Ruling Notices on are typically used to announce reversals of prior rulings or to "fill in the blanks" on issues where official documentation remains silent. Today, we will be doing both with the curious case of Last Will.
At, one of our primary objectives is to provide the Goat Format community with a clear set of rulings based on how Yu-Gi-Oh! was meant to be played in the August 2005 TCG format. To accomplish this, we take it upon ourselves to resolve every ruling dispute presented to us by rigorously investigating all available records. Most of the time, disputes can be resolved without controversy. However, sometimes rulings are understood differently by different people and it becomes necessary to issue notices of clarification to the community. These clarifications are intended to resolve the matter by giving everyone a single, consistent way to play Goat Format.
This will be the first in a new series of posts issued periodically by the Judge Corps so as to clarify and update our recommendations for certain ruling and policy matters. Here, we are going to do a deep dive on Mind Crush and how its effect ought to be resolved.