Contents 1. Overview a. Deck List 2. Variants a. Monarch Gravekeeper 3. Additional Card Options 4. Articles and Reports a. Modern Articles b. Modern Reports c. Historic Articles d. Historic Reports |
One of the format's premier anti-meta decks, Gravekeeper has seen tournament success since the historic era. As an example, Daryl Gessler earned a Top 8 spot at SJC Indiannapolis with it. The strategy focuses on Necrovalley and the core Gravekeeper's monsters: Gravekeeper's Spy, Spear Soldier, Guard, and Assailant.
The deck is extremely aggressive, able to fill the field with threats easily thanks to Spy's flip effect. Spear Soldier and Assailant are both effective against Scapegoat tokens and other blockers, too. Necrovalley increases attack and defense stats by 500, adding to the potential damage. Preventing graveyard strategies from acting out their game plan means the tribal field spell gives Gravekeeper game one hate against Chaos, Reasoning Gate, Empty Jar, and other decks.
Tsukuyomi is often played in Gravekeeper lists because of its synergy with both Spy and Guard. Mystic Tomato is not uncommon, too. A weakness to Nobleman of Crossout, and a general aggro plan, means My Body as a Shield and Solemn Judgement are also seen often.
The deck is extremely aggressive, able to fill the field with threats easily thanks to Spy's flip effect. Spear Soldier and Assailant are both effective against Scapegoat tokens and other blockers, too. Necrovalley increases attack and defense stats by 500, adding to the potential damage. Preventing graveyard strategies from acting out their game plan means the tribal field spell gives Gravekeeper game one hate against Chaos, Reasoning Gate, Empty Jar, and other decks.
Tsukuyomi is often played in Gravekeeper lists because of its synergy with both Spy and Guard. Mystic Tomato is not uncommon, too. A weakness to Nobleman of Crossout, and a general aggro plan, means My Body as a Shield and Solemn Judgement are also seen often.
Deck List
Double Tsukuyomi gives the deck a control option with Guard, but also helps swarm the field with Spy. Because of Tsuku, Book of Moon, and Compulsory Evacuation Device, Thousand Eyes Restrict is rarely an issue. Shield and Compulsory also prevent Nobleman blowouts, alongside Solemn.
Monsters1x Breaker the Magical Warrior 3x Gravekeeper's Assailant 3x Gravekeeper's Guard 3x Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier 3x Gravekeeper's Spy 2x Tsukuyomi Vertical Divider
Spells3x Book of Moon 1x Delinquent Duo 1x Graceful Charity 2x My Body as a Shield 1x Mystical Space Typhoon 3x Necrovalley 2x Nobleman of Crossout 1x Pot of Greed 2x Terraforming Vertical Divider
Traps2x Compulsory Evacuation Device 1x Dust Tornado 1x Mirror Force 1x Ring of Destruction 1x Rite of Spirit 3x Solemn Judgment |
Monarch Gravekeeper
Spy's 2000 DEF makes it prime tribute fodder, as it usually both survives attacks and searches out an extra monster. This is why it's not uncommon to pair Gravekeeper's strategies with Monarchs or other large tribute monsters. Rite of Spirit also helps create tribute fuel, but can also bring back monsters previously sacrificed.
Monsters1x Breaker the Magical Warrior 3x Granmarg the Rock Monarch 3x Gravekeeper's Guard 3x Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier 3x Gravekeeper's Spy 1x Sangan 3x Thestalos the Firestorm Vertical Divider
Spells1x Delinquent Duo 1x Graceful Charity 1x Mystical Space Typhoon 3x Necrovalley 2x Nobleman of Crossout 1x Pot of Greed 1x Snatch Steal Vertical Divider
Traps3x Compulsory Evacuation Device 1x Ring of Destruction 3x Rite of Spirit 3x Solemn Judgment 3x Trap Dustshoot |
Additional Card Options
Any monster tied to Necrovally or the Gravekeeper's moniker has potential, but if not already mentioned above, are not usually seen as competitively viable. Watcher is sometimes used to combat specific combo decks of the format, and Smashing Ground kills off opposing walls, but it's not as popular as Compulsory.
- A Cat of Ill Omen
- An Owl of Luck
- Charm of Shabti
- Gravekeeper's Cannonholder
- Gravekeeper's Chief
- Gravekeeper's Curse
- Gravekeeper's Watcher
- Mystic Tomato
- Royal Tribute
- Smashing Ground
- Rite of Spirit
Articles and Reports
Modern Articles
Modern Reports
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