Contents 1. Overview a. Deck List 2. Variants a. Necrovalley Monarch b. Soul Control c. Strike Ninja Monarch 3. Additional Card Options 4. Articles and Reports a. Modern Articles b. Modern Reports c. Historic Articles d. Historic Reports |
Monarch is a control deck that tries to gain and maintain both an advantageous board state and general card advantage using cards like Mobius the Frost Monarch and Zaborg the Thunder Monarch. By using certain spells and monsters, the monarch player can mitigate the card advantage loss that comes with tribute summons and maximize the effect that their monarchs have on the game.
Historically, monarch decks were popular in the format even before Evan Vargas made his famous top 4 finish at SJC Los Angeles. For example, Pojo user RegnR8's posts, which detailed his use of the deck in a plethora of events, were a mainstay of the site's tournament report section. Josh Wiseman qualified for the 2005 US National Championship with a monarch deck as well. This being said, it was Vargas' list and finish that cemented the deck as a contender in the format even today.
Historically, monarch decks were popular in the format even before Evan Vargas made his famous top 4 finish at SJC Los Angeles. For example, Pojo user RegnR8's posts, which detailed his use of the deck in a plethora of events, were a mainstay of the site's tournament report section. Josh Wiseman qualified for the 2005 US National Championship with a monarch deck as well. This being said, it was Vargas' list and finish that cemented the deck as a contender in the format even today.
Deck List
Recruiter monsters like Apprentice Magician are a common theme for Monarch decks. Because they replace themselves if they die in combat, they help to ensure you are able to tribute summon your monarchs on the following turn. Here, Magician is used for this reason, as well as to search for Magician of Faith or Old Vindictive Magician as needed. Its Dark attribute also allows the deck to play Black Luster Soldier.
Brain Control allows the Monarch player to steal an opponent's monster to fuel a tribute summon, and can even be used with Metamorphosis. With most Monarchs sitting at six stars (Zaborg has five) the Monarch player has a number of great options to summon with Meta, including Ryu Senshi and Dark Balter the Terrible. Many lists will also include Scapegoat, which allows the Monarch pilot to summon Thousand-Eyes Restrict, suck up an opposing monster, and then tribute Restrict at an optimal time.
Because of their meager defense stats, Monarchs are weak to Tsukuyomi. As a result, most lists will play a number of either Sakuretsu Armor or Trap Dustshoot to keep the spirit at bay.
Brain Control allows the Monarch player to steal an opponent's monster to fuel a tribute summon, and can even be used with Metamorphosis. With most Monarchs sitting at six stars (Zaborg has five) the Monarch player has a number of great options to summon with Meta, including Ryu Senshi and Dark Balter the Terrible. Many lists will also include Scapegoat, which allows the Monarch pilot to summon Thousand-Eyes Restrict, suck up an opposing monster, and then tribute Restrict at an optimal time.
Because of their meager defense stats, Monarchs are weak to Tsukuyomi. As a result, most lists will play a number of either Sakuretsu Armor or Trap Dustshoot to keep the spirit at bay.
Monsters3x Apprentice Magician 1x Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning 1x Breaker the Magical Warrior 1x D.D. Warrior Lady 2x Magician of Faith 2x Mobius the Frost Monarch 1x Old Vindictive Magician 1x Sangan 1x Sinister Serpent 1x Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch 1x Tribe-Infecting Virus 2x Zaborg the Thunder Monarch Vertical Divider
Spells2x Book of Moon 2x Brain Control 1x Delinquent Duo 1x Graceful Charity 1x Heavy Storm 2x Metamorphosis 2x Nobleman of Crossout 1x Pot of Greed 1x Premature Burial 2x Scapegoat 1x Snatch Steal Vertical Divider
Traps1x Call of the Haunted 1x Mirror Force 1x Ring of Destruction 1x Torrential Tribute 3x Trap Dustshoot |
Necrovalley Monarch
Gravekeeper's Spy is both a recruiter and a respectable wall. It will often both survive an attack, and bring more monsters into play at the same time. This means one can tribute Spy for a monarch and not actually lose card advantage. Playing Necrovalley in Monarch lists improves the defensive and offensive capability of Spy, while also seriously hindering any opponent that wants to summon Chaos Sorcerer or Black Luster Soldier.
