1x Vampire Lord Vertical Divider
Spells3x Book of Life 2x Book of Moon 3x Card of Safe Return 2x Creature Swap 1x Delinquent Duo 1x Graceful Charity 1x Mystical Space Typhoon 2x Nobleman of Crossout 1x Pot of Greed 1x Premature Burial 1x Snatch Steal Vertical Divider
Traps3x Dust tornado 1x Mirror Force 1x Ring of Destruction 3x Skill Drain 3x Solemn Judgement 2x Trap Dustshoot |
Skull Servant Zombie
Skull Servant Zombie uses Pyramid Turtle much like traditional Zombie decks. However, the deck also has a large focus on Skull Servant and his king. Pyramid Turtle makes finding either of them simple, and when combined with Mystic Tomato, it becomes easy to fill the grave with Servants and make King a respectably large threat.
Because Skull Servant is level one, it is also common to see the deck play Metamorphosis in order to summon and abuse Thousand Eyes Restrict. In these cases, Scapegoat is also usually seen, along with Creature Swap, which can trade goats or recruiters to great effect.
Because Skull Servant is level one, it is also common to see the deck play Metamorphosis in order to summon and abuse Thousand Eyes Restrict. In these cases, Scapegoat is also usually seen, along with Creature Swap, which can trade goats or recruiters to great effect.
Monsters1x Breaker the Magical Warrior 3x King of Skull Servant 3x Mystic Tomato 3x Pyramid Turtle 1x Sangan 1x Sinister Serpent 3x Skull Servant Vertical Divider
Spells2x Book of Life 3x Card of Safe Return 2x Creature Swap 1x Delinquent Duo 1x Graceful Charity 1x Heavy Storm 3x Metamorphosis 1x Mystical Space Typhoon 1x Pot of Greed 1x Premature Burial 3x Scapegoat 1x Snatch Steal Vertical Divider
Traps1x Call of the Haunted 1x Mirror Force 1x Ring of Destruction 1x Torrential Tribute |
Additional Card Options
Delinkquent-style lists could run any number of discard-cost spells or traps instead of Tribute to the Doomed. Raigeki Break, Back to Square One, and Magic Jammer could all work.
Call of the Mummy allows for interesting openers that allow the zombie player to cheat in any of their tribute zombies, including the eight-star powerhouse Despair From the Dark. Double Coston is sometimes played in these lists as an alternative to playing Despair more easily.
Call of the Mummy allows for interesting openers that allow the zombie player to cheat in any of their tribute zombies, including the eight-star powerhouse Despair From the Dark. Double Coston is sometimes played in these lists as an alternative to playing Despair more easily.
- Fear From the Dark
- Decayed Commander
- Despair From the Dark
- Double Coston
- Vampire Lady
- Zombie Tiger
- Call of the Mummy
- Back to Square One
- Magic Jammer
- Raigeki Break
Articles and Reports
Modern Articles
Modern Reports
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