Water Aggro
Contents 1. Overview a. Deck List 2. Variants a. Manticore Water Aggro b. Orca Water Aggro 3. Additional Card Options 4. Articles and Reports a. Modern Articles b. Modern Reports c. Historic Articles d. Historic Reports |

As the name implies, Water Aggro uses Water-attribute monsters in an aggressive and disruptive game plan. The best monster in the deck without question is Abyss Soldier, who is even stronger than in other decks thanks to consistency that his ability can be activated. Mother Grizzly is another essential monster which searches for a number of relevant monsters, including Yomi Ship as an answer to large threats.
Water Aggro will use one of two field spells to support its monsters: A Legendary Ocean (ALO) or Umiiruka. The most popular is ALO, which has a high number of support of its own, including Amphibious Bugroth MK-3 and Mermaid Knight. These versions of the deck will often run Levia-Dragon - Daedalus as a boss monster capable of clearing the entire field and building a huge advantage out of nowhere.
Versions which focus on Umiiruka will have less general synergy, but will be much more aggressive. They tend to play additional floaters, as well as special summon monsters like Aqua Spirit. These monsters swarm the field quickly and take as much advantage of the additional 500 ATK as possible.
Water Aggro will use one of two field spells to support its monsters: A Legendary Ocean (ALO) or Umiiruka. The most popular is ALO, which has a high number of support of its own, including Amphibious Bugroth MK-3 and Mermaid Knight. These versions of the deck will often run Levia-Dragon - Daedalus as a boss monster capable of clearing the entire field and building a huge advantage out of nowhere.
Versions which focus on Umiiruka will have less general synergy, but will be much more aggressive. They tend to play additional floaters, as well as special summon monsters like Aqua Spirit. These monsters swarm the field quickly and take as much advantage of the additional 500 ATK as possible.
Deck List
Mermaid Knight is the best of the Umi-supported monsters. Left unchecked, it can deal a massive 3400 damage to unprepared players. It's also a powerful Scapegoat counter, and can be searched for with Mother Grizzly. Revival Jam is another Grizzly target which acts as another floater for the deck, making Daedalus summons easier.
Solemn Judgement is usually considered a staple in the list because of the protection to Umi that it provides.
Solemn Judgement is usually considered a staple in the list because of the protection to Umi that it provides.
Monsters2x Abyss Soldier 1x Breaker the Magical Warrior 3x Lekunga 1x Levia-Dragon - Daedalus 3x Mermaid Knight 3x Mother Grizzly 1x Revival Jam 1x Sangan 1x Sinister Serpent 1x Tribe-Infecting Virus 1x Yomi Ship Vertical Divider
Spells3x A Legendary Ocean 1x Delinquent Duo 1x Graceful Charity 1x Heavy Storm 1x Mystical Space Typhoon 2x Nobleman of Crossout 1x Pot of Greed 1x Premature Burial 1x Snatch Steal 1x Terraforming Vertical Divider
Traps1x Call of the Haunted 1x Mirror Force 1x Ring of Destruction 3x Sakuretsu Armor 3x Solemn Judgment |
Manticore Water Aggro
Another brainchild of the player TheNano, Manticore Water Aggro abuses Abyss Soldier and Giant Trunade interactions, while also pairing Manticore of Darkness with Mother Grizzly and Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu. Grizzly can be discarded to either Soldier or Manticore, while Kotetsu revives Manticore after his flip effect has been spent.
Targets for the blacksmith include Big Bang Shot, Premature Burial, and Snatch Steal. The former two have powerful synergy with Abyss Soldier and Giant Trunade. Big Bang Shot can be used as a removal spell when bounces, and Premature Burial can be recycled for additional uses over and over again. This is because the equipped monster only dies if Burial is destroyed, not bounced. Swords of Revealing Light can also be recycled, making it difficult for the opponent to get any attacks in.
Finally, Card of Safe Return bestows huge amounts of card advantage with both Manticore and Revival Jam. Though a costly effect, Jam's revival ability makes it a respectable floater, allowing for easier tribute summons for Manticore. Jam can also be searched for with Grizzly, which makes Card of Safe Return more consistently beneficial.
Targets for the blacksmith include Big Bang Shot, Premature Burial, and Snatch Steal. The former two have powerful synergy with Abyss Soldier and Giant Trunade. Big Bang Shot can be used as a removal spell when bounces, and Premature Burial can be recycled for additional uses over and over again. This is because the equipped monster only dies if Burial is destroyed, not bounced. Swords of Revealing Light can also be recycled, making it difficult for the opponent to get any attacks in.
Finally, Card of Safe Return bestows huge amounts of card advantage with both Manticore and Revival Jam. Though a costly effect, Jam's revival ability makes it a respectable floater, allowing for easier tribute summons for Manticore. Jam can also be searched for with Grizzly, which makes Card of Safe Return more consistently beneficial.
