Ben Kei OTK
Ben Kei OTK is a combo deck based on Armed Samurai - Ben Kei. The primary goal of the deck is to kill the opponent in a single turn by attacking them multiple times with a single copy of Ben Kei, which has been equipped with multiple ATK-boosting equip spells. Most of the deck is either part of the combo, cards which help search for combo pieces, or protection for the player.
The deck has had both historical and modern success, though it is an uncommon sight. Chad Justice played Ben Kei at the 2005 SJC Houston tournament, making top eight, and Matthew Cheek placed well with the deck in 2017's ND SummerSlam 4 event.
The deck has had both historical and modern success, though it is an uncommon sight. Chad Justice played Ben Kei at the 2005 SJC Houston tournament, making top eight, and Matthew Cheek placed well with the deck in 2017's ND SummerSlam 4 event.
Deck List
This is a typical Ben Kei list which runs all of the staple cards for the strategy. Level Limit - Area B and Gravity Bind keep the pilot alive until the combo can be assembled. Reinforcement of the Army (RotA) and Mystic Tomato help to find Ben Kei as soon as possible, while also providing some toolbox potential with both D.D. Warrior Lady and Exiled Force.
Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu searches for equipment for the samurai to hold, but he can also seek out Premature Burial or Snatch Steal if needed. Mage Power is the most powerful of the equip spells, and will usually end the game once found and equipped. Big Bang Shot punches through defenders, especially goat tokens, and can also act as removal when used in combination with Giant Trunade.
Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu searches for equipment for the samurai to hold, but he can also seek out Premature Burial or Snatch Steal if needed. Mage Power is the most powerful of the equip spells, and will usually end the game once found and equipped. Big Bang Shot punches through defenders, especially goat tokens, and can also act as removal when used in combination with Giant Trunade.
Monsters3x Armed Samurai - Ben Kei 1x Cyber Jar 1x D.D. Warrior Lady 1x Exiled Force 3x Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu 2x Magician of Faith 1x Morphing Jar 2x Mystic Tomato 1x Sangan Vertical Divider
Spells2x Axe of Despair 2x Big Bang Shot 3x Giant Trunade 1x Graceful Charity 1x Heavy Storm 2x Level Limit - Area B 1x Mage Power 2x Nobleman of Crossout 1x Pot of Greed 1x Premature Burial 2x Reinforcement of the Army 1x Snatch Steal 1x United We Stand Vertical Divider
Traps1x Call of the Haunted 2x Gravity Bind 1x Mirror Force 1x Ring of Destruction |
Additional Card Options
Because of the high number of card search engines in the deck, Ben Kei has the potential to run many spells and monsters which might see play as singleton search targets. These include, but are not limited to:
- Autonomous Action Unit (Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu)
- Ballista of Rampart Smashing (Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu)
- Ekibyo Drakmord (Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu)
- Fusion Sword Murasame Blade (Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu)
- Mask of Brutality (Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu)
- Megamorph (Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu)
- Twin Swords of Flashing Light - Tryce (Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu)
- Newdoria (Mystic Tomato)
- Cyber Stein (Mystic Tomato)
- Mataza the Zapper (Mystic Tomato/RotA)
- Greenkappa (RotA)
- Mystic Swordsman LV 2 (RotA)
- Trap Master (RotA)
Articles and Reports
Modern Articles
Modern Reports
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Historic Articles
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