Hand Assault
Often colloquially (and confusingly) referred to as "Hand Control," Hand Assault decks play high amounts of discard effects with the hope of disrupting the opponent's game plan and gaining easy card advantage, while still playing aggressively. Don Zaloog and Spirit Reaper are the most common monsters played, but White Magical Hat and Mefist, the Infernal General sometimes make appearances. Besides the omnipresent Delinquent Duo, Drop Off is the most popular non-monster discard effect played.
In order to prevent opposing players from setting as many cards as possible and nullifying the deck's discards, effects that bounce cards back to the opponent's hand are a must. Compulsory Evacuation Device does this well, as well as answer Thousand Eyes Restrict, clear the way for Don and Reaper to hits, and can protect allied monsters from removal. Abyss Soldier and even Giant Trunade see play, too, though more rarely.
In order to prevent opposing players from setting as many cards as possible and nullifying the deck's discards, effects that bounce cards back to the opponent's hand are a must. Compulsory Evacuation Device does this well, as well as answer Thousand Eyes Restrict, clear the way for Don and Reaper to hits, and can protect allied monsters from removal. Abyss Soldier and even Giant Trunade see play, too, though more rarely.
Deck List
Mystic Tomato searches out Don and Reaper for consistency. Asura Priest clears goat tokens, and together with Tomato makes Creature Swap viable. Mefist is another answer to tokens. His tribute summon is made easy Spirit Reaper and recruiters in the list. Abyss Soldier is a beat stick that bounces cards back to the opponent's hand for discard. Mystic Tomato searching for Sangan can result in Sinister Serpent + Abyss Soldier abuse.
Smashing Ground destroys Gravekeeper's Spy and other walls that the deck's smaller monsters can't get over. Drop Off functions as an easy one-for-one that keeps the opponent on the backpedal after card advantage and/or board presence has been established.
Smashing Ground destroys Gravekeeper's Spy and other walls that the deck's smaller monsters can't get over. Drop Off functions as an easy one-for-one that keeps the opponent on the backpedal after card advantage and/or board presence has been established.
Monsters2x Abyss Soldier 2x Asura Priest 1x Breaker the Magical Warrior 3x Don Zaloog 1x Mefist the Infernal General 3x Mystic Tomato 1x Newdoria 1x Sangan 1x Sinister Serpent 3x Spirit Reaper Vertical Divider
Spells2x Creature Swap 1x Delinquent Duo 1x Graceful Charity 1x Heavy Storm 1x Mystical Space Typhoon 2x Nobleman of Crossout 1x Pot of Greed 1x Premature Burial 2x Smashing Ground 1x Snatch Steal Vertical Divider
Traps1x Call of the Haunted 3x Compulsory Evacuation Device 3x Drop Off 1x Mirror Force 1x Ring of Destruction |
Additional Card Options
Cards which have the effect of forcing the opponent to discard cards, or which return their cards to the hand, are what Hand Assault is looking for. Hyper Hammerhead is another answer to Spy, while White Magical Hat provides additional Light monsters, in case you want to include some chaos monsters.
Big Bang Shot is an option for lists similar to the one above which play both Asura Priest and Abyss Soldier. Soldier can turn the equip spell into a removal spell by bouncing it back to your hand after equipping it on to an opposing monster. Asura Priest can turn a defense of Scapegoat tokens into a feast, potentially ending the game on the spot. Giant Trunade is also played in this lists, as it also allows Big Bang Shot to be used as removal, and it can clear backrow for Priest attacks.
Big Bang Shot is an option for lists similar to the one above which play both Asura Priest and Abyss Soldier. Soldier can turn the equip spell into a removal spell by bouncing it back to your hand after equipping it on to an opposing monster. Asura Priest can turn a defense of Scapegoat tokens into a feast, potentially ending the game on the spot. Giant Trunade is also played in this lists, as it also allows Big Bang Shot to be used as removal, and it can clear backrow for Priest attacks.
- Dark Scorpion - Chick the Yellow
- Hyper Hammerhead
- Kelbek
- Legacy Hunter
- Toon Gemini Elf
- White Magical Hat
- Big Bang Shot
- Card Destruction
- D.D. Designator
- Giant Trunade
- Necklace of Command
- Spiritualism
- Lightforce Sword
- Mind Crush
- Robbin' Goblin
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