Monsters2x Abyss Soldier 2x Asura Priest 1x Breaker the Magical Warrior 3x Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu 2x Manticore of Darkness 3x Mother Grizzly 1x Revival Jam 1x Sangan 1x Sinister Serpent 1x Tribe-Infecting Virus Vertical Divider
Spells2x Big Bang Shot 3x Card of Safe Return 2x Creature Swap 1x Delinquent Duo 3x Giant Trunade 1x Graceful Charity 1x Heavy Storm 2x Nobleman of Crossout 1x Pot of Greed 1x Premature Burial 1x Snatch Steal 1x Swords of Revealing Light Vertical Divider
Traps1x Call of the Haunted 1x Mirror Force 1x Ring of Destruction 1x Torrential Tribute |
Orca Water Aggro
Based on Orca Mega-Fortress of Darkness, Orca Water Aggro uses ALO to dodge the tribute requirement of Orca's summon. Cannonball Spear Shellfish and Torpedo Fish are then fired off as targeted removal, clearing the path for the killer whale to attack. Mermaid Knight makes quick work of goat tokens, allowing Orca's guns to hit more important targets.
Salvage is a key component of the deck, almost always played in numbers of two or three. The spell allows Orca players to recycle their whale ammunition, as well as revive Grizzly or Mermaid for more combat action. It also reloads the hand for Abyss Soldier's effect.
Salvage is a key component of the deck, almost always played in numbers of two or three. The spell allows Orca players to recycle their whale ammunition, as well as revive Grizzly or Mermaid for more combat action. It also reloads the hand for Abyss Soldier's effect.
Monsters2x Abyss Soldier 1x Breaker the Magical Warrior 2x Cannonball Spear Shellfish 2x Mermaid Knight 3x Mother Grizzly 3x Orca Mega-Fortress of Darkness 1x Sangan 1x Sinister Serpent 2x Torpedo Fish 1x Tribe-Infecting Virus Vertical Divider
Spells3x A Legendary Ocean 1x Delinquent Duo 1x Graceful Charity 1x Heavy Storm 1x Mystical Space Typhoon 1x Pot of Greed 1x Premature Burial 2x Salvage 1x Snatch Steal 1x Terraforming Vertical Divider
Traps1x Call of the Haunted 1x Mirror Force 1x Ring of Destruction 3x Sakuretsu Armor 3x Solemn Judgment |
Additional Card Options
The popularity of Grizzly, Revival Jam, and Lekunga make Creature Swap a common choice for Water Aggro. Thus, Ameba is seen, though rarely, for one-sided trades and easy damage. These lists will usually include Metamorphosis, too, thanks to Ameba's one-star level.
Lord Poison is an oft-overlooked floater that revives Lekunga when killed in battle. Crafty players will add Homunculus the Alchemic Being to the mix for consistency, since he can shape himself to benefit from whichever field spell is in play.
Water Aggro also has access to some great flip effects. Nightmare Penguin bounces any card (not just monsters) and boosts the attack of the deck's threats. Gale Lizard and Penguin Soldier have their own bounce effects, making Tsukuyomi a popular choice for players looking to sacrifice some aggression in the name of disruption.
Though not as powerful as other strategies, many players enjoy the thematic ALO + Tornado Wall combo. Amphibious Bugroth MK-3 is a typical staple of these lists, since it can ignore blockers and attack directly. Tornado Wall does not prevent the opponent from attacking one's monsters, though, so Spirit Barrier is often played to fix this issue.
Lord Poison is an oft-overlooked floater that revives Lekunga when killed in battle. Crafty players will add Homunculus the Alchemic Being to the mix for consistency, since he can shape himself to benefit from whichever field spell is in play.
Water Aggro also has access to some great flip effects. Nightmare Penguin bounces any card (not just monsters) and boosts the attack of the deck's threats. Gale Lizard and Penguin Soldier have their own bounce effects, making Tsukuyomi a popular choice for players looking to sacrifice some aggression in the name of disruption.
Though not as powerful as other strategies, many players enjoy the thematic ALO + Tornado Wall combo. Amphibious Bugroth MK-3 is a typical staple of these lists, since it can ignore blockers and attack directly. Tornado Wall does not prevent the opponent from attacking one's monsters, though, so Spirit Barrier is often played to fix this issue.
- Ameba
- Amphibious Bugroth MK-3
- Aqua Spirit
- Don Turtle
- Fenrir
- Gale Lizard
- Homunculus the Alchemic Being
- Lord Poison
- Nightmare Penguin
- Ocean Dragon Lord - Neo-Daedalus
- Penguin Soldier
- Tsukuyomi
- Unshaven Angler
- Big Wave Small Wave
- Creature Swap
- Magic Reflector
- Salvage
- Umiiruka
- Tornado Wall + Spirit Barrier
Articles and Reports
Modern Articles
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Modern Reports
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Historic Articles
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Historic Reports
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