Jam Control

Another deck created by TheNano, Jam control uses Jam Breeding Machine to enable powerful cards like Horn of Heaven and Needle Ceiling. Share the Pain and Creature Swap also take advantage of their synergy with the token maker. Together with Sakuretsu Armor, all of these cards reduce the opponent's threat options. Skill Drain disrupts even further, while Solemn Judgement protects the deck's key continuous spells and traps. Though the counter trap is also a decent Horn of Heaven replacement when the situation calls for it.
Games are usually extremely long and grindy. Jam Control will use its unique core set of cards to aggressively force one-for-one trades (often coming out on top thanks to tokens) until the opponent runs out of gas. From there, it will win by either poking with Jams, or firing off a Wave-Motion Cannon from behind a wall of jelly and goats. Other burn finishers exist, though cannon is the most popular since it's either a one-for-one trade in resources, or a straight win. This is different from other burn options, which are almost always a negative one play in terms of card advantage, which is not ideal in a control deck.
While both Skill Drain and Horn of Heaven help to prevent them, Asura Priest and Tribe-Infecting Virus can be detrimental to the deck. For obvious reasons, the same can be said for Gyaku-Gire Panda. Nobleman of Crossout is yet another issue. Since Jam Control has no way to bait the spell out, every time Nobleman hits, it's painful. The deck is also weak to extremely aggressive openers and OTKs. If an opponent has too many threats to deal with, or can present lethal before Jam Control has time to set up, it will usually fall.
Games are usually extremely long and grindy. Jam Control will use its unique core set of cards to aggressively force one-for-one trades (often coming out on top thanks to tokens) until the opponent runs out of gas. From there, it will win by either poking with Jams, or firing off a Wave-Motion Cannon from behind a wall of jelly and goats. Other burn finishers exist, though cannon is the most popular since it's either a one-for-one trade in resources, or a straight win. This is different from other burn options, which are almost always a negative one play in terms of card advantage, which is not ideal in a control deck.
While both Skill Drain and Horn of Heaven help to prevent them, Asura Priest and Tribe-Infecting Virus can be detrimental to the deck. For obvious reasons, the same can be said for Gyaku-Gire Panda. Nobleman of Crossout is yet another issue. Since Jam Control has no way to bait the spell out, every time Nobleman hits, it's painful. The deck is also weak to extremely aggressive openers and OTKs. If an opponent has too many threats to deal with, or can present lethal before Jam Control has time to set up, it will usually fall.
Deck List
Below is a take on TheNano's original list. The Share the Pain numbers have been trimmed, and Snatch Steal cut, to make room for Level Limit. Though some may prefer the original set up, this gives the deck more survivability. There is a tradeoff in removal, though, as well as a worsened weakness to backrow removal.
Monsters1x Cyber Jar 1x Morphing Jar 1x Sangan 1x Sinister Serpent Vertical Divider
Spells2x Creature Swap 1x Delinquent Duo 1x Graceful Charity 3x Jam Breeding Machine 2x Level Limit - Area B 1x Pot of Greed 3x Scapegoat 2x Share the Pain 3x Wave-Motion Cannon Vertical Divider
Traps3x Horn of Heaven 1x Mirror Force 3x Needle Ceiling 1x Ring of Destruction 3x Sakuretsu Armor 3x Skill Drain 3x Solemn Judgment 1x Torrential Tribute |
Additional Card Options
Because tokens cannot be flipped face down, both Mage Power and United We Stand are more viable as finishers than they would be in other decks. This would allow Jam Control to finish games much more quickly, but risks making opposing battle traps live.
- Mage Power
- Messenger of Peace
- Metamorphosis
- Nobleman of Crossout
- Smashing Ground
- Stumbling
- Swords of Revealing Light
- United We Stand
- Gravity Bind
- Trap Dustshoot
- Widespread Ruin
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