
Neo-Daedalus combo decks try to special summon and activate Ocean Dragon Lord - Neo-Daedalus. With both players' hand and field empty aside from the Dragon Lord, the Neo-Daedalus player should then be able to simply ride the sea serpent to victory.
Neo decks tend to be much quicker and focused than other decks which might run A Legendary Ocean (ALO) or smaller Daedalus. Maximum numbers of both Daedalus versions, plus ALO and Terraforming are the norm. Different methods of digging through the deck in order to find each combo piece vary, but Cyber Jar and Morphing Jar are popular (sometimes used in a pseudo Empty Jar shell). Recruiters, like Mother Grizzly, and other deck thinners are also played.
In order to summon Daedalus as easily as possible, tribute fodder monsters which can be special summoned are frequently played. Recruiters can fill this role, but Aqua Spirit and even Gilasaurus work, too. Reanimation cards like Premature Burial or Shallow Grave might also be included for the same reasons.
Maximizing the deck's hold on the game after a Daedalus activation is crucial. Because of this, players will often use cards which replace themselves when the fields and hands of each player are cleared. Night Assailant is one such card, and often recurs Nightmare Penguin or one of the Jars. Sangan works well here, as does Emissary of the Afterlife, though it is much less popular. Last Will is another possibility, which would be activated before a board wipe, only to then search for a Mother Grizzly, Revival Jam, Unshaven Angler, or other similar monster.
Neo decks tend to be much quicker and focused than other decks which might run A Legendary Ocean (ALO) or smaller Daedalus. Maximum numbers of both Daedalus versions, plus ALO and Terraforming are the norm. Different methods of digging through the deck in order to find each combo piece vary, but Cyber Jar and Morphing Jar are popular (sometimes used in a pseudo Empty Jar shell). Recruiters, like Mother Grizzly, and other deck thinners are also played.
In order to summon Daedalus as easily as possible, tribute fodder monsters which can be special summoned are frequently played. Recruiters can fill this role, but Aqua Spirit and even Gilasaurus work, too. Reanimation cards like Premature Burial or Shallow Grave might also be included for the same reasons.
Maximizing the deck's hold on the game after a Daedalus activation is crucial. Because of this, players will often use cards which replace themselves when the fields and hands of each player are cleared. Night Assailant is one such card, and often recurs Nightmare Penguin or one of the Jars. Sangan works well here, as does Emissary of the Afterlife, though it is much less popular. Last Will is another possibility, which would be activated before a board wipe, only to then search for a Mother Grizzly, Revival Jam, Unshaven Angler, or other similar monster.
Deck List
Aqua Spirit is the tribute fodder of choice here, with Grizzly and Jam also serving as decent options. With Abyss Soldier added to the mix, this list has the ability to play a typical aggro game until the combo can be achieved. This also allows it to hold its own in the final stages of the game, when both players are in top-deck mode.
Lighten the Load is included as a way to reduce bricking on multiple copies of each Daedalus. Returning them to the deck in order to draw new cards keeps the strategy from dying to bad draws as often. It can also be paired with Giant Trunade for multiple activations in a single turn.
Lighten the Load is included as a way to reduce bricking on multiple copies of each Daedalus. Returning them to the deck in order to draw new cards keeps the strategy from dying to bad draws as often. It can also be paired with Giant Trunade for multiple activations in a single turn.
Monsters2x Abyss Soldier 3x Aqua Spirit 1x Cyber Jar 3x Levia-Dragon - Daedalus 3x Mother Grizzly 3x Ocean Dragon Lord - Neo-Daedalus 1x Revival Jam 1x Sangan 1x Sinister Serpent 1x Tribe-Infecting Virus Vertical Divider
Spells3x A Legendary Ocean 3x Giant Trunade 1x Graceful Charity 1x Heavy Storm 2x Lighten the Load 1x Pot of Greed 1x Premature Burial 1x Snatch Steal 3x Terraforming 2x Upstart Goblin Vertical Divider
Traps1x Call of the Haunted 1x Mirror Force 1x Ring of Destruction |
Additional Card Options
Unshaven Angler and Big Wave Small Wave are alternatives to easily playing the smaller Daedalus. Both negate the need for ALO to be in play at the time, though a board wipe cannot be accomplished without it.
Cold Wave makes the our non-Neo Daedalus' effect more impactful while also protecting him during summon. However, it cannot be played with a board wipe in mind unless ALO has already been on the field for a turn.
Cold Wave makes the our non-Neo Daedalus' effect more impactful while also protecting him during summon. However, it cannot be played with a board wipe in mind unless ALO has already been on the field for a turn.
- Emissary of the Afterlife
- Fenrir
- Magician of Faith
- Night Assailant
- Unshaven Angler
- Big Wave Small Wave
- Card Destruction
- Cold Wave
- Delinquent Duo
- Last Will
- Mystical Space Typhoon
- Nobleman of Crossout
- Torrential Tribute
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