Monsters1x Breaker the Magical Warrior 3x Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive 3x Granmarg the Rock Monarch 1x Gravekeeper's Guard 3x Gravekeeper's Spy 2x Legendary Jujitsu Master 2x Mobius the Frost Monarch 1x Sangan 1x Twin-Headed Behemoth Vertical Divider
Spells2x Book of Moon 3x Brain Control 1x Graceful Charity 1x Heavy Storm 3x Necrovalley 2x Nobleman of Crossout 1x Pot of Greed 1x Snatch Steal Vertical Divider
Traps1x Mirror Force 1x Ring of Destruction 3x Sakuretsu Armor 3x Solemn Judgment 1x Spell Shield Type-8 |
Soul Control
The most famous (and arguably most successful) Monarch deck is Soul Control. As previously mentioned, Soul Control was put on the map thanks to Evan Vargas piloting the deck to a top 4 finish at SJC Los Angeles in 2005. While the deck has evolved since then, the core of three Soul Exchange and three Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch remain staples. By using Soul Exchange, one can tribute an opponent's monster in order to summon their Monarch, which will then reduce the opponent's card count even further with its "When this card is Tribute Summoned" effect. If a monarch is not available, Soul Exchange can also be used in combination with Metamorphosis in order to act as a pseudo removal spell, while also improving the pilot's own board state.
Monsters1x Breaker the Magical Warrior 2x Dark Mimic LV1 3x Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive 2x Magician of Faith 3x Mobius the Frost Monarch 1x Sangan 1x Sinister Serpent 3x Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch Vertical Divider
Spells3x Book of Moon 1x Delinquent Duo 1x Graceful Charity 1x Heavy Storm 3x Metamorphosis 2x Nobleman of Crossout 1x Pot of Greed 3x Scapegoat 1x Snatch Steal 3x Soul Exchange Vertical Divider
Traps1x Mirror Force 1x Ring of Destruction 3x Sakuretsu Armor |
Strike Ninja Monarch
Strike Ninja Monarch uses the eponymous sneaky warrior in combination with D.D. Scout Plane to pay for tribute summons without losing out on card advantage. Tributing the Scout Plane and then removing it with Ninja causes it to return to the field at no cost. Mystic Tomato and Reinforcement of the Army give the list some toolbox options, and Gravekeeper's Spy shuts down most aggro decks just long enough to get some monarchs in play. Running Strike Ninja also gives the Monarch player the option of playing Return from the Different Dimension, which can create surprise game-ending swings.
Monsters1x Breaker the Magical Warrior 1x D.D. Scout Plane 1x Don Zaloog 1x Exiled Force 3x Gravekeeper's Spy 1x Jinzo 2x Mobius the Frost Monarch 1x Morphing Jar 3x Mystic Tomato 1x Newdoria 1x Sangan 2x Strike Ninja 2x Zaborg the Thunder Monarch Vertical Divider
Spells1x Brain Control 1x Creature Swap 1x Delinquent Duo 1x Graceful Charity 1x Heavy Storm 1x Mystical Space Typhoon 2x Nobleman of Crossout 1x Pot of Greed 1x Premature Burial 2x Reinforcement of the Army 1x Snatch Steal Vertical Divider
Traps1x Call of the Haunted 1x Mirror Force 1x Return from the Different Dimension 1x Ring of Destruction 2x Sakuretsu Armor 1x Torrential Tribute |
Additional Card Options
One of the most important drawbacks to playing monarchs is their tribute cost. Because of this, ensuring that the Monarch player has fuel to pay for this cost, as well as methods to prevent a loss to card advantage, are both extremely important. Monsters which can survive early attacks, or replace themselves (preferable resulting in more monsters on the field than before) will often find their way into Monarch lists. Some of the more common choices not previously mentioned are:
- Big Shield Garda
- Nimble Momanga
- Giant Germ
- Spirit Reaper
- Twin-Headed Behemoth
Articles and Reports
Modern Articles
Modern Reports
There is currently no content available for this section.
Historic Articles
Historic Reports
- SJC LA 2005 Quarterfinals Feature Match
- SJC LA 2005 Semifinals Feature Match
- Pojo Tournament Report: Monarch (4/4/05)
- Pojo Tournament Report: Monarch (4/2/05)
- Pojo Tournament Report: Monarch (4/2/05)
- Pojo Tournament Report: Soul Control (4/25/05)
- Pojo Tournament Report: Monarch (4/30/05)
- Pojo Tournament Report: Monarch (5/2/05)
- Pojo Tournament Report: Monarch (5/5/05)
- Pojo Tournament Report: Monarch (5/7/05)
- Pojo Tournament Report: Monarch (5/14/05)
- Pojo Tournament Report: Monarch (5/14/05)
- Pojo Tournament Report: Monarch (5/15/05)
- Pojo Tournament Report: Monarch (5/23/05)
- Pojo Tournament Report: Monarch (5/30/05)
- Pojo Tournament Report: Soul Control (6/11/05)
- Pojo Tournament Report: Soul Control (6/13/05)
- Pojo Tournament Report: Monarch (6/27/05)
- Pojo Tournament Report: Monarch (7/6/05)
- Pojo Tournament Report: Monarch (8/15/05)
- Pojo Tournament Report: Monarch (8/17/05)
- Pojo Tournament Report: Monarch (8/20/05)
- Pojo Tournament Report: Monarch (8/21/05)