Shield & Sword OTK

Shield & Sword OTK is a combo deck which attempts to fill its board with high-DEF monsters, which it will then use with the eponymous spell for an attempted one-hit kill. Guardian Sphinx is the most important of the walls, clearing the opponent's front row for an easy kill. Gear Golem the Moving Fortress is a close second in importance. With its direct attack effect, it can attack through opposing monsters when Sphinx can't be found. Its machine typing also allows it to be used with Weapon Change, a common alternative to Shield & Sword.
Many different high-DEF monsters are used in varying versions of the deck. Big Shield Gardna has the highest defense of any four-star monster in the format, making it a shoe-in even before considering its immunity to Nobleman of Crossout. Gravekeeper's Spy and Guard are often played because of their ability to swarm the field and bounce blockers respectively. Some players find Giant Rat to be useful, using it to easily summon Labyrinth Wall and/or Millennium Shield. Finally, the Woodborg Inpachi + Machine Duplication combo is popular as well. The combination is popular with Limiter Removal, since Inpachi and other core monsters are machines.
Many different high-DEF monsters are used in varying versions of the deck. Big Shield Gardna has the highest defense of any four-star monster in the format, making it a shoe-in even before considering its immunity to Nobleman of Crossout. Gravekeeper's Spy and Guard are often played because of their ability to swarm the field and bounce blockers respectively. Some players find Giant Rat to be useful, using it to easily summon Labyrinth Wall and/or Millennium Shield. Finally, the Woodborg Inpachi + Machine Duplication combo is popular as well. The combination is popular with Limiter Removal, since Inpachi and other core monsters are machines.
Deck List
Big shield Gardna protects the rest of the monsters by eating Nobleman of Crossout attempts. This is important due to the high flip-monster count and reliance on setting monsters in general. Desert Sunlight also helps to prevent Nobleman blowouts, with the additional effect of gaining extra damage with Gardna. Opponents will often swing into Gardna in order to force him into attack position, then attack with another monster for the kill. Sunlight forces Gardna back into defense once the attack is declared, usually dealing heavy damage to the opponent in the process.
Ceasefire gives even more Nobleman protection, and partners with Des Koala as burn that helps close out games, or put the opponent in OTK range.
Bottomless Trap Hole is an answer to Chaos monsters that happens to splash hate Ninja Grand Master Sasuke. It is played instead of traditional battle traps like Sakuretsu Armor, since most opponents will learn early on not to attack blindly into face-downs.
Ceasefire gives even more Nobleman protection, and partners with Des Koala as burn that helps close out games, or put the opponent in OTK range.
Bottomless Trap Hole is an answer to Chaos monsters that happens to splash hate Ninja Grand Master Sasuke. It is played instead of traditional battle traps like Sakuretsu Armor, since most opponents will learn early on not to attack blindly into face-downs.
Monsters3x Big Shield Gardna 1x Cyber Jar 2 Des Koala 3x Gear Golem the Moving Fortress 3x Gravekeeper's Guard 3x Gravekeeper's Spy 2x Guardian Sphinx 1x Morphing Jar 1x Sangan Vertical Divider
Spells2x Book of Moon 3x Giant Trunade 1x Graceful Charity 1x Heavy Storm 1x Pot of Greed 3x Shield & Sword 1x Snatch Steal Vertical Divider
Traps2x Bottomless Trap Hole 1x Ceasefire 2x Desert Sunlight 1x Mirror Force 1x Ring of Destruction 3x Solemn Judgment |
Additional Card Options
Recruiters searching out 3000 Def monsters is a common strategy with Shield and Sword OTK. The Shallow Grave and Soul Resurrection keep defenses up and running in these lists, and are sometimes played with Labyrinth Walls cast away using Rock Bombardment.
Labyrinth of Nightmare can be included in versions that also play Weapon Change. This gives the deck a safe way to continuously poke at the opponent with Gear Golem every turn without losing it to a responding attack, since it gets forced back into defense position at the end of the turn.
Labyrinth of Nightmare can be included in versions that also play Weapon Change. This gives the deck a safe way to continuously poke at the opponent with Gear Golem every turn without losing it to a responding attack, since it gets forced back into defense position at the end of the turn.
- Giant Rat + Labyrinth Wall / Millennium Shield
- Golem Sentry
- Injection Fairy Lily
- Mother Grizzly + Neo Aqua Madoor
- Battle Footballer
- Woodborg Inpachi + Machine Duplication
- Continuous Destruction Punch
- Limiter Removal
- Reinforcement of the Army
- Shooting Star Bow - Ceal
- The Shallow Grave
- Weapon Change
- Cross Counter
- Rock Bombardment
- Labyrinth of Nightmare
- Soul Resurrection
- Spell Shield Type-8
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