Asura OTK

An OTK combo deck based on Asura Priest, abusing the fairy's multiple attack effect. After resolving Ojama Trio (or allowing an opposing Scapegoat to resolve) the Asura OTK player will make a lethal attack in one of two ways. The first, is by activating Final Attack Orders and then attacking and destroying all Ojama Tokens in play. This will result in 6000 damage, made more deadly by equip spells increasing its attack. The second and more popular method is through Big Bang Shot. By using powerful equips like Mage Power in combination with Big Bang Shot, Asura Priest can make game-ending attacks into goat and Ojama tokens alike.
Giant Trunade is often played as a battle trap remover. Combined with Big Bang Shot equipped onto an enemy monster, and a pseudo removal option is created. Shot and other key equipment are often searched for with Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu.
Though the deck has the potential to win out of nowhere, and has main-deck hate to some of the format's most popular strategies, it is a multi-card combo with all the difficulties and drawback that come with such a thing. With so many pieces, all fragile against commonly played threats and answers, the deck is not only prone to bricking, but is also fairly easy to stop. That being said, it is explosive, and can sneak wins before a player realizes they were in danger in the first place.
Giant Trunade is often played as a battle trap remover. Combined with Big Bang Shot equipped onto an enemy monster, and a pseudo removal option is created. Shot and other key equipment are often searched for with Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu.
Though the deck has the potential to win out of nowhere, and has main-deck hate to some of the format's most popular strategies, it is a multi-card combo with all the difficulties and drawback that come with such a thing. With so many pieces, all fragile against commonly played threats and answers, the deck is not only prone to bricking, but is also fairly easy to stop. That being said, it is explosive, and can sneak wins before a player realizes they were in danger in the first place.
Deck List
Giant Rat is included as a toolbox option, searching out Exiled Force for removal, or Gyaku-Gire Panda as backup to Priest. Both Rat and Priest have strong synergy with Creature Swap, of which an additional copy could be played if desired.
Just Desserts, Magic Cylinder, and Ring of Destruction provide burn, making game-ending shots easier. Windstorm of Etaqua plays a similar role to Final Attack Orders, but has more uses than the continuous trap.
Just Desserts, Magic Cylinder, and Ring of Destruction provide burn, making game-ending shots easier. Windstorm of Etaqua plays a similar role to Final Attack Orders, but has more uses than the continuous trap.
Monsters3x Asura Priest 1x Breaker the Magical Warrior 1x Cyber Jar 1x Exiled Force 3x Giant Rat 2x Gyaku-Gire Panda 3x Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu 1x Morphing Jar 1x Sangan Vertical Divider
Spells3x Big Bang Shot 1x Creature Swap 3x Giant Trunade 1x Graceful Charity 1x Heavy Storm 1x Mage Power 1x Mystical Space Typhoon 1x Pot of Greed 1x Premature Burial 1x United We Stand Vertical Divider
Traps3x Just Desserts 1x Magic Cylinder 1x Mirror Force 3x Ojama Trio 1x Ring of Destruction 1x Windstorm of Etaqua |
Additional Card Options
Abyss Soldier is often used because it plays so well with Big Bang Shot, a core card of the deck searched for by Kotetsu. With A Sinister Serpent to pay for costs, the Asura OTK pilot has access to infinite removal of any face-up monsters the opponent might play.
Lists which focus on the Final Attack Orders kill may also use other monsters that benefit from the card. Namely, Goblin Attack Force and Spear Dragon lose their forced position change effects, allowing them to attack for high damage every turn.
Lists which focus on the Final Attack Orders kill may also use other monsters that benefit from the card. Namely, Goblin Attack Force and Spear Dragon lose their forced position change effects, allowing them to attack for high damage every turn.
- Abyss Soldier
- Goblin Attack Force
- Injection Fairy Lily
- Spear Dragon
- Creature Swap
- Curse of Fiend
- Nobleman of Crossout
- Nobleman of Extermination
- Snatch Steal
- Call of the Haunted
- Final Attack Orders
- Jar of Greed
- Secret Barrel
- Zero Gravity
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